Chester Fern McCoy (added 1/19/04)
Barbara June Trent (added 1/19/04)
Earl Winkler (added 1/19/04)
Sue Royston (added 2/1/04)
JENKINS, BRUCE DAVID (added 2/1/04)
JONES, JUDIE DARLENE (added 2/1/04)
JOHNSON, DAYTON U (added 2/1/04)
KINSLER, ELSIE LENORE (added 7/20/04)
NICHOLS, LAYMON "BUB (added 7/20/04)
COLLINS, MARY M (added 7/20/04)
TUCKER, HUGH KYLE, (added 7/20/04)
ROBERTS, LUCY GOLDEN (added 7/20/04)
HOPKINS, RUTH C. (added 7/20/04)
GIBSON, LETTIE MAE (added 7/20/04)
William Jackson Edens (added 2/06/05)
Matilda Church Edens (added 2/06/05)
Almira Edens Fuller (added 2/06/05)
Laura Lyons (added 2/06/05)
Elder Calvin B. Fuller (added 2/06/05)
Sneedville.(special) Mrs. Ida Sizemore
Funeral Services were held at the home near here for Mrs. Ida Sizemore, 56, who died Thursday after a short illness. Burial was in the family cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Hillery Sizemore; 10 children and several other relatives
LEWIS KEATON, born May 6, 1893, departed this life July 18,1959, age 66 years, 4 months, and 12 days. Brother Keaton professed faith in Christ at an early age and joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Sean Creek where he remained a faithful member until death. He is survived by two brothers, four sisters, and a host of friends and relatives to mourn his passing.
September 29, 30 October 1 & 2, 1960
ELDER FLOYD FERGUSON was born March 20, 1878, departed this life April 19, 1960, age 82 years and 29 days. He was the son of Lee and Mollie Ferguson. He was married to Vickey Foley June 9, 1901, and to this union was born one daughter and two sons. His wife deceased September 26, 1959. He professed faith in Christ at an early age and later joined the Swan Creek Primitive Baptist Church. He was baptized September 3, 1925 and ordained as a minister the 1st Saturday in September 1927. He was the pastor of a number of churches throughout the Eastern District Association during his active life as a minister. He was always an active member in his home church. He is survived by five sisters, one brother, one daughter, two sons seven grandchildren and six greet grandchildren. The church has lost a faithful member. He leaves a host of relatives and friends throughout the Eastern District Association of Primitive Baptists to mourn their loss.
CORA BELLE PURKEY departed this life February 6, 1960, age 72 years, after a lingering illness. She was the daughter of the late William and Margaret Rhea Jefferson. She is survived by six sons and five daughters, thirty-one grandchildren, twenty-six great grandchildren, six sisters, three brothers, and a host of friends.
October 3, 4, 5 & 6, 1963
EMERY PURKEY was born March 31, 1905, departed this life March 26, 1962, age 57 years. He was married to Lydia Winkler in 1931. He is survived by one son, Doyle Purkey; three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Seal, Mrs. Irene Seal, and Betty Jo Purkey; his mother, Mrs. Cora Purkey; three sisters, Purley Purkey, Mrs. Kyle Fultz, and Mrs. Ralph Stanifer; three brothers, Wiley, Alvin and Everett Purkey. He professed faith in Christ at an early age, and joined the Swan Creek Primitive Baptist Church, where he remained a faithful member until death.
Written by his sister, Mrs. Kyle Fultz
LYDIA WINKLER PURKEY was born December 18, 1913, departed this life March 28, 1963, age 49 years, 3 months and 10 days. She professed faith in Christ about 38 years ago, and joined the Idas Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Later, she joined the Swan Creek Primitive Baptist Church, where she remained a faithful member until death. She was married to Emery Purkey in 1931, and to this union were born six children, three boys and three girls. her husband and two sons preceded her in death. She is survived by one son, Doyle; three daughters Mrs. Mildred Seal, Mrs. Irene Seal, and Betty Jo Purkey; her mother, one brother and six sisters. She often spike of her heavenly home, and her testimony is still with us. We have a hope we will meet again in heaven.
