Wills, 1808-1847

Wills, 1808-1847

Wills from Will Book I (1808-1847)

Page 8 – Will of Henry Heryford Sr. In the name of Almighty God, Amen. Inasmuch as it is appointed for all men to die, I Henry Heryford of Franklin County and State of Tennessee do make and ordain this my last will and testament as follows, viz: I give my body to be buried at the discretion of my wife and order that my just debts be paid. I give and bequeath to my loving wife, Ann Herreford, during her lifetime, one Negro man named Moses, and two of my best feather beds, and furniture, two cows, and calves or yearlings, and also many hogs, and my household furniture, and as many sheep as she thinks fit to keep, and two of the best horses, such as she shall choose, and her lifetime on the land, that I have on the Cumberland river in Wain* County. And at her death I give the said land to my sons William and Paul, and the money that I gave to James Estill for a Negro woman by the name of Dorcus, which we are at law for, and three year old slaves for to suc, for to uphold the lawsuit, and the balance of my living, all but the farming tools. I leave them to my wife, during her lifetime. And at her death the balance of my estate to be sold and the money’s to be equallydivided amongst my children: Sarah Scott, Ann Stanlay, Jane Meadows, Rosemond Vinson, Andrew Herreford, Frances Barnes, James Herreford, John Herreford, Henry Herreford, George Herreford, William Herreford, Paul Herreford (Hereford). I likewise leave my wife, Ann Herreford, and my son (?) Herreyford my executors. Signed in the presence of: Israel Archer; William (his x mark) Archer. This 7th day of July 1813. Signed: Henry Herreford (Seal); Jane (her X mark) Herreford.

Note: Richard P. Eckels transcribed the will and made this additional comment: 400 acres, taken up in 1811 in Wayne Co., KY. This will was contributed by Cyndi at: Pathoscafe [at] aol [dot] com
Page 48. I, Thomas Gilliam of Franklin County in the State of Tennessee being of body but of sound mind and disposing memory do make constitute and ordain this my Last Will and Testament revoking and disannulling all others that is to say. 1st I do constitute and appoint Brother Lemuel Gilliam my Executor to this my Last Will and Testament. 2ly I will and bequeathed after the payment of all my just debts to my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Gilliam a certain small mare and saddle forever also as much of the live stock household furniture and crop as may be deemed sufficient by my Executors for the support of the said Elizabeth and her orphan children Lemuel Gilliam, John Gilliam, Sarah Gilliam, Andrew Gilliam, William Gilliam, Plesant Gilliam and Polly Gilliam. The remained of the personal property consisting of corn and one set of Joiners tools and a set of Tuners Tools and other articles that are not required for the immediate use of the family, I wish to be sold with the least possible delay and the money therefrom put to interest which interest I wish to be appropriated to the use of said Elizabeth and the above named children. The principal I wish to be divided among the above named children. 3ly It is my desire that the said Elizabeth shall have the tract of land that I purchased of Col. Williams Martin adjoining at George Allen Brooks [sic BROCK] tract of land lying on upper Beans Creek during her natural life or widowed at her death. I wish the land sold for cash and equally divided among surviving children. I have about two hundred Dollars in notes and accounts that are due I wish them collected and invested in the same manner as the money hereto fore specified. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal in the presence of the subscribing witnesses this 9th day of October AD 1822. /S/ Thomas Gilliam (Seal). Attest: John Gilliam, Jurat; T. Peoples, Jurat. Contributed by Saundra Anderson.

PAGE 54 – In the Name of God Amen, I Peter Anderson of the County of Franklin and State of Tennessee being of sound body with in my perfect sense do make this my last Will and Testament. First I do will and bequeath to my loving wife Sinag (Sinai Roberts) Anderson all my land and all my other property during her life of Widowhood to raise the children and at her death or marriage all my property to be sold and equally divided among my children. Sinag Anderson and John Anderson Executors of this. February 3rd day 1824. Signed Peter Anderson. Witnesses: Thomas S. Brown; William Perry; Jacob Bowers. Contributed by Saundra Anderson.

