Will of William Bailey
Book __, Page 42
I, William Bailey, Sr. of the County of Hawkins and State of Tenn., knowing that uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, and being of sound mind and memory but weak in body, I ordain and declare this my last Will and Testament.
First. I bequeath my body to the grave and my soul to Almighty God, the giver of it.
My worldly goods, after defraying my burial, I give and bequeath in the following manner, to wit:
I bequeath to my son James Bailey the land on which I lately lived, on the south side of Beech Creek, after deducting or taking from it what has been conveyed to my son William Bailey, Jr.
Also, the benefit of an entry of 100 acres made by him, James, in my name on the 26th of this month on condition he pay to Sally Harmon, Wife of David Harmon, fifteen dollars in good trade.
I give to my daughter Frankey Luster, wife of S. D. Luster, that part of (a) tract of land which lies on both sides of Beech Creek. Beginning on a hickory, a corner of the old survey which was originally a sour wood, to run to a stake from thence a corner of said tract at the end of the line of a hundred poles crossing the creek. Then with old line to Luster line. Then to the beginning on condition said Luster relinquish all claims against me. In case he does not relinquish any clams he may have, the land is to go to James Bailey who is to pay the claim of said Luster.
I give to my granddaughter Jude Harmon my bed and furniture.
I bequeath to Aggy Stacy, Besty [as transcribed] Christian, Polly Fields, three heirs of John Bailey and the heirs of Thomas Bailey one dollar each.
To my sons Carr Bailey, Samuel Bailey and daughter Susan Williams, I have given their portion heretofore.
It is my wish that James Bailey my son act as my Executor for which and to pay the legacies herewith bequeathed, I give all my remaining personal estate.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th of May, 1828.
William [X] Bailey (seal)
Signed, Sealed and acknowledge before us the date above.
John A. Rogers
Aln Long
Robb Miller
This Hawkins County Will was transcribed by one of the following volunteers: Audrae Mathis; Gary Fletcher; Betty Mize; Diana Arney; Karen Negron, Kathey Welder.