Written by Rev. Alfred Greene
October 2, 3,4, & 5, 1975
VERNA REED ROYSTON was born May 26, 1917 and departed this life January 25, 1974 at the age of 56 years, 7 months and 29 days. She was married to Porter Royston on August 5, 1933, and to this union were born 2 daughters and 2 sons. She professed faith in Christ in 1930 and was baptized into the fellowship of Swan Creek Church where she remainded a good and faithful member until death. She is survived by her husband, 2 daughters, Blance May and Sallie Cloud; 2 sons, Ralph and Warren; father Morrison Reed; 1 brother, Warren; and 8 grandchildren. So sleep on, my precious mom, until we meet again around the great white throne of God where there will be no more sickness pain, tears or sorrow. you will always live in the hearts of the people who knew you.
Written by her daughter, Sallie Cloud
MARY KEATON MORGAN SEALS was born June 11, 1895 and departed this life November 2, 1974 at the age of 79 years, 4 months and 22 days. She was the daughter of the late Joseph and Denise Keaton. She professed faith in Christ at an early age and joined Swan Creek Church where she remained a member until death. She was married to Dowsie (Dalzie?) Morgan, and to this union were born 8 children. Her husband and 2 children, Ervin and Clarrisa, preceded her in death. Surviving are 3 daughters, Stacie Helton, May Johnson and Oma Russell; and 3 sons, Joe, Henry and Will. She also leaves 29 grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild. In later years she was married to Henry Seals who survives her. She is also survived by 8 stepchildren, 29 stepgrandchildren, 41 stepgreat-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews and a host of friends. Our loss is her eternal gain.
HOMER WADDELL passed away at the age of 73 years. he professed faith in Christ at an early age and joined Swan Creek Church and was a member until death. he came to church as long as he was able. he was married to Myrtle West and to this union were born 12 children. he is survived by his wife; 5 sons, Bill, Jimmy, John, Harold and David; 6 daughters, Paulin Long, Lucille Healey, Martha Smith, Carol Cox, Betty Waddell and Sandra Waddell; 3 sisters, Addie Lawson, Dellie Ratliff and Lizzy Wallen; 1 half sister; 2 half brothers; 22 grandchildren and 2 great – grandchildren. One daughter, Gerald Ann preceded him in death. Sleep on, dear one; we will meet you again.
Written by the family.
* Carmen Tucker , who is the granddaughter of the above Homer Waddell has sent this correction and asked that it be posted with the obit so that others researching would have the correct information.
Dear Carol, I am Carmen Tucker the daughter of Lucille Healey and the granddaughter of Homer Waddell. Your Orbit is on of three placed in the Morristown Tribune. It is very incorrect. You probably got it from the church. My grandmother Maggie Wilder was Homers first wife. Check your books and censuses for this. They later moved to Morristown or Hamblen County. My family is extremely up set over this orbit . He was preceeded in death by two daughters. The first was Elsa who died as an infant, the second Ann Valentine. Her husband was Gerald Valentine. He had, Martha, Elsa, Lucille, Mary Pauline, Ann, Bill and Carol by my Grandmother. He married Myrtle in the fifties. Their first child is buried in St. Pauls Cemetary in Morristown. He always wished to be buried next to his Mother and Father at Swan Creek even trying to get my aunt to go to court for him. I think he was such a young toddler when she died he wanted to be near her. The Betty you show is Betty Brewer married to my Uncle Bill Waddell. Bill was named after his Mother's father, William R. Wilder from Short Mountain. I do not wish to be brassen but wrong is wrong. Carmen Tucker
JOHN WADDELL was born June 15, 1899 and deceased June 1, 1975 at the age of 76 years. He professed faith in Christ at an early age and joined Swan Creek Church and was a faithful member until death. he was sick for several years but bore his sickness with patience. He is survived by his wife, Rhoda Reed Waddell ; 5 sons, Harold, Blane, Earl, Ralph and J.C.; 2 daughters, Jewel and Mildred; 3 sisters, Addie Lawson, Lizzy Wallen and Dellie Ratliff; and 3 half brothers. Sleep on, dear one; we will meet you again.
Written by the family.
