Will Book __, Page 110
Proven: August, 1836

Simeon Collins being of sound and perfect mind & memory did make and publish this his last Will & Testament in manner and form following.

He desires and requests that his wife Frankey should have and keep all his property, both real and personal for the purpose of keeping her children together and to raise them on what he left as his wife Frankey had labored with him for all they possessed which said Will and Testament was made while on his death bed and no opportunity of committing his last will to writing as he was soon after taken dangerously ill and died somewhat unexpected and appeared not to have had his mind engaged on the subject no more, which last Will and Testament was declared in presence of the undersigned subscribing witnesses.

N.B. He the said Simeon further requested that all his just debts be paid and satisfied & the balance retained for the purpose above stated.

Sardy [X] Collins [Transcriber’s note: researchers believe this to be Vardy Collins]
Morgan [X] Collins
[X] Collins
Millenton Collins
Allen Collins
(his mark)

This Hawkins County Will was transcribed by one of the following volunteers:  Audrae Mathis; Gary Fletcher; Betty Mize; Diana Arney; Karen Negron, Kathey Welder.

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