Some Slaves in Franklin County, 1840

Some Slaves in Franklin County, 1840

Transcribed by Judy Henley Phillips

The following deeds are abstracted from the Franklin County Deed Books for the year 1840.

Deed Book O (1834-40) p427 (Bill of Sale) – John G. BRAZELTON (constable) to Hayden MARCH for MARY and MOSES, two negroes sold as the property of Dyer MOORE … Whereas Bershir CRISMAN surviving partner of R.P. HARRIS & Co. recovered Judgment against one Dyer MOORE before James ROBINSON Esqr. on 14 Nov. 1839 … a negro boy named MOSES levied on 25th Nov. 1839 about 8 years old … Hayden MARCH bought for $365. Reg’d. 16 Jan. 1840.

Ibid. p430 (BS) – A. SHOOK (shff) to Hayden MARCH for MARY, a slave sold as property of Dyer MOORE … Wits: G.R. POWEL; G.A. FLOYD. Reg’d. 14 Jan. 1840.

Deed Book R, p7,8 (Deed of Trust) – Thomas KNIGHT to Willie B. WAGNER for a negro Boy named GRANVILLE about 10 years old. Reg’d. 22 Jan. 1840.

Ibid. p9, 10 (BS) – John G. BRAZELTON (Trustee) to Wm. H. MATLOCK for JOHN a mulatto Slave 23 years of age. Whereas on 7 Sept. 1836 Mary E. MATLOCK executed a Deed of Mortgage to John J. HAYTER by which she conveyed to him 4 negroes, JOHN a boy aged about 20 years, MARY a girl aged about 16 and her child, which afterwards died and ANNE a girl aged about 9 … sold 27 Jan. 1840 boy, or man JOHN to William H. MATLOCK $1000. Wits: James ROBINSON; A.J. BRAZELTON. Reg’d. 27 Jan. 1840.

Ibid. p12, 13 (BS) – William FARRIS to Solomon WAGNER. Handed to M. TEMPLE 15 Feb. 1840 … $500 1 negro girl named MARIAH about 7 year of age and 1 negro girl named ELIZABETH about 4. Test: William DARWIN; Daniel T. NORMAN; W. HOLDER; William RUSSEL. Reg’d. 3 Feb. 1804.

Ibid. p19, 20 (Deed of Trust) – Robt. H. HILL to Wm. HUDSON to the use of Pleasant HILL. … household items … 1 negro woman named SARAH about 60 years old … Signed 8 Feb. 1840 Robert H. HILL. Wits.: A.H. ESTILL; James A. PHILLIPS. Reg’d. 10 Feb. 1840.

Ibid. p22,23 (Bill of Sale) – John G. BRAZELTON, constable to William L. HANNAH. Whereas Thomas WILSON exector of the estate of Joseph KLEPPER, dec’d. reversed a Judgment against one Dyer MOORE before James ROBINSON Esqr. on the 23rd Nov. 1839 upon which a writ of Fi Fa isd. 28 Nov. 1838 and by virtue of which I levied on the 28 Nov. 1839 upon a Negro boy named REUBEN, as the property of Dyer MOORE, which negro is about 5 years old … public sale at the Court house door of FC… William L. HANNAH bought for $228. 15 Jan. 1840. Reg’d. 12 Feb. 1840.

Ibid. p23, 24 (BS) – Elisha M. JONES and others to Joseph NEWMAN for ADALINE a girl slave for $625, 12 years old the 20th day of last Dec. Signed: Elisha M. JONES; J.L. STARNES; Temperance BIBB; Elisha G. ADAIR. E.M. JONES agent for Joshua W. BIBB. Reg’d. 13 Feb. 1840.

Ibid. p37 (BS) – A. SHOOK, Sheriff to James LEWIS. James LEWIS recovered a Judgment against Dyer MOORE in Circuit Court of Bedford Co., TN on 19 Dec. 1839 … levied the 25th of same month upon a certain Negro woman named MARTHA aged about 34 and her child a dau. called CORNELIA aged about 1 as the property of Dyer MOORE … 8 Jan. 1840 James LEWIS became purchaser for $261. Reg’d. 22 Feb. 1840.

Ibid.p37, 38 (BS) – A. SHOOK Shff. to James LEWIS for CAIN and ISABEL 2 slaves. CAIN aged about 70 and ISABEL 75 sold as the property of Dyer MOORE. Reg’d. 22 Feb. 1840.

Ibid. p39, 40 (BS) – James L. WILLIAMSON constable to James LEWIS for SALLY and her two children viz: OVERTON and JINNY sold as the property of Dyer MOORE. Reg’d. 22 Feb. 1840.