Lucinda Jefferson:
Wife of John Jefferson, was born March 13,1847, died Aug. 25, 1906. She professed faith in Christ in a revival meeting at Oak Grove, Hancock Co., Tn.Held by Elder I.S.AND J.W. Robinett in Nov., 1877 and and joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Swan Creek and was baptized bt Elder H.C. Foley. She lived a faithful member until death.She leaves seven children, four sons and three daughters.The oldest son, William, was a minister of the Gospel.
Written by F.M. Robinett
Bessie Jefferson:
Wife of R.T. Jefferson, was born Sept.15,1887, died Dec. 22, 1921. She professed faith in Christ about 17 years ago and joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Swan Creek, Hancock Co., Tn.She leaves a husband and seven children. She was a faithful member until death.Written by JT.T Foley
Elder H.C.Foley:
Was born in Patrick County, VA. Feb.27,1839. Departed this life Aug., 28,1925. He moved to Tn. At the age of 18 and a few years later was married to Julia Dodson, to this union was born 8 children, 6 boys and2 girls. He professed faith in Christ in the year 1867, joined the Primitive Baptist Church and lived a true Christian life till deeath. For 58 years he preach the Gospel.
Written by E.A.Robinette
J.T. Foley:
Was born in Harlan Co., Ky. June 13,1864, departed this life Feb. 21, 1928. He professed faith in Christ and joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Swan Creek. He was the oldest son of H. and Joice Foley. He was married to Addie Seals.He leaves a wife and 5 children, 2 boys and 3 girls.
Written by sister; Victory Fergerson
Telia Singleton:
Wife of Matt Singleton, departed this life about the year 1915. She professed faith in Christ many years ago , joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Swan Creek, Hancock Co., Tn. And live a faithful Christian life until death. She was the mother of one son.
Lafayette Singleton:
Born Feb. 22, 1899, departed this life Sept. 12, 1936. He was married to Mandy Jane Collins. He professed faith in Christ and was baptized without him joining a church. Rev. Landon Trent and Rev.George W. Short preach his funeral. The funeral service were held at Cadet Church.
Written by two friends,Mrs. John Lambert and Arthur Fleenor
Pinkard Tildon Jefferson:
Of Thorn Hill, Tn. Was born June 29,1878, and departed this life June 18,1952. He was married to Bessie Ferguson and to this union were born 8 children, his wife and one child preceded him to the grave. He leaves 7 children: Mrs. Lester Greene and Mrs. Dewey Hatfield, Tazewell, Tn.,Mrs Rufus Johnson, Rutledge, Tn.,Mrs. Ruben Johnson and Mrs. George McDaniel and Reese Jefferson of Thorn Hill, Tn, and Wright Jefferson of Luther, Tn. He professed faith in Christ at an early age andjoined the Swan Creek Church. And lived there until his death.
Written by the children
Elder W.M.Jefferson:
Was born Dec. 14, 1867, departed this life March 16, 1926. He was married to Margaret Rhea about 40 years ago., to this union 19 children were born. 8 boys and 11 girls, seven of them preceded him to the grave.He professed faith in Christ in his 17th year, was baptized by Elder Robinett. He lived a faithful life until his death. He joined the Swan Creek Primitive Baptist Church. He was a minister of the Bible for about 23 years.
Written by wife and Lucinda
McCOY, CHESTER FERN, born Dec.12, 1930 in St. Paul, Va., age 73, of Sneedville, passed away Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2004 at Johnson City Medical Center after a short battle with cancer. He was preceded in death by his parents, James and Mary McCoy; brothers, Floyd and James McCoy; and sister, Kate Berger, all of Illinois. Chester is survived by his wife of 51 year, Margaret McCoy; son, Alan (Lois) McCoy of Sneedville; daughters, Fern (David) Wolfe of Bean Station and Lynn (Benny) Adams of Mooresburg/Surgoinsville. Chester will be deeply missed by his family, 10 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 13 at War Creek Church. Graveside services will be 3 p.m. Tuesday at McCoy Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Citizen's Bank of East Tennessee of Sneedville for expenses. Arrangements by Morris-Baker Funeral Home in Johnson City.
