MainResearch AidsPublic RecordsTaxes & AssessmentsPartial 1812 Tax List

This document was originally on-line at a now-defunct site owned by Steve & Pat McKay. The information was archived, so it is reposted here for the benefit of researchers. No copyright infringement is intended.

Name			    	Land   W.Poles B.Poles Studs

Curry, Elijah			0	1	0	0
Curry, William			0	1	0	0
Disom, Frances			0	1	0	0
Gibson, Jesse			50	1	0	0
Guttany, William		50	1	0	0
Roberts, James			150	1	0	0
Denham, John			30	1	0	0
Roberts, William		60	0	1	0
Hubberd, John			118	1	0	0
Sisamore, Owen			100	0	0	0
Click, Mathias			640	1	0	0
Evins, James			50	1	0	0
Walling, James			530	1	1	0
Johnson, Moses			100	0	0	0
Johnson, James			0	1	0	0
Baker, William			0	1	0	0
Monk, John			35	1	0	0
Weddle, Daniel			80	1	0	0
Weddle, James			75	1	0	0
Weddle, John, Sinor		75	1	0	0
R_____, Barnabas		50	1	0	0
Humphres, Moses			150	0	0	0
Bloomer, Daniel			150	1	0	0
Vaughn, William sinior 		100	0	0	0
Gray, Harmon			0	1	0	0
Vaughn, John			100	1	0	0
Vaughn, William junor		0	1	0	0
Galion, John			80	1	0	0
Wilson, John			0	1	0	0
Galion, Thomas			100	0	0	0
Monahon, Thomas			0	1	0	0
Weddle, Robert			0	1	0	0
Joans, Ambers			0	1	0	0
Anderson, George		130	1	0	0
Rogers, Thomas			75	1	0	0
Rogers, Driswell		75	1	0	0
Herd, James			25	1	0	0
Herd, Elijah			0	1	0	0
Helton, ______			0	1	0	0
Walling, William		350	0	1	0
Weddle, John junor		0	1	0	0
Walling, Thomas			0	1	0	0
Roberts, Joseph			0	1	0	0
Stephens, James			0	1	0	0
Stapleton, William		0	1	0	0
Weddle, Elias			50	1	0	0
Weddle, Thomas			100	1	0	0
Blevins, James			0	1	0	0
Weddle, Amos			30	1	0	0
Nichols, William		50	1	0	0

This list taken by Wm Nichols for 1812

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Site last updated June 13, 2023 @ 11:24 am; This content last updated June 20, 2017 @ 10:46 pm