Will of Larkin Davis

Will Book __, Page 152 Proven: Aug. 2, 1847 This I leave as my last Will and Testament being in my right mind, sober senses, first will and bequeath that my wife Louisa shall have full possession, control and management Continue reading →

Will of William Altom

Will Book __, Page 18 Proven: Sept., 1857 In the Name of God, Amen. I, William Altom of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and Continue reading →

Will of Aaron Anderson

Will Book __, Page 16 Proven: December Term, 1855 *** Nuncupative *** We the undersigned John Bagley & John Templeton, both of Hawkins County — the first named of the age of forty-nine years: the last named of the age Continue reading →