MainResearch AidsReligious InstitutionsSome Records from Blackwater Church - Page 4


Membership Lists (1835-1847)

Between September, the 2nd Saturday, 1840, and December, 2nd
Saturday, 1841, there were no “acts of the Church.”

All marked as joining by experience, unless otherwise noted.

Male Members
April, 3rd Sat. 1842

1 Eliga Heard
2 Jesse Heard, Sen.
3 William Walling
4 John Presley
5 Jordan Goodman Deceased
6 Swimpfield Anderson
7 Jesse Heard, Junr.
8 William Herd
9 John Heard Letter
10 Peter Livesey
11 Seth Manis Letter
12 Zephaniah Goens Letter Deceased
13 George Heard
14 William Coutch Deceased
15 Stephen Walling June 25th 1842

Male Members
September 2 S 1842

16 Joseph Heard, son of Eligah Oct. 25th 1842
17 John Heard, Jun., son of J. Herd Do 25th
18 Thomas E. Heard Do 31st 1842
19 John D. Herd
20 Wallen Herd, son of Eliga Deceased March 20, 1847
21 James Herd, Copperidg [sic]
22 George Herd, do [Copper Ridge]
23 Isaac Smith Excommunicated
24 Carter Herd
25 James Anderson Excommunicated
26 Jesse Wallen
27 Pederic of Culor [sic] Excommunicated
28 William Herd, Junr.
29 Elan Anderson
30 George Herd, Jese’s [sic]
31 Jessee D. Bloomer
32 Daniel Delp
33 Edward Hartley
34 Adam Smith
35 William Delp
36 John Anderson Excommunicated
37 John Smith
38 Adam Smith
39 Jessee Wallen
40 James Helton
41 Odom Nelson
42 Aron Helton
43 James Rouse Dismissed by letter

Sept. 1st 1843, Exe 55, Let 2, Rela 6, Exc 1, total 103

44 William L. Hartley
45 David Nelson by Letter Arased [sic]
46 John Millbern

Total No. 107 in 1844
Sept. 1st 1844, Ex 2, Letter 1, Rela 1, Recant 0, total 107
Sept. 1st 1845, Ex 00, Letter 1, Relation 00, recant 00, total 106 erased one Nelson

47 John Kyles Lee of Collour [sic]
48 James S. Bayless by letter
49 Jessee Herd Copperidg [sic]
50 Lewis Anderson
51 Levi Mallet
52 John Vaughn 1847
53 Elisha Roger Bap. 23d of Dec. 1847
54 Daniel Wallen Bap. 23d of Dec.
55 Soloman Roberts Baptised [sic] 23
of Dec.
56 Zechariah Minor, Susannah’s Son Bap. 22nd of Feby
57 James Bloomer Bap. 17th of April 1847
58 Thomas Sullivan Bap. Do
59 Pleasant Presly Bap. Do
60 James Delp Bap. Do
61 Abijah Anderson Do
Samuel Vaughn


1 Mary Heard
2 Milly Heard
3 Loucia Bloomer
4 Jane Roberts
5 Elizabeth Walling – Bent
6 Mary Munahun
7 Phebe Heard
8 Susannah Walling ) J. Walling’s wife
9 Pegga Walling
10 Nancy Livesey Deceased
11 Hanah Robertson
12 Milly Roberts
13 Any Markum
14 Susanah Livesey
15 Anny Roberts
16 Susanah Manis
17 Elizabeth Car Walling
18 Elizabeth Anderson
19 Elizabeth Peninton Letter
20 Milly Walling ) Cope
21 Mary Walling ) Wm. Walling’s
April __th
22 Mary Walling ) Roberts April __th
23 Nancy Sizemore Do
24 Margaret Brown Dismissed by Letter Do
25 G. Anderson’s Betsy of coullor [sic]

September 1st 1842

26 Polly Livesey
27 Nancy Anderson
28 Elizabeth Herd
29 Jane Hartly Excommunicated
30 Any Hartly
31 Susanah Herd
32 Mary Smith
33 Sary Bledsoe now Livesay
34 Sary Herd
35 Anny Heard
36 Lotty Lawson
37 Cathrine Heard
38 Margaret Anderson
39 Polly Smith
40 Polly Anderson
41 Loucia Heard – wife of G. Heard
42 Rachel Bloomer
43 Margaret Merit
44 Hannah Smith
45 Mary Presley
46 Eliza Merit
47 Phebe Smith
48 Loucia Heard
49 Susanah Baker
50 Sary Gray Letter
51 Milly Heard
52 Rachel Coutch Recant
53 Elizabeth Penington Dismissed by letter
54 Lucy Smith
55 Judy Helton
56 Martha Helton
57 Marindy Nelson
58 Elisabeth Helton
59 Margaret Robertson Letter
60 Polly Milbern
61 Elisabeth Roler

Sept 1st 1843 Total 103

62 Sarah Roller [Ritter?] Recant

Sept 1st 1844

63 Mercy Ervine Rec’d by letter
64 [blank]
65 Nancy Elisabeth _________ Letter
66 Sarah Burton Rec’d by letter

September the 1st 1845 Recant 00 Dismissed by Letter 1 Excon. 2

67 Susannah Robertson
68 Eliza Ritter
69 Catharine Herd Copper Ridge
70 [blank]
71 Eliza Smith
72 Marthy Kyle
73 Mary Smith Wife of Isaac Copper Ridge
74 Nancy Anderson Copperidg [sic]
75 Mary Earwind
76 Susannah Minus [probably Manis]
77 Jane Herd
78 Mary Herd – Jesse Daughter
79 Sarah Vaughn
80 Isbal Idson
81 Malviny Minus Baptised 29 of Dec.
82 Elizabethe Mallet
83 Margaret Lawson
84 Delany Delp those were Baptised
[blank] Aprile [sic] the 17th
of 1847
85 Mahaly Sulivan Do
86 Susannah Couch Do
87 Anny Herd – John Wife Do
88 Lucinda Mallett Do
89 Elizabeth Smith Do
90 Jene Reason


Some Records from Blackwater Church — 1 Comment

  1. Interested in the 1844 Sarah Burton listed here. My line went to Blount CO, TN, and seem to have originated in Culpeper/Madison CO, VA, area. Related surnames are Carpenter, Greenway, Kittrell, McClain.

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