ALLEN, John H.

JOHN H. ALLEN, superintendent of public instruction of Bedford County, was born November 19, 1848, son of William and Elizabeth (Ray) ALLEN. The parents were born in 1824 and 1827, respectively. The ancestors of our subject emigrated from Smith County, Tenn., to Illinois, and after remaining there some time move to Bedford County, where our … Read more


D. M. ALFORD, publisher of the Bedford County Times, was born November 30, 1861, and is the son of A. J. and Margaret (Russell) ALFORD, both of whom are natives of Lincoln County, Tenn., though now living in Shelbyville, Tenn. Our subject is a practical printer, and as such has filled responsible positions on the … Read more

ALLEN, William

William ALLEN circuit clerk, was born in New York January 13, 1844, entered the Federal Army, and served in the scouting force of the Department of the Ohio until the close of the war. He was captured several times, held as prisoner, and also slightly wounded. He then followed farming a year or more in … Read more


F. P. TOOF, manufacturer of cotton goods, Rockford, Blount Co., Tenn., was born April 2, 1857, in Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., and when nine years old moved to Slatersville, R. I. He worked in various cotton factories throughout New England until nineteen years of age. He then went to Nashville, Tenn., and became overseer of … Read more


A. J. TAYLOR, a physician and farmer, was born January 3, 1831, in Washington County, Tenn., but from his infancy until 1853, he was partly raised in Greene County and partly in Cocke County. He came to his present home in 1853. He studied medicine with his brother, Dr. A. L. TAYLOR, and in 1856 … Read more

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