Ibid. p47-49 (Deed of Trust) – I, Richard C. ANDREWS to John G. BRAZELTON, 1/3 of two undivided tracts of land on the waters of Beans Creek … bounding John STOVALL on which he lives … Hopkins STOVALL … John ETHERIDGE … old Stovall Mill tract near the Junction of Beans and Robinsons Creek … 54 acres. Also the 1/3 of a 100 acre tract undivided and on Beans Creek … MCKEES … Also 1 negro slave MILES 26 years old. Reg’d. 28 Feb. 1840.

Ibid. p57 (Mortgage) – Wm. H. OGDEN to Matt FINCH for personal property. I william H. OGDEN of FCT … am indebted to Matt FINCH in two several sums of $1250 … 1 negro woman named MARTHA aged about 19 year and 1 negro girl named HARRIET aged about 15 years. Signed William H. OGDEN. Reg’d. 6 Mar. 1840.

Ibid. p63 (BS) – Saml. HAYTER to John J. HAYTER for HANNAH a Slave for life aged 19 for $600. A negro woman of yellow complex. Signed & Reg’d. 10 Mar. 1840 Saml. HAYTER. Wits.: James ROBINSON; B.B. WILKINSON.

Ibid. p74,75 (BS) – A. SHOOK to James LEWIS for ROSE a negro girl slave about 6 years old property of Dyer MOORE. I did offer for sale at public auction, on the plantation of Dyer MOORE on 8 Jan. 1840 when James LEWIS became the purchaser at $100. Reg’d. 30 Mar. 1840.

Ibid. p75,76 (BS) – A. SHOOK to James LEWIS for negro girl slave RHODA about 4-year-old sold 8 Jan. 1840 as property of Dyer MOORE. Reg’d. 30 Mar. 1840.

Ibid. p79,80 (DC) – jas. LEWIS to Mary C. LEWIS his wife to confirm a former deed of gift for certain slaves and increase. Whereas on 20 oct. 1826 George DIVERS of Albemarle Co., VA by Deed to my wife Mary then Mary C. MARKS, 2 negro girls HARRIET aged then about 16 and ELLEN her sister about 13 years old both of said girls being daus. of a woman named EVALINE. The Deed of Gift expressly provided that the title to the slaves and increase would be absolute in sd Mary C. MARKS and that in the event of her marriage such right and title shall not be divested or controlled and that her husband when so married shall have no right … And whereas on the (blank) day of (blank) 1826 the said Mary C. MARKS and myself were lawfully married in the County of Albemarle and state of VA, but deed has never been received or registeres and is now in my possession as are also the Negore Girl HARRIET and her increase and HENRY about 7 years old who is a son of ELLEN, who has departed this life … Girl HARRIET has had issue, one son named THOMAS aged about 12 year, a dau., SOPHIA aged about 6, a son REUBEN age 2. ELLEN who is dead had issue, a son named HENRY, aged about 7. Wits. M. TAUL; William DARWIN. Reg’d. 4 Apr. 1840.

Ibid. p83 (BS) – I, Willis CHAMPION of Benton Co., Ala. to James WOODS of FCT, 1 negro girl named NANCY JEAN about 11 years old of dark complex. and a slave for life for $400. Reg’d. 14 Apr. 1840.

Ibid. p92 (BS) – I, John R. PATRICK Trustee for Green W. CAPERTON of FCT for $1924.50 to Aron THOMPSON the foll. Negroes: 1 negro man PETER aged about 36, 1 negro woman WINNY aged about 36, 1 negro girl named BETSY aged 10 and 1 negro girl named JANE about 5. Reg’d. 5 May 1840.

Ibid. p93 (BS) I, John R. PATRICK, Trustee for Green W. CAPERTON and Mary CAPERTON of FCT for $800 to Granville LIPSCOMB for BEN a Slave, aged about 20. Reg’d. 5 May 1840.

Ibid. p93, 94 (Deed of Gift) – We Jesse SHARP and Matt FINCH to Mary Ann F. SHARP, a negro man slave named DICK aged about 22 … household items. Signed 5 May 1840 Jesse SHARP; Matt FINCH. Reg’d. 6 May 1840.

Ibid. p103, 104 (DT) – Thomas KNIGHT to William W. BRAZELTON, trustee for 3 negroes viz: PENNY a negro woman of dark complex., 36 years old, SUSAN a negro girl of dark complex. 5 years old and ELIZA a negro girl of dark complex. 3 years old. I am indebted to Murry S. EMBRY for notes. Reg’d. 15 May 1840.