TRENT, BARBARA JUNE, 63, of Sneedville, went to be with the Lord Fri., Jan. 16, 2004 at her home with her family at her bedside. She was a member of Yellow Branch Missionary Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, the Rev. Guy Trent; parents, Hoard and Myrtle Seal; brother, Roy Seal Jr.; great-grandchild, Christen Fleenor; nieces, Glenda Johnson and Carolyn Livesay. She is survived by: daughter and son-in-law, Teresa and Fred Collins of Sneedville; special grand-children, Chasity and Phillip Nichols, Sonia Fleenor, Jessica and Andy Johnson and Shane Williams, all of Sneedville; great-grandchildren, Cody, Shenna, Brady, Tara, Evan, Dillion and Sarah; sisters and brother-in-law, Jewell Johnson, Juanita Hayes and Jeanette and Wayne Roberts, all of Sneedville; brothers and sisters-in-law, Clifford and Sue Seal, Robert and Pat Seal and Gary and Shirley Seal, all of Sneedville. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., on Mon., Jan. 19 at the Yellow Branch Missionary Baptist Church. The Rev. Darrell Ramsey, the Rev. Bill Lawson and the Rev. Homer Collins officiating. Interment will be in the Yellow Branch Church Cemetery. The family will receives friends on Sat. and 6 to 9 p.m., Sun., Jan. 18 at the Yellow Branch Missionary Baptist Church. Pallbearers will be Jimmy Antrican, Shannon Roberts, Ricky Seal, Clayton Musick, Carl Reed and Wayne Roberts. Honorary pallbearers will be Ken Trent. McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville in charge of arrangements.
ROYSTON, SUE, age 60, of Sneedville, passed away Sunday, January 18, 2004.
She was a member of Stoney Gap Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by
her father, Don Greene; daughter, Audrey Royston and brother, Charles Greene. Survivors include her mother, Lorraine Greene of Sneedville; son and daughter-in-law, Jessie and Jackie Royston of Sneedville; daughters and sons-in-law; Robin and Scott Shopshire of Tazewell and Rita and Eddie Collins of Sneedville; grandchildren, Eric and Ryan Collins and Jadon Royston; brother and sister-in-law, Wayne and Sue Greene of Sneedville; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 21 at Stoney Gap Baptist Church with the
Rev. Alonzo Collins and the Rev. Donnie Shaw officiating. Internment will be in the Greene Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 20 at Stoney Gap Baptist Church. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.JENKINS, BRUCE DAVID, age 53, of Sneedville, passed away Monday, Jan. 19,
2004. He was preceded in death by his parents, George and Florence Jenkins; brothers, Billy and James Jenkins; and sister, Frances Mathis. He is survived by his brothers and sisters-in-law, Bobby and Sandra Jenkins and Nelson and Debbie Jenkins; sister-in-law, Mary Jenkins; ex-wife and close friend, Ann Collins; stepchildren, Sherri Mead and husband, Shannon, Learoy Collins and wife,
Claudia, Colleen Seabolt and husband, Benny; step-grandchildren, Tonya Manis, Rebecca and Shannon Mead, Timothy Collins; and several special nieces and nephews and great-nieces and nephews; and some very close and special friends. Funeral services will be 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 22 at
the McNeil Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Jim Shaw officiating. The family will receive friends 6-8 p.m. Thursday, prior to the services at the funeral home. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.JONES, JUDIE DARLENE, age 50, of Sneedville, passed away Thursday, Jan.
