Will Book ___, Page 502
Proven: Jan. Term, 1864

The last Will & Testament of John Williams of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee.

I, John Williams, considering the uncertainty of human life and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following, that is to say:

First. I give unto my beloved wife Ruth one third part of the farm on which I now live, or on which may be living at the time of my decease, including the dwelling and out-buildings, one horse, one cow and such other stocks & household and kitchen furniture as may be necessary for her comfort.

Also one black girl named Nep to keep and enjoy during the period of her natural life. At her death whatever property she may have is to be disposed of according to the directions given hereinafter.

Second. I give to my daughter Anna $150.00.

Note: I have heretofore paid to my daughter Nancy $900.00; to my son James $500.00; to my daughter Ruthy $200.00; to my son Elisha $150.00; to my son John N. $150.00; to my daughters Harriet N. Helen W. & Eliza each $150.00.

Other former bequests to my daughter Anna is to make her up equal to those who have received $150.00.

I then give to Anna McCauley, John N., Elisha, Mollie K. Carroll my grand daughter & Helen W. each $50.00 to equal the amount paid to Ruthy.

I then give to my daughters Anna McCauley, Eliza Ballard, the heirs of Ruthy Ballard, the heirs of Harriet N. & to Helen W. Seaver & to my sons Elisha, John N. each $300.00 to equal the amount paid to James Williams.

I then give to Anna McCauley, Eliza Ballard, the heirs of Ruthy Ballard, and the heirs of Harriet N., & to Helen W. Seaver, also to my sons James, Elisha & John N. each $400.00 to equal the amount paid to Nancy Robinson.

If there shall be enough of my Estate. If not, then same proportion must be observed and if more after these bequests, then the remainder to be divided equally among the heirs.

I give to my son Joseph a full heir’s part of my Estate which is to be governed and controlled by Elisha & John N. Williams whom I do hereby appoint his Guardians and he is to have the sole benefit of said share during his natural life. At his death, it is to be paid over to the heirs as directed with my other Estate.

And my directions are for my Executors to value whatever slaves there may be, as near as they can to those already sold, and the heirs who have not already slaves from the estate shall have the refusal of them.

And do hereby appoint and constitute Elisha & John N. Williams Executors of this my last Will & Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. This 18th day of August, 1860.

John Williams (seal)

This instrument consisting of one sheet was now here subscribed by the Testator John Williams in presence of each of us, and was at the same time declared by him to be his last Will & Testament, and we at his request signed our names hereto as attesting witnesses

This Hawkins County Will was transcribed by one of the following volunteers: Audrae Mathis; Gary Fletcher; Betty Mize; Diana Arney; Karen Negron, Kathey Welder.

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