Ibid. p104-106 (DT) – I, Clement ARLEDGE to William SIMMONS, a negro slave named ALCE and her 3 children HENRY, JEFFERSON & MARY in trust for following purpose – Elias J. RILEY intermarried with my dau. Happy, now dead, by whom he had a son, now living named Greenberry, who was 3 years old on the 4th of Dec. 1839. I intended by this conveyance to vest the legal title to the above named slaves in SIMMONS who is to take them into is possession and hire them out annually or for a shorter or longer term if were advantageous, take notes with good security for their hire and transfer notes to Elias J. RILEY to enable the sd Elias the better to clothe, feed and educate Greenberry … until he arrives at the age of 21…. Reg’d. 16 May 1840.

Ibid. p120,123 (DT) -Indenture made 8 June 1840 between William BURT of FCT and Richard SIMS of Bedford Co., TN. Wm. BURT is indebted to Peter ARINGTON of NC in sum of $2700 … land in FCT 170 acres more/less including the Winchester Springs … land same purchased from T. Leonard P. and Richard SIMS. also the foll. negroes: CUFFY, MOSES, AARON, ALFRED, JOHN (the husband of MARY) JOE, FERIBY, LEASA, BARBARY, MARY & her 5 children viz: HOWEL, JUDY, SUSAN, BILLY & BALDY, TILLA & her 3 children: MARIA, CHANY, and JARY. Reg’d. 15 June 1840.

Ibid.p123 (Bill of Sale) – I Marshal W. HOWEL of Morgan County Ala. to Hayden MARCH of FCT, a negro woman and her 2 children for $900. LUCY of dark complexion, about 26, DICK between 3 and 4 years old of yellow complexion and SALLY about 7 months yellow complexion. Wit.: Benjamin DECHERD. Reg’d. 18 June 1840.

Ibid. p124 (Bill of Sale) – I Marshall W. HOWELL of County of Morgan State of Ala. to Thomas FINCH of FCT, 4 negro Boys for $1200, PADDY between 9 and 11 of yellow complexion, RUFUS between 8 and 10 of yellow complexion, WILLIAM or BILL between 7 and 8 of dark complexion, NED between 5 and 6 of yellow complexion.Reg’d. 18 June 1840.

Deed Book R, p129: Alfred HUDSON, Wm. H. GLASCOCK and Dr. John FITZPATRICK’S certificates respecting property belonging to the estate of Caleb B. HUDSON dec’d. late of Jackson Co. Handed to John FITZPATRICK 27 June 1840. This is to certify that Dr. Wm. H. GLASCOCK has with him a negro man named BRADLY who is of moderate size, about 35 years old a tolerably bright yellow color and that the above described negro man belongs to the estate of Caleb B. HUDSON dec’d. late of Jackson Co., Ala. on a trip to Tenn. and Virginia for his health. 25 June 1840. Signed: Alfred HUDSON Winchester, Tenn. Wits.: John FITZPATRICK; Wm. H. GLASCOCK Jr. … certifies a mare belongs to the estate and a sorrel horse belongs to Col. B.F. RICKETTS of Madison Co., Ala. Reg’d. 26 June 1840.

Ibid. p130, 131 (Bill of Sale) – Wm. G. MCCLURE to Asahel ALDRICH for TABBY a negro woman, a slave for life … dark complexion about 45 years old for $200. Signed 6 July 1840 William G. MCCLURE; A. ALDRICH. Wits.: William W. BRAZELTON; John BYROM. Reg’d. 6 July 1804.

Ibid. p131,132 (DT) – In consideration of the execution by Lucinda KNIGHT my wife, in conjunction with me, of a deed to John DILLARD and Reuben CARVER of Amherst Co., VA, whereby she relinquishes all her rights to the interest and claim in and to the estate of her dec’d. father of sd. Co. and State, to DILLARD & CARVER for my benefit. I have this day sold to James L. KNIGHT, a woman slave named CAROLINE about 35, a boy slave named ROBERT ADDISON about 20, a boy slave named DAVID ETHELBERT about 11, a girl slave named AMANDA MALVINA about 9, the three first slaves were rec’d. by me with my said wife from her father’s estate … to James L. KNIGHT for the foll. uses … to permit my wife Lucinda and our afflicted dau. Clementine Emily to have the exclusive use and profit of the salves during the lives of my wife and dau. and after their deaths the salves and their increse, if any, are to be equaly divided between the children of my wife. Wits.: Will Edw. VENABLE; Benjamin AVENT; Isaac ESTILL. Reg. 8 July 1840.

