Will of Joel Mathis

Will Book __, Page 377 Proven: Oct. Term, 1856 *** Nuncupative *** We, R. M. Bishop, Ward Mustin, George R. Stubblefield and S. Brooks do state the nuncupative will of Joel Mathis was made by him on the 28th day Continue reading →

Will of John Young, Sr.

Will Book __, Page 508 I, John Young, of Hawkins County in the State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and memory and taking into consideration the uncertainty of life and the necessity for the prevention of trouble and difficulty Continue reading →

Will of Thompson McGee

Will Book __, Page 375 Proven: Oct. Term, 1857 I Thompson McGee being weak in bodily health but of sound mind and disposing memory, knowing that all mortal beings have to leave this sublunary world for the realms of immortality, Continue reading →