Will Book __, Page 19
Proven: Jan. 7, 1878
Recorded: Jan. Term, 1878, page 3

I, Seth Armstrong of the County of Hawkins in the State of Tennessee, do make and publish this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following, hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time made. And as to such other worldly goods as it has pleased God to entrust me with, I dispose of as follows:

First, I direct that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid as soon as possible after my decease out of any money that may come to the hands of my Administrator from any portion of my Estate, real or personal.

I further will and bequeath to my daughter Milly M. Hicks and to her heirs one half of my tract of land in Hawkins County in the State of Tennessee, on the waters of the Holston River, adjoining the land of George Arnold and Thomas Marshall, also on half of a tract known as the Mountain Tract, containing by estimation, 104 acres, and the first mentioned tract contains by estimation 146 acres, together with all the issues, rents and proffits arising therefrom to have and to hold said lands during her natural life, and then to her heirs, to her own separate use, benefit and behoof — free from the control of her husband, Thomas Hicks, and free from all the debts, liabilities and judgements which now exist or may hereafter exist against her said husband.

I further will and bequeath to my daughter Milly M. Hicks one-half [interest?] in three negroes — one negro man called Ben about 60 years and one negro woman Pagey aged about 60 years, and one negro Leis about 19 years, to be divided equally between my two daughters, share and share alike as may be agreed upon by themselves, together with their increase during her natural life, to her own separate use free from the control of her husband Thomas Hicks, and free from all his debts, judgements, liabilities of any kind whatsoever, but at the death of my said daughter, should she have no children living, I will that all the Estate herein created shall fall back to my other daughter.

I further will and bequeath to my said daughter Ann half of all money that I may be possessed of at my decease, or that may come into the hands of the Administrators, arising out of the sales & otherwise from any portion of my Estate to her own separate use and benefit, free from the control of her husband and free from his debts, judgements and liabilities of every kind — to be paid to my said daughter upon her separate receipt upon [?] ___[?] examination.

I further direct that my beloved wife Elizabeth Armstrong (if I should die first), shall have a child’s part of my estate during her natural life or widowhood, but in case she shall marry a second time, then my will is that she shall have and be governed by the law of Dower then existing in this State, and she shall be governed by the same.

I further will to my grand daughter Dorothy An_ Hicks one sorrel horse called Jim, to be from the date of the delivery thereof her own, for her own use and the entire right of said horse is hereby vested in her. I also give to my daughter, Sarry Catherine, a horse of equal value to the horse above mentioned.

I further will and bequeath to my daughter Sarry Catharine the other half of my estate, share and share alike with the before-mentioned daughter Milly M. Hicks in every particular and to her heirs. But in default of heirs of my said daughter Sary Catharine, then I will and direct that the estate herein created shall fall back and go to my other heirs then living by the rules of descent of this state then existing.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of July, 1859, by making his mark, being unable to write his name.

Seth [X] Armstrong (seal) (his mark)


William Mullinx
[X] Hicks (his mark)

This Hawkins County Will was transcribed by one of the following volunteers:  Audrae Mathis; Gary Fletcher; Betty Mize; Diana Arney; Karen Negron, Kathey Welder.

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