H.J. KIVETT, farmer and stock dealer, was born in Randolph County, N.C., October 27, 1847, the son of Lorenzo D. and Eliza (Johnson) KIVETT, the former of English stock born in the above county, in 1817, and the latter born in 1823.  Both were Missionary Baptists. Our subject, the second of four children (three now … Read more


Isaac M. JOHNSTON, was born at his present location April 20, 1838, son of James and Elizabeth (McNew) JOHNSTON.  They were of Irish descent, and natives of Virginia, the father of Smith County, and the mother of Washington.  The father was born August 30, 1789, and died, where our subject now lives, September 12, 1871; … Read more


E.A. HURST was born February 29, 1836, four miles southeast of Tazewell.  His father, Issac M., was a son of Aaron and Sallie (McNew) HURST, whose parents were among the early settlers around the “Old Garrison” on Ball Creek.  Aaron owned a large boundary of land between the “Old Garrison” and Big Spring (now Springdale), … Read more

Hurst & Stone

Hurst & Stone, attorneys at law, Tazewell, Tenn., practice in the courts of Claiborne County, and in the supreme court at Knoxville.  Their partnership was formed in the fall of 1885.  Members of the firm are Thomas W. STONE and E.A. HURST, both of whom reside at Tazewell.   T.W. STONE was born in the … Read more

HAMILTON, James M. (Dr.)

James M. HAMILTON, M.D., was born in Giles (now Bland) County, Va., July 1, 1851, the son of Timothy and Margaret (Moore) HAMILTON, the former of Scotch-Irish origin, and born in Boteourt County, Va., in 1817, and the latter of Irish stock, born in Giles County, Virginia, in 1812, and both living in Bland County, … Read more


Tilmon A. HAMILTON, farmer, stock dealer and lumber manufacturer, was born in this county November 29, 1840, the son of Joshua and Elzira (Dobbs) HAMILTON, the former born in 1798, in this county, and died in 1847; the latter born in 1800, in the same county.  The grandfather came from Ireland to Tennessee, and was … Read more


Peter G. FULKERSON, of the Tazewell bar, was born in Claiborne County, eighteen miles northeast of Tazewell, near Mulberry Gap, December 5, 1840, son of Dr. JAMES and Frances J. (Patterson) FULKERSON.  They were of Scotch-Irish descent.  The father was a native of Virginia, born in Washington County in that State in _____, and died … Read more

FRIAR, Henry H.

Henry H. FRIAR, farmer and merchant, was born near Tazewell, July 4, 1840, the son of Thomas and Nancy Richardson FRIAR, natives of Kentucky and this county, respectively, the former born in 1807, and the latter deceased in this county in 1847.  The father is a mechanic and stone mason, as well as a farmer, … Read more


John W. DIVINE, M.D., was born in Monroe County, Tenn., April 17, 1836, the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Avans) DIVINE, of Irish and Scotch-Irish stock, and natives of South Carolina.  A few years after marriage they settled as farmers in Monroe County, Tenn.   Our subject, the youngest of nine children, was educated at … Read more

DAY, James A.

James A. DAY, M.D., was born near his present home February 11, 1840, the son of Samuel B. and Winnie (Evans) DAY, the former of Scotch-Irish stock, born January 15, 1800 in Albemarle County, Va., and deceased December 19, 1875, and the latter born in May, 1804, in this county, and deceased August 6, 1886. … Read more

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