JOHNSON, Robert T.

The paternal grandfather of our subject, was Jacob JOHNSON, who immigrated to Tennessee from Millerstown, Md., soon after the close of the Revolutionary war, and settled near Eden Ridge,within five miles of Kingsport, Sullivan County. He was a farmer by vocation, and alsb kept a tavern. He lived there until his death, which occurred in … Read more

JOBE, A. (Dr.)

Dr. A. JOBE was born near Elizabethton, Carter Co., Tenn., October 9, 1817, the son of Joshua and Ruth (Tipton) JOBE. The former was born in Washington County (before the State of Tennessee was formed) September 15,1785. He was the son of David JOBE who immigrated to this new country, about the year 1777, from Shenandoah County, … Read more

HYDER–Nathaniel E.

Nathaniel E. HYDER, a physician, was born in Carter County, in the Hyder settlement. the son of W. F. M. and Margaret (Edens) HYDER, the former a son of Jonathan H., Sr., a son of Michael E., who in turn was a son of Michael, one of the Watauga Association. The latter was of German … Read more


Dr. L. F. HYDER, was born in Carter County, February 11,1844, the son of Rev, J. H. and Elizabeth Fletcher HYDER. The father was born October 20, 1812, on Powder Branch, Carter County, the son of Jonathan. who was born in the same house as the son of Michael T., a native of Virginia, and … Read more

HUNTER, E.E. (Dr.)

Dr. E. E. HUNTER, of Elizabethton, was born in Washington County, Tenn., October 10, 1845, the son of Joseph and Maranda (Harris) HUNTER. His father was a farmer by profession, and was born in 1808, and died in August, 1885. His mother was horn in 1812, the daughter of Dr. John HARRIS, a most celebrated … Read more


John HUGHES is one of the most prosperous farmers of Carter County, and was born and reared in said county. He was born February 14, 1820, and is the son of James and Susanor (Hines) HUGHES. The father was a native of Sullivan County, Tenn., and was born May 15, 1790. He was the son of … Read more

HUGHES, Albert

Albert HUGHES is a farmer and stock raiser in the Fifth Civil District of Carter County, Tenn., and was born in Carter County April 3, 1833, and is the son of James and Susanor (Hines) HUGHES. (See sketch of John Hughes for parents). He was reared on the farm and was educated in the county schools … Read more


J. N. CARRIGER, a retired woolen manufacturer, was born June 25, 1841 in Carter County. He is self educated, and ilt 1862 organized Company A, of the Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry, and afterward became second lieutenant and first lieutenant, and refused the offer of captaincy. He was mustered Out at Knoxville in 1865. He then clerked … Read more

CARRIGER, Nicholas

Nicholas CARRIGER, farmer and carpenter, was born in Carter County, January 12, 1842, the son of Daniel S. and Margaret (Patterson) CARRIGER, the former born in Carter County in about 1815, the son of Christley, a farmer who removed to Missouri in 1846, and from there to California, serving as a soldier under Gen. Fremont, … Read more

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