PAGE 89 – James Harris will submitted by Ann Gary . I, James Harris of Franklin County and State of Tennessee calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die and it being my desire that the smallest might be as respect my worldly affairs I have constituted and ordained this to be my last Will and Testament and it is my Will and desire that my property and effects be disposed of in the following manner, viz: I bequeath to my dear Wife Susannah the plantation on which I now live estimated 230a with all the negros now in my possession, also all my farming utensils and tools of every description, also all my household furniture and kitchen implements with all my stock of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs to remain in my dear Wife Susannah’s possession, care and management during her lifetime or widowhood for the use and support of the widow and family which are now unmarried and at home with her. I further will and desire at the death of my Wife Susannah the negros with their increase be divided between my three Sons Samuel, David, and James also that the plantation with all the tools stock etc as above described remain in the possession of the unmarried part of the Family for their use and support so long as they may think proper to live on the plantation but so soon as they unanimously agree to live on it no longer it shall be sold and the proceeds equally divided amongst all my children viz. Sarah, Rebecca, Samuel, Marthy, Mary, Rhoda, David, Susannah and James and all the balance of personal property and household furniture then belonging to the plantation shall be divided equally between the unmarried children. I also will and desire that if at any time any of the stock or perishable property should become troublesome, expensive or useless to them it shall be sold and the money appropriated to the use of the Widdow and Family. I do further Will and desire that if any of my children should think proper to marry that they shall receive their proportions of the Stock, household furniture and possessions which may be on hand to be given at the discretion of the widow and Executors. I do hereby constitute and appoint my dear wife Susannah and my three sons, Samuel Harris, David G. Harris and James B. Harris Executors.30 May 1828. /S/ James Harris. Test: M. B. Feamster; John O. Feamster. Duly witnessed by witnesses 22 Nov. 1830. Recorded 17 Jan. 1831. Ed Russell Clk. [JAMES HARRIS, son of Samuel and Rebecca Morrison HARRIS].

Pages 97-99. John MATHEWS. In the name of God Amen. I John MATHEWS of FCT … First my will is that all my debts be paid by me Executors … Item I give and bequeath unto Hannah MATHEWS and her children Elizabeth Fidelia Mary & Emily MATHEWS and such other children as she may have at the time of my decease the following real and personal estate to wit two tracts of land Situate in FC in the Barrens adjoining the lands of George GRAY Esq. and James BROWN each of said tracts adjoining one hundred acres and known by the name of the MALONE tract and the other by the Name of the THURMAN tract with all appurtenances to them and their heirs forever subject to the Condition following that is to say that the said Hannah MATHEWS is to have the use and possession only of said tract of land for and during her life & after her death the fee Simple Estate in said land to vest in her said children now living or which she may hereafter have and the representatives of such as may be dead hereby vesting said Hannah with power to present each of her said children to enjoy such part thereof during her life as she may think proper not exceeding the first and equal portion of such child. Item I give and bequeath unto the said Hannah MATHEWS and her children aforesaid and such other child as she may have at the time of my decease the following negro slaves and their property to wit, one negro man named Duke and his wife Rachel and their six children namely Cyntha Austin Francis George Richard and Alford negro man James and his wife Merme & the issue or decedents of the females subject to the same Conditions as in the last clause that is to say that the said Hannah is to have the use and possession of such slaves only during her life and after her death the same to be equally divided between her children to them & their heirs forever vesting the said Hannah with the same power of distribution amongst her children in her life time as she may think proper. I also give and bequeath to the said Hannah MATHEWS and her children one-half of my stock of horses cattle sheep and hogs household furniture and the one-half of all other personal estate negros excepted and not have otherwise disposed of upon the same condition and under the same restriction & limitation … Item I give to my Son Nicholas Williams MATHEWS and Lunsford Long MATHEWS and their heirs forever the several tracts of land in the County of Franklin on which I at present reside containing about 435a being the whole of the balance of my land in the barrens not before disposed of also the following negro slaves to wit One man named Galloway & his wife Lucy one man named George and his wife Daphney & their five children Penney James Caroline Daniel & Solomon one man named Gilbert one man named Lewis one man named Harry one negro man named Ned one girl named Moriah and the issue of the females and the balance of my personal estate not herein before disposed of the whole of said land slaves and other property herein and hereby devised to my said two sons to be equally divided between them as tenants in Common. Item I give unto my son Nicholas Williams MATHEWS and his heirs forever 50a of land in FC on Paint Rock Creek immediately below the Confluence of Martins & Estill fork. Item I give unto my dau. Luraney L. TARNER [sic TURNER] wife of John C. TONNER [sic TURNER] and to my son John MATHEWS 150a of land in FC on Turkey Creek a branch of paintrock to them and their heirs forever … Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint George GRAY Esquire John TURNER and James ROBINSON Executors of this my last W&T … 10 Feb. 1831. /S/ John MATHEWS. Wits.: M. TAUL. Aug. Term the will brought into court by George GRAY and Micah TAUL and will witnessed by John TURNER George GRAY and James ROBINSON….22 October 1831, E. RUSSELL Clk. Transcribed by Judy H. Phillips.

