Will of Lucy Amis

Will Book __, Page 6 I, Lucy Amis, widow of the late Thomas Amis, Dec’d., of Hawkins County and State of Tennessee, being weak in body but in sound mind and memory, meditating on the uncertainty of human events, ordain Continue reading →

Will of John Armstrong

Will Book __, Page 4 In the Name of God, Amen. I, John Armstrong, of Hawkins County and State of Tennessee, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be Almighty Continue reading →

Will of William Amis

Will Book __, Page 3 Mediating on the uncertainties of life, I make this my last Will and Testament. I bequeath my soul to the mercy of my maker Almighty God, and bequeath my worldly Estate in the manner following: Continue reading →

Will of Jacob Miller

Will Book __, Page 361 Proven: Feb’y 6, 1843 I Jacob Miller of Hawkins County, State of Tennessee being of sound mind & memory do make and publish this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following: To Continue reading →