MainResearch AidsPublic RecordsMilitaryArgenbright’s Militia Company, War of 1812

Muster roll of a company of volunteer riflemen commanded by George Argenbright in a regiment of the Tennessee Militia under the command of Colonel William Lillard in the service of the US from 2 Oct 1813-8 Feb 1814.

George Argenbright, Capt.
William Finley, 1st Lieut.
Frederick Loughmiller, 2nd Lieut.
Lewis Christian, 3rd Lieut.
Isaac Long, Ensign
Arthur G. Armstrong, 1st Sergt.
Walter Shropshire, 2nd Sergt.
William Woodall, 3rd Sergt.
Samuel Bailey, 4th Sergt.
Edward Erwin, 1st Corpl.
Thomas Christian, 2nd Corpl.
James Kirkpatrick, 3rd Corpl.
George Reynolds, 4th Corpl.
Thomas Therman, 5th Corpl.
Elijah McCullough, Fifer
John Wean, Drummer

Bailey, William
Bray, Thomas
Brown, Seaton
Cavin, Ananias
Cavin, John
Cofman, William
Cox, John
Darter, Michael
Davis, Lilburn
Derrick, Jacob
Erwin, Francis
Erwin, James
Everhart, Jacob
Francisco, James
Glossip, Johnathan
Griffen, Martin
Gully, Lazerus
Harmon, David
Harrell, Michael
Harris, Benoni
Hedrick, Jeremiah
Hensley, Benjamin
Herald, John
Herald, Wilie
Hicks, James
Hord, John
Jones, Moses
King, Adam
King, William
Klepper, Peter
Langford, Thomas
Larkins, Henry S.
Looney, Absolom
Long, Alexander
Long, George
Loughmiller, Henry
Loughmiller, John
Messer, John
Murphey, Thomas
Murphy, John
Normond, Mathew
Pannel, Thomas
Philips, John
Philips, Robert
Ragan, John
Ralph, William
Retevile, John
Reynolds, Henry
Richards, John
Sensebaugh, Jacob
Shaver, John
Skelton, Alexander
Skelton, William
Smith, William
Sprowl, John
Staples, James
Steel, Richard
Stewart, Anthony
Taylor, James
Therman, Dickenson
Wilmouth, Stephen
Winager, Adam
Winager, Andrew
Winager, George
Winager, Jacob
Winager, Samuel
Woods, Joseph
Woods, Martin

Source: Tennessee State Archives Microfilm War of 1812, Books 1-5: Book 3, Number 26-G-2-2.  Transcriber/Submitter’s name not indicated.

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