YELL, James C.

JAMES C. YELL, a native of Coffee County, Tenn., was born December 31, 1842, son of Francis M. and Judia (Short) Yell, both natives of Tennessee.  The father was born near Wartrace, and is of English extraction.  He has been a merchant, but at present is engaged in agricultural pursuits on a farm of nearly … Read more

YELL, Benjamin B.

BENJAMIN B. YELL, farmer, was born in Bedford County, Tenn., July 25, 1829, son of James and Jerusha (Barton) Yell, and of English descent.  The father was born in 1791, and he and his brother Archibald Yell were volunteer soldiers in the war of 1812, and participated in the battle of New Orleans.  Archibald Yell … Read more


MOSES WOODFIN, farmer, was born in Bedford County, Tenn., March 7, 1829, and of English-Irish lineage.  His father, Samuel Woodfin, was born in Buncombe County, North Carolina, in 1791, and about 1815 married Maria Barnhill, a native of South Carolina, born December 9, 1798, and to them were born fifteen children.  The father died April … Read more

WOOD, Thomas W.

THOMAS W. WOOD, M. D., of Shelbyville, Tenn., is a son of James and Eliza (Oberall) Wood, natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Virginia.  The father was born February 10, 1798, and the mother May 13, 1806.  They were married September 17, 1829.  Ten children blessed their union:  John A., William J., Melissa J., Thomas … Read more


J. P. WOOD.  William Wood was born in North Carolina in 1802, and was married to Elena Meris, also of that State, and our subject was born to them September 20, 1838, in Orange County, N. C.  He has always followed the life of a farmer, and at the breaking out of the late war … Read more


DAVID WILLIAMS is a native of Bedford County, Tenn., born in May, 1815.  His father, Joseph Williams, was born in North Carolina, in 1777, and came to Tennessee at a very early period.  He was a farmer, and a soldier in the war of 1812, participating in the battle of New Orleans.  In 1813 he … Read more


JOHN W. WIGGINS, a successful farmer and stock raiser, was born December 26, 1812, in North Carolina.  He is the son of Harrel and Sallie (Royster) Wiggins.  The father was born in North Carolina in 1788, and when quite young immigrated to Indiana, where he remained but a few months.  He then went to Kentucky, … Read more


J. GREER WIGGINS, a farmer of Bedford County, was born December 29, 1842.  He is the son of Benjamin F. and Jane H. (Greer) Wiggins.  The father was born in North Carolina, and in the early part of his life immigrated to Tennessee and settled in Bedford County.  He left and went to Mississippi, but … Read more

WHITTEMORE, William H. (Dr.)

DR. WILLIAM H. WHITTEMORE, of Haley, was born October 6, 1853, in Davidson County, Tenn.  His father, William B. Whittemore, was a native of the same county and is of Scotch-Irish descent.  He is a prominent farmer of that county, and married  Nancy E. Hays, a native of Davidson County and daughter of John Hays.  … Read more

WHITE, Thomas A.

THOMAS A. WHITE, farmer, was born May 15, 1819, and is one of seven children born to the union of Thomas and Margaret (McGarrah) White.  The father was born in Jefferson County, Va., in 1780, immigrated to Tennessee and settled in Maury County.  He remained there until 1825 when he moved to Shelbyville and followed … Read more

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