Pages 107-108. Boley Embry. In the name of God Amen Whereas it is once appointed for man to die I Boley Embry of Franklin County, State of Tennessee being of sound mind and perfect mind & memory do make & publish this my last will and testament in manner & form following – First I give and bequeath unto my oldest son Miller Fifty dollars also I give and bequeath unto my second son Isaac fifty dollars after which I wish two hundred dollars to be disposed of in the most advantagious manner in educating my four youngest children so as to be equally divided amongst them the names of those children are as follows – Thomas Jefferson, Winney, Elizabeth & Isabella, further it is my desire that my lands shall be sold on a credit of one, two & three years; equal installments and the whole of my other personal and Real estate with all my household furniture – should be sold on a credit of twelve months and the money when collected after paying my just debts and Reserving the above mentioned two hundred dollars to be disposed of as before stated the balance together with all the moneys due me to be equally divided amongst my eight children (viz) Temperance, Jennie, Matilda, Lucy, Thomas, Winney, Elizabeth and Isabella – and I do hereby appoint my loving brother Thomas Embry and my Trusty friend William Duncan my whole & sole executors of this my last will & testament – Witness my hand & seal this 12th day of May 1832 – Boley Embry {Seal}. Witnesses: Samuel Corn; James J. Harrell.
State of Tennessee. At the Court of pleas & quarter sessions held for Franklin County on the 27th day of August 1832. The within last will & testament of Boley Embry deceased was this day brought into open Court and duly proven by the oaths [of] Samuel Corn & James J. Harrell subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be Recorded. In testimony whereof I Edmond Russell Clerk of said Court have hereunto subscribed my name the day & year aforesaid. E Russell Clk of Franklin County Court. By W B Wagner D.C.

Pages 212-213 – I William Moore do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. First I give and bequeath unto my son James H [“M” in other docs] Moore the property and monies which I have heretofore given him and which he has had in possession and used Secondly. I give & bequeath unto my son Alexander Moore the properties and monies which I have heretofore given him and which he has had in possession & use Thirdly. I give and bequeath unto my son John H Moore one bay filley known as his filley beside the property and monies which I have heretofore given him and which he has had in possession and used. Fourthly I give and bequeath unto my son William L Moore one bay horse colt known as his colt besides the property which I have heretofore given him and which he has had in possession Fifthly. I give and bequeath unto my son Henderson Moore one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid over to him at the death of my wife Jane Moore besides the property which I have heretofore given him and which he has had in possession. Sixthly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Jane Moore during her natural life for her comfortable support and maintenance & for the support and maintenance of Daughter Lutetia Moore my son William L Moore my Daughter Mary Ellen Moore my son Machisn Moore and my Daughter Louisa Jane Moore so long as they or either of them shall remain with her my said Wife the following property (to wit) the plantation or tract of land whereon I now live containing one hundred acres together with all the balance of my estate both real and personal except so much as I may have in a preceding clause or clauses of this my Will given to my sons Seventhly It is my will and desire & do direct that at the death of decease or death of my said Wife Jane Moore that all my Estate both real and personal which I have in a proceeding clause of this my Will given or loaned to my said Wife during her natural life here equally divided between my daughters Lutetia Moore my son William L Moore my daughter Mary Ellen Moore my son Machesna Moore & my daughter Louisa Jane Moore Lastly I do hereby nominate & appoint my sons Alexander Moore and John H Moore my Executors. In witness whereof I do to this my Will set my hand & seal this 26th Septr 1838. William Moore Seal

Note the word support on the first page & the words during her natural life on the second page was [intertaned?] before signed
Signed sealed & published in our presence and we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the Testator this 26th of Sept 1838. Charles Duncan} State of Tennessee Franklin County Joseph Miller } County Court March Term 1843
James P Cowan} Then the foregoing last Will and Hugh Montgomery } Testament of William Moore Deceased was proved in open court by the oaths of Joseph Miller & James P Cowan two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and was ordered to be recorded. Witness Isaac Estill Clerk &c this day of March 1843. Isaac Estill, Clerk
Franklin Co., TN Court Loose Records, Box 1860-1869, Folder #757, transcribed by Joy Gallagher.
To the Hon Jno. P. Steele one of the Chancellors of the State of Tennessee who presides at Winchester in said state. Your Oratrix Louisa J. Kiningham, who sues by her next friend Wm Kiningham, a citizen of the County of Franklin and State of Tennessee would respectfully represent to your Honor That her father William Moore died on the (blank) day of (blank)1843 leaving her mother Jane Moore a widow and the following named children James M. Moore Alexander Moore John H. Moore William L. Moore Henderson Moore Luticia Moore Mary E. Moore since intermarried with Samuel Cowan Machesna Moore and Louisa J Moore since intermarried with William Kiningham, the last being the complainant in this Bill.