22, 2004. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Misty Gibson; parents, William and Rosa Gibson Jones; grandparents, Ari and Susie Gibson and Rob and Bobbie Jones. She was a member of Sunnyside Baptist Church. She is survived by her son, Tim Gibson; special Grandson, Ryan Gibson; sisters, Bobbie Jean Collins, Georgia Martin, Vernita Martin and Debbie Holt; brothers, Jerry, David and Ronnie Jones; and special people, Myra Brooks and Danielle; 20 nieces and nephews; several aunts and uncles; and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 25 at Sunnyside Baptist Church with the Rev. Benny Jones, the Rev. Jack Gibson and the Rev. Gary Gibson officiating. Interment will be in the Jones Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24 at the funeral home. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.JOHNSON, DAYTON U., of Sneedville, passed away Fri., Jan. 30, 2004. He was a member of Davis Chapel Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, Mack Henry and Rosa Johnson; brothers, Homer, Grady and Clarence Johnson and sister, Lona Mae Dobbs. Survivors include: wife, Ruth Greene Johnson of Sneedville; sons and daughter-in-law, Tony and Kathy Johnson of Sneedville and Jason Johnson of Sneedville; granddaughter, Amanda Johnson of Sneedville; brother, Coy Johnson of Whitesburg; sisters, Shirley Fugate and Pauline Anderson, both of Church Hill; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., on Sun., Feb. 1 at the McNeil Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev. Kester Bunch officiating. Interment in the Purkey Cemetery. McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville in charge of arrangements.
KINSLER, ELSIE LENORE, age 91, of Kyles Ford, passed away Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2004. She was a member of Fox Branch Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charlie Kinsler; parents, Rev. Robert and
Nancy Johnson; brothers, Roy, Harmon, Milium and Raymond; sisters, Arkie, Celia, Minnie, Mattie, May and Fannie; and three grandchildren. She is survived by her sons and daughters-in-law, Hobert and Irene Kinsler of Morristown, Wayne and Linda Kinsler of Bloomfield, Ind., Adrian and Sherry Kinsler of Morristown, Curt and Mary Kinsler of Livingston, Tenn. and Rocky and Sharon Kinsler of Sneedville; daughters and sons-in-law, Edith and Clayton Nichols of Brownsburg, Ind., Bessie and Gene Richardson of Greencastle, Ind., Virginia and Charlie Odom of Morristown and Wanda and Kenny Maness of Kyles Ford; 22 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren; two great-great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7 at
the McNeil Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Donnie Shaw, the Rev. Earl Bowlin and the Rev. Fred Tankersley officiating. Interment will be in the Davis Chapel Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5 and Friday, Feb. 6 at the funeral home. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.
NICHOLS, LAYMON "BUB," age 80, of Sneedville, went to be with the Lord
Monday, Feb. 9, 2004. He was proceded in death by his parents, Lloyd and Easter Nichols; sisters, Martha Maggard and Mabel Johnson: and brother, Lee Nichols. Survivors include his sisters, Viola Greene of Sneedville and Ellen Delph of Kyles Ford; brother and sister-in-law, Rob and Rosie Nichols of Morristown; nieces, Minnie Nichols, Marlene Eldridge and Teresa McKinney; nephews, Paul Nichols and Clyde Nichols; several other nieces and nephews; great-nieces, Sharie Hensley, April Rimer, Misty and Jessica Eldridge, Sondra
and Heather Seal, Christy Nichols, Reena Johnson, Bobby Nichols and Tina Barnett; great-nephews, Dusty Maggard, Tim Hensley and Troy, Robbie, Marty, Travis and Josh Nichols; great-great nieces and nephews; Nathaniel Rimer and Harley, Hannah and Hayley Nichols; and special life-long girlfriend, Louise Delph. Funeral services will be 12 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 12 at the McNeil Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Thomas Rogers and the Rev. Tom Lamb officiating. Interment will be in the Baker Cemetery. Singers will be The Gospel Four. Pallbearers will be Wilmer Delph, Jeff and Tim Kerney, Mickey Barnett, Aaron Delph and Marty Nichols. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. Wednesday, February 11 at the funeral home. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.
