TURNER, James L.

JAMES L. TURNER was born July 8, 1823, in Sussex County, Va., son of Littlebury and Mary (Winn) Turner.  The father was born April 28, 1788, and died June 18, 1869.  The mother was born September 28, 1787, and died February 25, 1879. Our subject’s educational advantages were not of the best, but, notwithstanding, he … Read more

TUNE, William T.

WILLIAM T. TUNE (deceased) was a son of John Tune, one of the first settlers of Bedford County, Tenn.  He was born in 1818, in Smith County, and was reared on a farm. He was married, in 1844, to Miss C. E. Morton, and thirteen children were born to them:  Mary A., James C., Mattie … Read more

TUNE, Kester L.

KESTER L. TUNE, farmer, of Bedford County, Tenn., was born in this State December 6, 1829.  His parents, John and Mary (Cooper) Tune, were born in Virginia and Tennessee in 1791 and 1797, respectively.  They were married September 12, 1816, and fifteen children were born to their union.  The mother died in August, 1853, and … Read more

TROXLER, Micager

MICAGER TROXLER is a native Tennesseean, born January 25, 1839, and is residing in the home of his birth, where he owns 110 acres of good land.  In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate Army under Bushrod Johnson and served until December, 1863, when he was taken sick and captured.  He was paroled and sent … Read more


JOHN C. TROXLER was born January 5, 1840, in Tennessee.  His parents, Anthony and Sarah (Cortner) Troxler, were born in North Carolina in 1802 and 1810, respectively.  The father came to Tennessee about 1817, and died in 1843.  The mother’s death occurred in 1886.  Our subject has followed farming from early boyhood.   In 1861 he … Read more

TILLMAN, Lewis (Colonel)

COL. LEWIS TILLMAN (deceased) was born in Bedford County, August 18, 1816, being a son of John and Rachel P. (Martin) Tillman, natives of South Carolina.  Both parents immigrated to this county when young.  The father was born February 5, 1786, and came to Bedford County about 1810.  He was a farmer, and was one … Read more


ZACH THOMPSON was born July 7, 1844, at Lebanon, Wilson Co., Tenn.  His father, Col. Robert E. Thompson, is a native of Bedford County, Tenn., born in 1822 and of Irish descent.  He moved to Williamson County with his parents when a small boy and subsequently was educated at Lebanon, Wilson County, and began the … Read more


W. E. A. THOMPSON, A. B., a native of Bedford County, Tenn., was born Nov. 28, 1848.  His father was a licensed preacher in the Methodist Church, but having an affection of the throat was obliged to give up his ministerial duties and engage in farming.  His mother was Ellen C. (Williams) Thompson. Our subject … Read more


W. THOMPSON, one of the numerous members of the Thompson family of Bedford County, is a farmer living about four miles west of Shelbyville.  He was born August 20, 1842, in Bedford County.  His father, John F. Thompson, was born in Bedford County, being a son of one of those Thompsons who came to Bedford … Read more


THOMAS C. THOMPSON was born February 8, 1848, in Bedford County, Tenn., son of W. F. and Harriet P. (Hall) Thompson.  The father was a native of North Carolina, born September 9, 1816, and of English descent.  The mother was of Irish descent, and by her union with W. F. Thompson she became the mother … Read more

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