Will of Robert Frost

Will Book ___, Page 181 Proven: Aug. Term, 1819 This is my last Will and Testament made in the year of our Lord 1819. I want the land on South side Clinch River equally divided betwixt my three eldest sons, Continue reading →

Will of Polly Everhart

Will Book ___, Page 176 Proven: July Term, 1852 I, Polly Everhart, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. First. I direct that Continue reading →

Will of John Ellis

Will Book ___, Page 171 Know all men by these presents that I, John Ellis, Sr. of Hawkins Co., Tennessee, being of sound mind & memory but taking into consideration the uncertainty of human life & being desirous to settle Continue reading →

Will of Jonathan Roberts

Will Book ___, Page 413 Notation on transcription:  “Copy” In the Name of God, Amen I, Jonathan Roberts of Hawkins County on Holston River and State of North Carolina, am very sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind Continue reading →

Will of Joshua Phipps

Will Book ___, Page 404 Proven: Aug. Term, 1861 I Joshua Phipps of the County of Hawkins in the State of Tennessee, being in feeble health but of sound and perfect mind and memory do make, publish and declare this Continue reading →