COLLINS, MARY M., age 60, of Sneedville, went to be with the Lord Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2004. She was a faithful member of Stoney Gap Church. She was preceded in death by her father, Martin Gibson; mother, Elsie Collins; sisters, Claire Wilson, JoAnn Gibson and Stella Johnson; brother, Earl Johnson; and several nieces and nephews. Survivors include her husband, Elmer L. Collins; daughters and sons-in-law, Rose and Earl Cope and Glenda and Terry Carmony; stepdaughters and son-in-law, Betty and Ricky Harris, Sr. and Anna Helton; sons and daughters-in-law, Perry and Teresa Collins, Donald and Barbara Collins, Chris and Crystal Collins, Carl and Jerri Davis and Ronald and Sharon Davis; grandchildren, Jeremiah, Ricky Jr., Ashley, Sabrina, Brittany, Sharon, Kimberly, Perry Jr., Scotty and Matthew; sisters, Evelina Goins, Wanda Gibson, Daisy Collins and Judy Laws; half-sister, Hazel Collins; and brother, T. Gibson. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 at Stoney Gap Baptist Church with the Rev. Alonzo Collins officiating. Interment will be in the Goins Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Mike Miller, Howard Thacker, Billy Joe Crider, Earl Collins, Ricky Harris and Terry Carmony. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 26 at the McNeil Funeral Home and Friday, Feb. 27 at Stoney Gap Baptist Church. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.KINSLER, LORETTA CLAUDINE "SUE," age 54, of Sneedville, passed away Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2004 at her home. She was a member of Magnolia Church. Loretta was the sweetest mother a child could have asked for. She was a loving, caring, God-fearing person. Many lives were touched by her. She was a strong-willed woman who always put others before herself. She will truly be missed by all who knew her. She was preceded in death by her parents, Guy and Martha Wallen; son, Guy Kinsler; brothers, Leroy and Michael "Butch" Wallen; and sister, Doris Ann Wallen. Survivors include her husband, Earl Lucian Kinsler; children, Larry, Gary, Kevin, Shannon, Rodney, Stacey, Mary and Andrea; grandchildren, Ashley, Rebecca, Tyler, Taylor, Hayley and Lauryn; brothers, Greg Wallen and Don Wallen; sister, Mary Mae Maye; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and in-laws; and special friends Phyllis Gibson and many more. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 at Fox Branch Church with the Rev. Jerry Bradly, the Rev. Jerry Scalf and the Rev. Terry Roberts officiating. Interment will be in the Trent Cemetery. Singers will be the Gospel Four. Pallbearers will be her sons. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 26 and Friday, Feb. 27 at the funeral home. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.
TUCKER, HUGH KYLE, age 71, of Sneedville, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004. He was preceded in death by his father, George Tucker; brothers, L.C. and Ray Tucker; and sister, Georgia Lee. Survivors include her mother, Alice Tucker of Sneedville; sisters, Irene of Kingsport, Cecile of Kingsport, Jean of D.C., Pauline of Maryland, Edna of Church Hill and Lena of Sneedville; brothers, Oscar of Morristown, Glenn of South Carolina, William of Maryland and Charles of Connecticut; and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 at the McNeil Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Orbin Johnson and the Rev. Kenneth Hopkins officiating. Interment will be in the Tucker Cemetery. The family will receive friends a6-9 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27 at the funeral home. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.
ROBERTS, LUCY GOLDEN, age 80, of Sneedville, went to be with the Lord, Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004 at Hancock Manor. She was born Nov. 27, 1923 in Sneedville and remained there her entire life. She was a member of Elm Springs Church. She always welcomed everyone into her home with a warm smile and an invitation to "sit down and have something to eat". She will be remembered as a generous and gracious lady, who put the Lord and children and grandchildren first. She was preceded in death by her father, Neal Roberts; mother, Mary Roberts; sisters, Louise Eyler and Helen Hatfield; brothers, Lawrence, Rankin and Harold Roberts and
grand-daughters, Stacy Mullins and Crystal Gibson. She is survived by her sons and daughters-in-law, L.H. and Donna Roberts of Thorn Hill and Carlos and Janice Roberts of Russellville; daughters and sons-in-law, Ruby and Jerry Mullins of Sneedville, Kay and Eddie Johnson of Talbott, Phyllis and Jack Gibson of Sneedville, Frances and Mike
Tate of Harriman, Penny and Richard Collins of Sneedville and Melissa and Oppie Johnson of Sneedville; 14 grandchildren; four step-grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren; and one step-great-grandchild; sisters, Charlene Roberts and Jewell Kemp of Fredrick, Md.; brother, Alverda Roberts of Union Bridge, Md.; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27 at the McNeil Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Alonzo Collins and the Rev. Charles Roberts officiating. Interment will be in the Gallahon Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25 and Thursday, Feb. 26 at the funeral home. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.
