Submitted by Debra Reed
This indenture made this March the 2nd day 1852 between John Leger of the one part and Peter Leger Junr. of the other part both of the County of Hancock and state of Tennessee Witnesseth: That the said John Leger for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth convey and confirm to the said Peter Leger his heirs or assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the county of Hancock and state aforesaid on the north side of Clinch River Beginning on or near the horse ford near the widow Cloud’s running thence up the river to Mrs. Clouds line now Willie Roes line then with said Roes line southwardly to his south west corner then a strait line up the river hill passing a house where JAMES MADEN formly lived leaving said house three poles to the west continueing said course to the top of the clift then along the top of said clift to the lline of the big survey known as the NICHOLSON SURVEY then with the line of the same southwardly crossing the Clinch River to an ash and sugar trees corner to the big survey then up the meanders of the river to Peter Ogans line then with said line to the horse ford in said River then crossing the river to the beginning including both banks and bed of said river in so bounds where Elijah Raby now lives containing one hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less which tract of (page 42) land together with the hereditaments and appertenances there unto belonging the said John Leger for him and his heirs & co. to the said Peter Leger just his heirs and assigns will warrant and defend forever against the lawful claim of every other person by these presents as an indefeasible inheritance in fee simple in testimony whereof I the said John Leger hath hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written JOHN LEGER (Seal)
Signed sealed and delivered in Presence of
Surnames: Cloud, Leger, Maiden/Maden, Nicholson, Ogan, Raby, Roe/Rowe.
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Copyright 2003 by Carol Turner
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