Ibid. p132, 133 (BS) – Thomas H. WOODS to Aesop SHELTON of Lincoln Co., for $600 a negro woman of black colour, a slave for life by name of MILLY and not exceeding 16 years of age. Test: J.M. KAVANAUGH; W.C. WOODS; T.M. PRYOR; Wm. H. OGDEN. Reg’d. 11 July 1840.

Ibid. p134 (BS) – G.B. MILLER to Thomas MILLER for HERCULES and COMFORT 2 slaves, $500 … HERCULES between 20-30 and COMFORT 54. Reg’d. 15 July 1840.

Ibid. p136 (BS) – John EASLEY to William H. STREET for CLARA a negro woman Slave about 20 years old … for $475 being the same negro named in the will of William STREET deceased late of FCT as a bequest to his daughter, and my wife Nancy. Signed 16 July 1840 John (his X mark) EASLEY. Wits.: Geo. R. POWEL; A. STREET. Reg’d. 17 July 1840.

Ibid. p140 (BS) – Rec’d. of Jno. J. HAYTER $600 for one boy FRANK aged about 14, dark complex. Signed 11 July 1840 Samuel HAYTER. Reg’d. 21 July 1840.

Ibid. p149, 150 (Deed of Gift) – Elizabeth DWING to William C. DOUGHERTY. Indenture made 25 July 1840 between Elizabeth EWING of FCT and William C. DOUGHERTY her Grandson — for love and affection. Following negro slaves: HARRY, JIM, GEORGE, WASHINGTON, DICEY, CHARITY, JINCY & MARIA … consideration that he will pay annually to his brother John C. DOUGHERTY, a sum sufficient to cover « of Elizabeth DWINGS necessary expenses Boarding excepted … Elizabeth hath conveyed to John C. DOUGHERTY the use and services of negro man CARSON … after the death of Elizabeth EWING, the negro man CARSON to be joint property of John C. and William C. DOUGHERTY. Signed: Elizabeth (her X mark) EWING, Will C. DOUGHERTY, Test: Wallace ESTILL; J.G. BRAZELTON. Reg’d. 25 July 1840.

Ibid> p150,151 (Deed of Gift) – Elizabeth EWING to Jno. C. DOUGHERTY for Real and personal property. Indenture 25 July 1840 … John C. DOUGHERTY (her Grandson) for love and affection … tract of land on which she at present resides, adjoining the town of Winchester, containing about 112 acres more/less, being the same tract of land purchased by Elizabeth EWING from William KNOX and Jonathan SPYKER … Also the foll. slaves: JACOB, POLLY, ANNIE & MARY and her child. Signed Elizabeth (her X mark) EWING, Jno. C. DOUGHERTY. Test: Wallace ESTILL, J.G. BRAZELTON. Reg’d. 25 July 1840.

Ibid. p158, 159 (BS) – A.F. HARGIS of Jackson Co., Ala. for $2200 pd by William M. COWAN of FCT 7 negroes: ADAM aged 17, DEMSIE, aged 17, HARRET a woman aged 18 and 2 children one JOHN aged 3, CEVINA 1. One girl AMY 9, TITTER 8, old of Black Colour. Test: John B. HAWKINS; James P. COWAN. Reg’d. 10 Aug. 1804.

Ibid. p163 (BS) – Daniel and John SCIVALLY Esqs. to Z.H. MURREL for PRINCE, a negro man 23 year of age. Daniel and John executors of last will of Moses CHAMBERS, dec’d. of Lincoln Co., Tenn. $950. Reg’d. 17 Aug. 1840.

Ibid. p168, 169 (BS) – I, George P. SIMMONS of Tallahatchie Miss. for $1000 pd by Alexander SIMMONS of FCT 3 negroes: one woman about 37 named JINNY, JAMES a boy about 7 and DANIEL a boy about 18 mos. all dark complex. Wit. W.B. WAGNER. Reg’d. 28 Aug. 1840.

Ibid. p169 (DT) – Amos HORTON to Hilliard PETTY for use of Sarah Ann Mahala and Rebecca PETTY for CAROLINE a negro woman. Amos HORTON for love and affection for my granddaugs. Sarah Ann Mahala and Rebecca PETTY. in trust to William PETTY the Father of the above-named children for the sole benefit of my grddaus. a certain Negro woman named CAROLINE aged about 24. Reg’d. 31 Aug. 1840.

