B.S. STROUD, a prominent citizen of Manchester, and register of Coffee County, was born in Warren County, Tenn., February 14, 1854. He is the son of B.S. and Nancy (Winton) STROUD, the former born in 1825 in Warren County, and the latter February 2, 1826, in Coffee County. Their deaths occurred October 12, 1853, and … Read more


I.C. STONE, is of English, Irish and Scotch descent. His ancestors settled in the colony of North Carolina. Their descendants mainly kept pace with the tide of immigration to the new States and Territories. The paternal grandfather, Thomas STONE, probably of English, and Scotch origin, married Miss Sally CORDER, of Scotch family, about 1789 in … Read more

SMITH, Joel B.

Joel B. SMITH, a pioneer of Tullahoma, was born in Nashville, Tenn., September 12, 1829, and is the son of Joel M. and Charlotte (Bateman) SMITH. The father was a native of North Carolina, born in 1797, and died in 1861. He was treasurer of Nashville, and United States pension agent, appointed to that office … Read more


Col. H.S. SHEID, farmer in Coffee County, was born January 27, 1827, in this county. His father, James SHEID, born May 22, 1776, in South Carolina, was a pioneer of Tennessee, in 1803 settling on the present farm of our subject, where he died April 18, 1856. The grandfather of Col. SHEID served with distinction … Read more


James H. RUTLEDGE, merchant and a prominent young citizen of Tullahoma, Tenn., was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., November 13, 1855, and is the son of Samuel RUTLEDGE, a native of North Carolina. Our subject was reared on the farm, receiving his education in the public schools. In 1876 he began farming in his native … Read more


Emmett RUSSELL, one of the young business men of Tullahoma, was born in Bedford County, Tenn., November 26, 1866, and is the son of W. F. RUSSELL. He was reared in his native county, near Shelbyville, and attended the common schools. In 1881 he came to Tullahoma and entered the store of Carroll Bros. as … Read more


R.H. RICHARDSON, merchant and a prominent citizen of Tullahoma, was born in Bedford County, Tenn., in November, 1846, the son of Thomas E. RICHARDSON, whose death occurred in Coffee County in 1850. When our subject was about six months old his parents moved to Coffee County, settling near Duck River in the Fourteenth District, where … Read more


W. RAMSEY, a farmer of Coffee County, was born April 3, 1823, in Warren County. Samuel and Pollie (Strowd) RAMSEY, his parents, lived in Warren County. The elder, Mrs. RAMSEY’s father, was one of the first settlers of that county. Our subject is of English and Irish descent. November 30, 1852, he married Rachel PARKER, … Read more


E.W. PEARSON, an enterprising farmer of Coffee County, was born in Bedford County, November 23, 1856. He is he son of Charles and Mary J. (Wells) PEARSON, natives of Tennessee. The elder PEARSON was a manufacturer in Bedford County until 1871, when he was a farmer and millwright in Coffee County, and finally at Sparta, … Read more

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