E. W. Williams was born in Carroll County, five miles east of Huntingdon, April 17, 1832. He is the sixth of seven children—six sons and one daughter—born to Rowland and Mary (Mills) Williams. His father was born in North Carolina, where he was raised and married, and soon after this he moved to Tennessee and … Read more

TUCKER, Alexander C.

Alexander C. Tucker, farmer of the Twenty-fourth District and son of Joseph and Nnaommaah (Johnson) Tucker, was born in Carroll County, Tenn., in 1837 and is one of a family of ten children, eight of whom are living. The father was born in Raleigh, N.C. about 1817 and is of Irish extraction. He emigrated to … Read more

TOWNES, Henry C.

Hon. Henry C, Townes, attorney at law, and native of Carroll County, Tenn., was born June 10, 1840, son of Col. James and Julia B. (Clark) Townes, and is of Welsh-English lineage. His father was born in Virginia in 1788 and his mother in North Carolina, 1795. The Townes family came to Tennessee about 1828 … Read more


E. B. Teachout, ticket agent, express agent and telegraph operator of Huntingdon, was born July, 1845, in Ohio, and is the son of S. M. and C. A. (Bolton) Teachout. The father and mother were natives of the Buckeye State and he was a farmer by occupation; for the past few years have been living … Read more

STOFLE, Robert M.

Robert M. Stofle, was born in Weakley County, Tenn., April 16, 1850, and is one of two sons and eight daughters, surviving members of a family of twelve children born to Thomas and Frances (Hoggard) Stofle. His father was of Henry County and his mother of Weakley County, Tenn. They were married in 1849, and … Read more

SLOAN, James F.

James F. Sloan was born in South Carolina December 2, 1825, and was one of five children (two of whom are living) born to William and Mary Robertson) Sloan. The father was born in Ireland in 1786. He was married on the “old sod” and there remained until 1819, when he came to America, locating … Read more

SANDERS, Furmon C.

Furmon C. Sanders, sheriff of Carroll County, Tenn., was born in Anson County, N. C., August 6, 1837, son of James and Martha W. Sanders. His parents were born in North Carolina, the former in 1812 and the latter about 1814. The family came to Carroll County about 1841, and here the father died in … Read more


E. G. Ridgley, editor and proprietor of the Tennessee Republican, was born near Olney, Ill, September 7, 1848, son of Daniel and Sarah (Ingman) Ridgley, and is of German-English lineage. His father was born in Maryland, and his mother in Ohio; the former died in Illinois in 1882 and the latter in 1861. At the … Read more


A. G. Propst, is the proprietor of Beechwood farm, six miles east of Milan, breeder of blooded stock, such as shorthorn Durham cattle, Southdown and Cotswold sheep and fine mules; any of the above stock is on hand and for sale at all times. Mr. Propst was born in Catawba County, N.C., in 1838, and … Read more

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