MainResearch AidsPublic RecordsVital StatisticsFirst Marriage Recorded in Hawkins County

Transcribed by Jackie Robinson from Marriage Book I at the Hawkins County Courthouse.

Marriage of William Johnson and Mary Evans 25th of May or March [illegible] 1789

The accompanying Marriage Bond:

Know all men by these presence that we William Johnston and Hezekiah Davis of the county of Hawkins and the State of North Carolina are held and firmly bound unto his excellency the Governor in the penal sum of £500 currency. Money for which payment will and [illegible] to be made we bind ourselves any and each of our heirs justly and severally firmly by these presence [illegible] with our seals and [illegible] this 25th day of M__ [illegible] 1789.

The constitution of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound William Johnston hath this day made application for a license for a marriage between him and Mary Evans now if it so not at any time hereafter that their are any lawfull impediment to abstract said marriage then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue sign seals and delivered in presence of Thomas Hutchings Clerk.

William Johnson

Hezekiah Davis

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