Book __, Page 242
Proven: August, 1820

In the Name of God, Amen.

I John Howel of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, do make, ordain and declare this instrument which is written by my order thereto subscribing with my name to be my last Will and Testament, revoking all others.

All my debts of which I owe are to be punctually and speedily paid, and the legacies hereafter bequeathed are to be discharged as soon as circumstances will permit and in the manner directed.

To my dearly beloved wife Mary Howel, I give and bequeath the use, profit and benefit of all the slaves that I am now in possession of which is: Luce, Lilla and Ruth, two horse creatures, black horse and mare, one called Dick and Trim, and two cows and calves her choice, three beds and furniture and all the kitchen furniture, and to have possession of the house that we now live in, and 100 acres of land during life, and at her decease, the land to fall to my youngest son Willy B. Howel, and my wife to have four sheep, the pick of the flock, and two of the best sows and shoats and nine killling hogs, and to keep all her geese and poultry with her cupboard and furniture and one big bar share plow and shovel, and let Mattison, Elizabeth and Willy have one heifer apiece and Sara one cow the name of Spot.

Clark one cow the name of Little Brin and 100 acres of land where William Celey now occupies and one wagon that David Casner filled the wheels lately, one bedstead, bed and furniture, one big bar share plow, one table.

To James 100 acres of land lying in Mitchell’s hollow joining John Pack‘s land, one bedstead, bed and furniture, one cow, two shovel plows and one collar. And Clark and James shall pay their sisters $50.00 apiece that is, Nancy, Sally and Betsy. And Mattison to have one hundred acres of land — a place called Tate‘s Place, and Willy to have 100 acres of land where I now live house [sic] and to pay Mattison $150.00 when Willy Arrives at the age of 25 yars of age.

And Sally to have bedstead, bed & furniture and Betsy one cow, bedstead, bed and furniture.

And all the rest of my property that is not mentioned here is to be sold and the money divided between William, Nancy, Sally and Betsy. Cattle, hogs and sheep what is not give away.

Lastly, I constitute and appoint my worthy neighbors David Chambers, Haymes Amis Executors of this my last Will & Testament.

In witness of all and each of (the) herein mentioned, I have set my hand and seal the 10th day of August in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and twenty.

John Howel (seal)


Tos. T. Tate [as transcribed — could be either Joseph or Thomas]
[X] McCoy (his mark)

This Hawkins County Will was transcribed by one of the following volunteers:  Audrae Mathis; Gary Fletcher; Betty Mize; Diana Arney; Karen Negron, Kathey Welder.

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