That Luticia died some thirteen years past and that William L died in December 1863 – they both died without issue having never married. Alexander Moore died on the (blank) day of (blank) leaving the following named children Elizabeth Eliza intermarried with William Holland Virginia John and Josaphene the three last being minors. That Jane Moore the mother of complainant died on the (blank) day of January 1864.
That complainants father William Moore made a will which was duly entered to Probate, in which he provided for his children, giving to the older ones property of various amounts, leaving to his younger children property to be divided at the death of their mother. The six youngest children were to be made equal by securing their share when their mother died. The will specifying “That Henderson Moore was to secure at the death of his mother one hundred and fifty dollars in addition to the property already advanced him.” Said will also provided that at the death of his widow Jane Moore that the estate both real and personal which he had in a preceding clause of his will given or loaned to his said wife during her natural life shall be equally divided between my daughter Luticia Moore my son W L Moore my daughter Mary Ellen Moore my son Machesny Moore and my daughter Louisa Jane Moore. That before the death of Jane Moore, the widow and mother of your Oratrix, Luticia and William L. died without issue, and without securing any part of said Estate. That your complainant would respectfully report that the tract of land described in the will, consisting of one hundred and twenty three acres, and by deed from James Lewis and Joseph Acklin, the original deed being filed and marked Exhibit (A) and (B) That said land remains undivided and has not been sold for the benefit of the children named in the will as entitled to the same.

Your complainant would further represent that there are two tracts of land not mentioned in the will which belong to said Estate by Grant from the State of Tennessee to William Moore for (103) acres No 1276 – and one granted to Wm Moore A. Moore and Jesse Perkins for (121) acres which remains undivided. The third [illegible] belonging to said Estate which will more fully appear by said grants Marked Exhibit (C) and (D) The Exhibits mentioned will be filed at the hearing.

Your complainant would most respectfully ask that The will be controlled by your Honorable Court. That all the parties named as such be made defendants to the Bill That all necessary and proper issue and upon final hearing That said lands be sold and the proceeds be divided among the heirs as they are entitled to receive and Grant General relief. All the above named parties are residents of Franklin County Tennessee except James M. Moore who is a citizen of Gibson Co Tennessee Complainant prays that Guardians Ad Litem be appointed for the minors named in this Bill. Turney and Newman, Solicitors.

Personally appeared before me Louisa J Kiningham and made oath in due form of Law that the facts stated in the foregoing Bill are true to the best of her knowledge information and Belief. L.J. Kiningham, January 3rd 1866. E.L. Best {J.P.}
I will be responsible for the costs in the prosecution of this cause. Wm Kiningham; J.R. Kiningham.

Pages 57,58. John Bowlby Palmer. In the name of God amen. John B. Palmer of Franklin County and State of Tennessee being weak in body but perfect mind and memory thanks be to almighty God calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die does make and ordain this my last Will and Testament revoking all others heretofore by me made. First I recommend my Soul to God who gave it and my Body to the Grave and as touching such worldly estates wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and bequeath the same in the following manner (to wit). First I will that my Executors and Executrix hereafter named pay all my just debts from my apd. estate as I have heretofore endeavored to do in my lifetime. Second I give and bequeath to my oldest Daughter Margaret now Margaret Weddington one negro Boy named Bruce in addition to two others heretofore given namely Barberry and Rhody. Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my Second Daughter Eliza Palmer three negros namely Mariah, Fanny and Jacob, one mare named Julia, two cows her equal with my Daughter Margaret Weddington at the discretion of my beloved wife. Fourth I give and bequeath to my third Daughter Hannah now Hannah Weddington one negro boy named Judson in addition to two others heretofore given one a girl named Harriet and a boy named Richmond and other property making her equal with my aforesaid two daughters Margaret and Eliza at the discretion of my beloved wife. Fifth I will and bequeath to my GrandSon John P. Weddington one negro boy named Joe also my Rifle gun and accouterments. Sixthly I will and bequeath to my GrandDaughter Sarah R. Weddington a negro girl named Mary. Seventh I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Palmer all the residue of my real and personal estate during her natural life freely to enjoy and occupy and at her death to be equally divided between my three daughters Margaret Weddington, Eliza Palmer and Hannah Weddington and their children. Eighthly I do hereby make constitute and appoint my trusty friends George Gray Esq. and William L. Weddington together with my beloved wife Sarah Palmer Executors and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament making void all and any other heretofore by me made written or verbal ratifying and confirming this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this thirtieth day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty five 30th June 1825. Signed Sealed and acknowledged before us John B. Palmer {seal} John Staples ; Lewis Clark.

