Joseph McCracken, merchant of Huntingdon, Tenn., began business in 1868, with Frank Travis as partner. The firm, for sixteen months, was known as McCracken & Co., and the following four years Isaac R. Hawkins was Mr. McCracken’s partner. Since 1876 Mr. McCracken has been in business by himself. He was born in Huntingdon in 1845, … Read more


J. C. McCollum, prominent citizen and successful farmer of the Twenty-first District, was born in South Carolina in 1828, received his education in the schools near home, and in 1852 married Mary E. Chements, a native of South Carolina, born in 1839, and the daughter of Calvin and Cynthia Chements. Mrs. McCollum died August, 1871, … Read more

McCALL, George T.

George T. McCall, a leading member of the Huntingdon bar, was born at Clarksburg, Carroll Co., Tenn., October 21, 1854, son of Dr. Henry and Frances (Bowlin) McCall, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. His father was born in South Carolina in 1817, and his mother, who was a Virginian, was born in 1827. Dr. McCall … Read more

McCALL, Joseph W.

Joseph W. McCall, M.D., is a native of Henderson County, Tenn., born January 20, 1832, son of Andrew McCall, who was born in South Carolina, September 2, 1790, and is a descendant of some of the immigrants who came to the United States in the Mayflower. He was one of the early schoolmasters of Tennessee, … Read more


T. B. Manning, farmer, of the First District, was born in Carroll County, Tenn., in 1840, and is one of a family of three children, he being the only surviving one. His parents, Alfred and B. Manning, were both natives of North Carolina, the former born in 1805, and the latter in 1807. The father … Read more

LAWS, Dudley S.

Dudley S. Laws, M.D., of Clarksburg, was born in Carroll County, Tenn., in 1829, and is the second of six children, three of whom are living. The father, Hiram Laws, was of English ancestry, born in Orange County, N.C., November 17, 1803. His father, George Laws, is supposed to be a son of one of … Read more

KYLE, Robert G.

Robert G. Kyle was born December 7, 1813, in Williamson County, Tenn., and is a farmer by occupation. He is of a family of eight children—four sons and two daughters still living—born to Barney C. and Elizabeth (Gilbert) Kyle, both from Georgia, his father of Irish descent, and his mother of Scotch-English; they were married … Read more


Adam Kilmer, M.D., homoepathic physician at Clarksburg, was born in Essex County, N.Y., 1847. The father, Daniel Kilmer, was of Dutch ancestry, and was born about 1825. He married Cornelia Ray, and afterward settled in Essex County, N.Y., where at the early age of twenty-seven he was killed, by the accidental breaking of a large … Read more


J. H. Keaton, farmer of the Twenty-first District, and a native of Carroll County, Tenn., was born May 30, 1831, and is one of a family of nine children born to C. W. and Mary (Hays) Keaton, natives respectively of Virginia and South Carolina. The father was born in Patrick County, in 1797, and when … Read more

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