Thomas Wakefield Revolutionary War Pension
Thomas WAKEFIELD W.1107 West Tenn. #22528 $26.66/year Issued 28 June 1834. Jemima WAKEFIELD, widow Tenn. #2670 $26.66/year issued 27 Oct. 1853.
19 Sept. 1825 Franklin County. A copy of the marriage license bearing this date certifies that Thomas WAKEFIELD married Jemima GRIFFIN.
26 Nov. 1832 Franklin County Thomas WAKEFIELD aged 70 states he was a resident of Burke County, N.C. in December 1779 when he enlisted under Capt. FORD and marched to Charleston, S.C. After serving three months he was discharged and returned home. During the year 1780 he served under Col. Joseph MCDOWELL for two tours of two months each in the Cherokee Nation. After the Battle of Cowpens, when CORNWALLIS was passing through North Carolina, Affiant volunteered again under MCDOWELL.
Clergyman Elijah BRAZIER, William N. TAYLOR and Joseph HILTON vouched for WAKEFIELD.
26 Nov. 1833 Franklin County, Thomas WAKEFIELD states he was born 5 Oct. 1762 in Albemarle County, Va., according to his family Bible record which was taken from his father’s Bible. He resided in Burke County, N.C., while he served, and continued to reside there until about 16 years ago when he removed to this place.
2 Nov. 1837 Franklin County Thomas WAKEFIELD appoints George SIMMONS of Salem, Franklin County, his Attorney.
5 Dec. 1837 Thomas WAKEFIELD states he in sometime in the habit of signing his own name, but at other times his hands troubles him too much. Therefore, he signed his application with an X but signed his name at the pension office when he drew his pay.
George MOSELY states he knows this to be true, having known WAKEFIELD for the past 25 years.
17 Feb. 1853 Franklin County, Jemima WAKEFIELD, widow of the pensioner Thomas WAKEFIELD, states she married in Franklin County in 1825 and her husband died 17 Sept. 1849.
8 Oct. 1853 Franklin County, Jemima WAKEFIELD states she is 87 years of age.
1937 Inquiry of Mrs. Guy PAXTON of Abilene, Texas. She states that WAKEFIELD’S daughter, Jane, married Newton GOODWIN in Charleston, S.C. and that WAKEFIELDS third wife was a Miss PENLAND.