John Bowlby Palmer, son of Edmond Palmer and wife Hannah Martha Bowlby, is buried at Walnut Grove Methodist Church Cemetery, Franklin Co., TN. His tombstone is inscribed “In Memory of John B. Palmer Who departed this life Oct. 1825 Aged 51 years.” He and his wife Sarah Rich Palmer came to Franklin Co., TN between 1818 and 1820 from Rowan Co., NC with their daughter and son-in-law Margaret and Eli Bradshaw Weddington, who were married in Rowan Co. May 16, 1815. Also living in Franklin County in the 1820s were the Palmers’ two other daughters, Eliza who married Lewis Evans, and Hannah, who married William Lewis Weddington, Eli’s brother.
Here is the probate record for John B. Palmer’s wife Sarah, who died in 1858 in Gonzales Co., TX.

Probate Record for the Estate of Sarah Rich Palmer, Gonzales Co., TX Probate Book B, File #488. Petition of Lewis Evans and Eliza Evans and Wm. L. Weddington and Hannah Weddington for partition of Estate of Sarah Palmer dec’d. Filed Feb. 5th, 1859 F. Chenault, Clk. The State of Texas } In County Court sitting on business appertaining Gonzales County } to estates of dec’d. persons January Term 1859. To Hon. Charles Mason, Chief Justice of Gonzales County – Your petitioners Lewis Evans and his wife Eliza Evans both of said County and State and Wm. L. Weddington and his wife Hannah Weddington both of DeWitt County in said State represent that Sarah Palmer late of Gonzales County, Texas, departed this life intestate in said County on the 10th of October A.D. 1858, leaving a small estate and that the said Lewis Evans has been by your Hon. appointed administrator of the estate of said decedent and has filed in your Court his inventory and appraisement of said estate and that all the debts of the estate have been paid and that the only heirs of said decedent are her three children to wit the said Eliza Evans and Hannah Weddington and Margarette Weddington and the said last named Margarette Weddington is the wife of Eli B. Weddington both of whom reside in Gibson County in the State of Tennessee, being non-residents. Your petitioners file their bond in the terms of the law for the partition of said estate and pray that the same be partitioned equally between the said Eliza Evans and Hannah Weddington and Margarette Weddington. The property to be partitioned consists of twelve negroes and some stock and some claims due the estate, as per inventory. Prayer is made that the said non-resident Margarette Weddington and her husband Eli B. Weddington be cited by publication in the terms of the law to appear at the March term of your Court to be holden in the town of Gonzales in Gonzales County on the last Monday in March on the 28th day of the month, and that partition of said estate of said decedent be then decided and for equity and general relief. Wm. H. & T.R. Stewart, Attys. for Petitioners.
To add a note about Eli B. and Margaret Palmer Weddington, they moved on to Obion Co., TN where they died in 1864 and 1868 respectively and were buried in the Bethlehem Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Obion Co. William Lewis and Hannah Palmer Weddington died in 1874 and 1880 respectively in DeWitt Co., TX and were buried in Concerte Cemetery, DeWitt Co. Lewis and Eliza Palmer Evans died in 1879 and 1888 respectively in Gonzales Co., TX and were buried in Masonic Cemetery, Gonzales Co. Will and probate contributed by Joy Gallagher, gallagherj [at] cafes [dot] net.

