Will of Nancy Lucas

Book ___, Pages 166-167 Proven: March 5, 1874 This made on the 11th day of November in the Year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy four. I, Nancy Lucus in my later days and in my widowhood, Continue reading →

Will of John M. Vaughan

Book ___, Page 472 Proven: Feb’y 23, 1835 Know all men by these presents, I John M. Vaughan of Hawkins County, Tennessee, taking into consideration the uncertainty of human life and being desirous of settling and regulating my own affairs Continue reading →

Will of Sarah Tarter

Book ___, Page 470 Proven: July Term, 1860 In the Name of God, Amen. I, Sarah Tarter, of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, being of advanced age, but in good health and of sound and disposing mind Continue reading →