Will of Joel Cobb

Will Book __, Page 135 Proven: April, 1861 I, Joel Cobb of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me Continue reading →

Will of Eliakenn Cox

Book __, Page 133 Proven: Sept. Term, 1862 I, Eliakenn Cox, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me made at any time. First. I direct that my Continue reading →

Will of Wiley Cobb

Book __, Page 131 Proven: July 6, 1857 [Minute Book page 71] I, Wiley Cobb of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee be afflicted and not knowing whether I shall live long or not, I do this day Continue reading →

Will of James M. Cox

Book __, Page 130 Proven: April Term, 1857 [Minutes page 44] I, James Cox of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and memory and feeling certain that my natural life is drawing to a Continue reading →

Will of Lewis Click

Book __, Page 127 Proven: Sept. Term, 1853 The last Will and Testament of Lewis Click of Hawkins County, Tenn. I, Lewis Click, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory do make and Continue reading →