Page 58,59. In the Name of God Amen. I John Gilliam of the State of Tennessee and County of Franklin being in low state of health but in perfect sense of memory thanking to God for his mercies and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed fro all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in the manner and form following (viz) I leave my soul to Almighty God that gave it hoping through the merits of my Blessed Savior to inherit everlasting life and my body to be buried in a descent manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter mentioned and as to all my worldly goods that it has pleased God to (?) me I leave in the manner and form following.. My will is that all my just debts paid and satisfied and then I give my son John Three hundred dollars to be raised out of my estate and then I give to my son Hinshea my Negro man David an also Jack then I give to the heirs of Thomas Gilliam three acres of land around my son Lemuel my Negro boy Wiley and then I give Nancy Turney and the heir of her body my girl Isbe and I give to Polly Turney and the heirs of her body my Negro girl Rachel and then I give to Francis Deloach and their heirs of her body Beck and Stephen and then I give to Avery Snider fifty Dollars to be raised out of my Estate and then I give to the heirs of Temperance Clipper my Negro man John sometimes called Orch and I also further give my son Lemuel my Negro girl Caty and her children now at the breast and rates them worth Six hundred dollars and Lemuel must pay each of the heirs an equal part of said Six hundred dollars retaining his own part. John Gilliam and Avery Snider excepted and then I give my son Hinchea my Negro boy Bill at six hundred dollars which must be divided among the heirs as equally as above stated John and Caty excepted and then my desire is that all my land except three acres around the house of Elizabeth Gilliam’s, horses, cattle and stock of all kinds household furniture and farming tools to be sold at the public sale and such money equally divided among the above named Hinchea and the heirs of Thomas Gilliam, Lemuel Gilliam, Nancy, and Polly Turneys heirs Francis Deloach and her heirs Temperance Clipper and her heirs and I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Lemuel Gilliam and Jacob Turney Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revoking disannulling all wills by me heretofore made allowing ratifying and confirming this to be my Last Will and Testament. /S/ John Gilliam, (Seal). Signed and sealed and pronounced in presence of John A. Johnson; Barnett Forsythe; George A. Brock.
I John Gilliam yet surviving and being in a perfect mind and memory it is my will that this codicil be annexed to my former will (viz) that twenty-five yards square be laid off and reserved for a burying yard on the tract of land heretofore disposed of by me in my former will to be laid off near a walnut tree including Thomas Gilliam’s grave this codicil acknowledged and signed and sealed in the presence of us the 17th day of August AD 1825. /S/ John Gilliam, (Seal). Witnesses same as above. Transcribed by Bobby Bollman and submitted by Saundra Anderson.

Page 278. I Catherine Sandridge do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making Void all other Wills by me at any time Made. First I direct that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may first come unto the hands of my Executor. Secondly= I direct that my Executor to have a neat tombstone placed over my grave and have the Grave Yard where my husband is and where I desire to be buried ?ailed in= Thirdly = I direct that my Executor to take possession as soon as I die and before he is qualified of all my property both real and personal and after he is qualified to sell the same both real and personal as soon as convenient and to make in his name as Executor such title to my real estate as I could if living and in case he is unable to sell my land immediately he is directed to rent it out and wait until a sale can be effected = Fourthly My Will is and I give and bequeath to the children of Thomas MODENA dec’d late of VA one hundred dollars each Fifthly I give and bequeath to the Children of Henry MODENA decd one Half of the remainder of my estate after paying the Legacy to Thomas decd Children= Sixthly= I Will and bequeath to Susan FARIS wife of Wm FARIS and America MILLER wife of George MILLER and John HILL son of Henry HILL, Jr. in equal shares the the balance or the other half of my estate Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint F. T. Estill my Executor in Witness whereof I do to this my Will set my hand and Seal This 10th day of September 1850. Catherine (X her mark) SANDRIDGE (Seal). Signed Sealed and Published in our presence and we have subscribed our names here to in the presence of the Testator This 10 day of Sept 1850 – Wiley Denson Thomas Garner.

State of Tennessee, Franklin County }} County Court October Tern 1850. This the Last Will and Testament of Catherine Sandridge dec’d was produced in open Court for probate and thereupon came Wiley Denson and Thomas Garner the subscribing witnesses thereto who being duly sworn depose and say they were personally acquainted with the Testatrix in his (sic) lifetime that he (sic) signed sealed and acknowledged the same in their presence to be her last Will & Testament that she was of sound mind and deposing memory at the time she signed the same and that they signed their names thereto as witnesses in the presence and at the request of the Testatrix and on the day it bears date. Wherefore it was ordered by the Court that said Will be recorded as the Law directs Witness Wm. E. Taylor Clerk of said Court at office This day of October 1850. Signed Wm. E. Taylor. Contributed by: Imogene McDonald, ALIMM [at] aol [dot] com.

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