Will of Jacob Isenberg

Will Book __, Page 264 Proven: Feb’y Term, 1861 State of Tennessee I Jacob Isenberg being of a sound mind and perfect Hawkins County memory, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament as follows: First. I will Continue reading →

Will of John Harlan

Will Book __, Page 261 Proven: Apr. 2nd, 1860 I John Harlan do hereby make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. First. I will and bequeath that my just debts Continue reading →

Will of Frances Haynes

Will Book __, Page 261 Proven: Feb. Term, 1855 In the Name of Almighty God, Amen. I Frances Haynes, widow of Christopher Haynes, dec’d do make and publish this my last Will & Testament, revoking all others by me heretofore Continue reading →