MainResearch AidsPublic RecordsCourts & CouncilsFirst Chancery Court Session in Hawkins County
Note from Webmistress:  I think this record is wrong, but I have not had the opportunity to review it.  Chancery Courts in Tennessee did not begin until 1835, by legislation in the General Assembly.  This is very likely simply an error on the part of the first clerk, but the 1825 date has been carried forward through innumerable records.  As soon as I have clarification, I will post it here.

This record was transcribed by Jackie Robinson from the original Chancery Court Minutes held at the Hawkins County, TN Courthouse.

Be it remembered that at a Court of Chancery began and held for the first Judicial Circuit in the State of Tennessee, at the Court House in Rogersville, on the first Monday, being second day of May AD 1825, there was present the Honorable Jacob Peck, Chancillary [as transcribed] Judge.

These causes are ordered to be continued till the next Term of the Court, his Honor being incompetent to hear the same, having been of council.

Richard Mitchell vs Samuel Nicholson et al

James Conn vs John Crabb

Joseph Noe vs Thomas and John Harris

Nancy Strutton vs John Ames

William Hucheson vs John Denny and Pete Elrod

The Heirs of Robert Wyley, dec. vs Thomas Prichet and Thomas Davis

James Carmichael and John Howd vs Daniel Carmichael et al

Alexander Sevier vs Thomas Whiteside

Thomas Hopkins vs Michael Derrick

David Tate and Wife vs Robert Massingale and Sterling Cocke

Page 2

William Scott vs Isaac Brownlow — on Motion of the complainants council permission granted him to file a Bill of Recovery against this as cia [as transcribed] Vance the administratrix of David G. Vance Dec. a Party in the cause.

William Jones vs John Pogue — On motion of the defendants counsel the Bill of complainant is ordered to be . . . [transcription stops here]

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Site last updated January 6, 2025 @ 11:47 am; This content last updated June 20, 2017 @ 10:47 pm