Will of Asa Davis

Will Book __, Page 165 Proven: Jan. Term, 1858 In the Name of God, Amen. I, Asa Davis of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, being in sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be God. Calling to Continue reading →

Will of John Dykes

Will Book __, Page 164 Proven: June Term, 1855 I, John Dykes do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. First. I direct Continue reading →

Will of Martha Dodson

Will Book __, Page 163 Proven: Nov. Term, 1855 In the Name of God, Amen. I Martha Dodson commonly called Patsey Dodson of Hawkins County and State of Tennessee being weak of body but sound mind and memory, calling to Continue reading →

Will of Daniel Delp

Will Book __, Page 161 Proven: Sept. Term. 1860 State of Tennessee, Hawkins County. A written Will and Testament. I, Daniel Delp, do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking & making void all other Continue reading →

Will of Larkin Davis

Will Book __, Page 152 Proven: Aug. 2, 1847 This I leave as my last Will and Testament being in my right mind, sober senses, first will and bequeath that my wife Louisa shall have full possession, control and management Continue reading →