HOPKINS, RUTH C., age 89, of Morristown, formerly of Sneedville, passed away
Thursday, March 4, 2004. She wa a member of Mulberry Gap Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Albert L. Hopkins and her
parents, Lon and Grace Thompson. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Claire and Dallas Trent of Morristown; sisters, Nan Bush of Rutledge, Margaret Smyth of Dayton, Ohio, Sarah Minor of Jonesville, Va. and Barbara Macke of Dayton, Ohio; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Sunday, March 7 at the Mulberry Gap Baptist Church with the Rev. Charles Roberts and the Rev. Danny Sexton officiating. Interment will be in the Mulberry Gap Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. Saturday, March 6 at McNeil Funeral Home.
Mrs. Hopkins will also lie-in-state 30 minutes prior to the service at the church. Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.GIBSON, LETTIE MAE, age 89 of Sneedville, was born June 30, 1914 and passed away Wednesday, March 3, 2004 at Morristown Hamblen Healthcare System. She was amember of Mulberry Gap Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents, Houston and Mary Jane Carpenter; husband, Bernard "Vern" Gibson; sisters, Mazie Carpenter Riley, Ethel Brewer and Dovie Carpenter Roberts; brother, Joe Carpenter; son-in-law, Dean Johnson; and grandson-in-law, Cecil Wayne Martin. She is survived by her daughters, Georgia Martin, Mable Johnson, Shirley Seal, Juanita G. Russo and husband Peter L., and Susan Seagraves and husband, Michael, Garnet Gibson, Joann Garland, Linda Gibson and Loretta Lindsey and husband, Lynn; sons, Wiley Gibson and wife, Kathy, Don Gibson and wife, Kathy, and Danny Gibson; grandchildren, James Martin, Carolyn Martin, Elizabeth Harvey, Junior Martin, Connie Van Huss, Chad Johnson, Ginger Johnson, Brian Johnson, Shannon Seagraves, Erin Seagraves, Sandie Seal, Tammie Lucas, Daniel Seal, Che`Garland, Monica Ramsey, Justin Ramsey, Terry Patterson and Tracy Patterson; great-grandchildren, Haley Johnson, Brianna Johnson, Kendra Johnson, Chelsea Seals, Lauren Hopkins, Douglas Lucas, Dillon Seals, Emagin Harp, Osa Jackson Harp V, Rhonda Moore, Jennifer Jones, Leslie Martin, April Martin, Morgan Martin, Ryan Martin, John Blake Harvey, Josh Harvey, Molly Harvey, Tracy Van Huss, Tanya Van Huss, Kurgan Garland and Kyrie Garland; and six great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, March 6 at Mulberry Gap Baptist Church in Sneedville with the Rev. Charles Roberts officiating. Music will be by Judy McMurray and son. Burial will be in the Gibson-Russo-Purkey-Jaynes Cemetery. The family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Friday March 5 at the funeral home. Arrangements by Claiborne Funeral Home in New Tazewell.
From: The Knoxville News-Sentinel, Knoxville, Tennessee, March 7, 2002.
WINKLER, EARL - age 88, of Morristown, passed away March 5, 2002 at his home. He was a member of Manley Baptist Church. He was a member of Sneedville Masonic Lodge #277, Scottish Rite in Knoxville, Kerbela Shrine Temple in Knoxville and Eiks Lodge #160. He served 11 years on the Hamblen County Election Commission. He was a graduate of Hancock County High School and attended Lincoln Memorial University and East TN State University. While living in Hancock County, he taught school and was a mail carrier. He worked for the State of TN, during the Browning Administration, with the Alcohol and Tobacco Taxing Authority. Following his move to Morristown, he worked as a veneer buyer with Hill Brothers Veneer for 18 years, later with Hatfield Lumber Company for 10 years. Hatfield Lumber Company became Stewart Lumber Company, where he worked for 10 years prior to his retirement in 1986. Preceded in death by his parents, Willis Winkler, Sr., and Mattie Givens Winkler; and brothers, Shields Winkler and Willis Winkler, Jr. Survivors: wife of 64 years, Lucille Holmes Winkler; sister, Hazel Turner of Sneedville; 3 nephews; caregivers, Gail Daniels, Margie Manning and Sally Turnmire. Services will be 2 p.m. Friday at Mayes Mortuary with Dr. Richard Emmert officiating. Interment will be in Jarnagin Cemetery. The famly will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the Mortuary. Mayes Mortuary, is in charge of arrangements.
Obituaries below were donated by Jan Carpenter at
William Jackson Edens - son of Golman Edens & Hannah Isom - born Aug 12,
1856 - died Dec 25, 1949
Speers Ferry VA - W. J. Edens, 93, died at his home in nearby Hancock County TN at 1130pm Sunday. He was a farmer and a lifelong resident of this section. He was the son of Golman and Hannah Edens. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Surviving are six sons, Neal W., Charlie W., and William Jackson Jr, Speers Ferry VA, James Henderson, Winston Salem NC, Hiram Patton, Clinchport VA, Huston David, Kingsport TN, and daughters Mrs Jim (Julia) Church, and Misses Sarah & Hannah Edens, all of Speers Ferry VA, and 19 grandchildren. Funeral services are scheduled for 1pm Tuesday at the home. The Rev Arnold and Rev Martin Head are to officiate. Burial to be in the Edens family cemetery
Matilda Church Edens - daughter of Henry Church and Julia Payne - born Mar 28, 1862 - died Oct 30, 1940
Speers Ferry VA - Funeral Services for Mrs. Matilda Edens, 78, wife of W. J. Edens, who died at 220pm Wednesday at her home in Hancock County, near Speers Ferry VA, will be held Friday at 10am at the home with the Rev. Martin Head in charge. Burial will be in the family cemetery. She was the daughter of Henry and Julia Payne Church. Mrs. Edens was a native of Hancock County and had lived there all her life. Both her parents were members of pioneer families of this section. She was a
member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, nine children Neal W., James H., Hiram Patton, Huston David, Charlie W., William Jackson Edens Jr, Sarah Edens, Mrs. Jim (Julia) Church, and Hannah Edens, and one sister, Mrs. Julia Combs.
Almira Edens Fuller (born Mar 31, 1843 - died about 1920)
Wife of Calvin B. Fuller, departed this life at the age of 77 years. About 36 years ago she professed faith in Christ and joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Shelby Creek and lived a model christian life until death. She leaves 3 children, 9 grandchildren, and a host of friends to mourn their loss.
In memory of
Mrs. Laura Lyon
Laura Lyon, wife of Dan Lyon and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hurd was born May 10, 1886 and died May 13, 1917, making her pilgrimage 31 years and 3 days.
She was married to Dan Lyon four years ago. To this union were born two children, Roy and Garland, the latter being just one week old at the time of her death.
Laura professed failth in Christ in her youth, joined the church and lived a devoted Christian life the remainder of her days. All that medical skill and kind hands could do was done to keep Laura here, her Mamma even taking her into her own home that her wants might be administered to.
She leaves a father, mother, husband, six brothers, one sister, and a host of friends and relatives to mourn her loss. She was too pure to dwell in this world of sin and God called her home to wear a crown that will grow brighter thro endless ages.
May God bless the bereaved ones.
Etta Kilgore
Elder Calvin B. Fuller was born Oct 1, 1848 and died May 14, 1898, age 49 yrs, 7 months, and 14 days. Professed faith in Christ 18 or 20 years ago. Was ordained to preach about 10 years ago. Was a member of Shelby Creek Church. Was Pastor of that church, as well as other churches. He leaves a wife, three sons, and one daughter.
The obits listed are here to aid in your research. I make no claims to the accuracy of their content and have listed sources when provided. If you feel the information is incorrect you can email me and I will add your information along with your email address to the obituary.
All information contained in this site has been generously donated and is owned by the submitter, it is for personal use and is not to be use for profit. This page was created by Carol Turner, former Hancock County TNGenWeb Coordinator.
The graphics used on these pages, with the exception of the USGenWeb & TNGenWeb logos, unless otherwise noted are of my own recreation and are not to be used without my permission.
Copyright 2005by Carol Turner.