Ibid. p171 (Bill of Sale) – Joseph NEWMAN Shff. to John G. BRAZELTON for DICK a negro man about 38 years old. Sold out of Jail. Whereas on the (blank) day of July 1839 there was committed to the Jail of FCT, a runaway Slave, named DICK of a dark complexion … sd slave remained confined in jail 12 months. Whereupon I Joseph NEWMAN Sheriff and Jailor of the county after giving notice sold the negro boy DICK on the 25th of Aug. 1840 at the courthouse door to John G. BRAZELTON for $232. Signed 25 Aug. 1840 Joseph NEWMAN. Reg’d. 3 Sept. 1840.

Ibid. p172 (BS) – Green W. and Mary CAPERTON to John L. KEITH for HENRY a negro slave aged about 12 … $800. Test: Peter SIMMONS; James BRITTAIN. Reg’d. 8 Sept. 1840.

Ibid. p174 (BS) – M.W. HOWELL to A.F. GOFF for a boy slave BUCK 14 year old for $300. Reg’d. 19 Sept. 1840.

Ibid. p176, 177 (BS) – Solomon BOWERS to Mrs. Martha CUNNINGHAM for a negro girl MALINDA about 9 … $400. Reg’d. 22 Sept. 1840.

Ibid.> p178, 179 (BS) – Wm. D. HAYTER to Jno. J. HAYTER for AMOS a slave $950 18 years old, yellow complex. New Market 10 Feb. 1840 Signed Wm. D. HAYTER. Attest: Maria L. ROWAN; Maria S. FIRTCHER. Reg’d. 26 Sept. 1840.

Ibid. p181-183 (Marriage Contract) – Articles of agreement made 17 Feb. 1840 between James ROBINSON of the town of Winchester and Eliza HUTCHINS of the same … whereas a marriage is shortly to be sol. between the parties, aforesaid and Eliza HUTCHINS being possessed in her own right of a considerable estate … among which is Eliza’s undivided interest in a House and Lot in george Town, in the Dist. of Columbia, also a tract of land in Frederick Co., MD, a House and Lot in the City of Washington, of the Estate of Jacob HOLSTER, dec’d., a negro man named ADDISON aged about 35 and her undivided interest in 4 other slaves, MILLY, WINNY, HENRIETTA & MATILDA. House and kitchen furniture and 1/3 part of the monies due and owning to the Estate of her late husband John HUTCHINGS, dec’d. and Bank Stock in the hands of Thomas T. BRENT executor of the last will and test. of decedent … each of the parties at present having children. Signed: James ROBINSON, Eliza HUTCHINS. Wits: Mark HUTCHINS, Ann E. ANDERSON. Reg’d. 2 Oct. 1840.

Ibid. p184 (BS) – Wm. FARRIS to H.B. BENNET for 2 negroes viz ESTER aged 11 and JOHN aged 9 for $1000. Test. Joseph LITTLE; J.P. KENNERLY. Reg’d. 5 Oct. 1840.

Ibid. p186 (DM) – Robert SMITH to L.G. SIMPSON for CAROLINE a negro slave $370. handed to Jas. BRASIER. Test: F. BURT; Willoby (his X mark) HAMAC. Reg’d. 5 oct. 1840.

Ibid. p205,206 (DG) – Jas. LEWIS for love and affection for my dau. Mary E.B. MOORE and her 7 children say Elizabeth Sarah Lewis Mary William Ann and Jefferson beign the same by her husband Dyer MOORE all of FCT … convey to Benjamin DECHERD in trust … 800 acres of land lately bought of me of the Shff. of FCT property of Dyer MOORE on Waggoners Creek adjoining lands of Nelson CARTER and others. Also the foll. negro slaves: CAIN and his wife ISBEL MARTHA and her 3 children SAM ROSE & CAMELIA SALLY and her 2 children OVERTON & JANE two small negroes MARELLA & RHODY also 1 girl ELIZA also household etc … house and lot in Winchester … built by Edmond RUSSELL….Wits: T.M. PRYOR; John H. MOORE; D.C. LEWIS. Reg’d. 3 Nov. 1840.

Ibid. p206, 207 (BS) – Federick T. HENDRICKS to Jacob SANDERS to 2 negroes for $700 … one named AARON about 7 and a negro boy 6 years old William P. WARRENT. Wits: John OLIVER; William W. LYNCH. Reg’d. 6 Sept. 1840.

Ibid. p207, 208 (BS) – I, Joseph P. MORRISON Admr. of estate of William MORRISON dec’d. sell 4 negros PENDER JOHN PETER & CARALINE or MARY … PENDER about 36, JOHN 10, PETER 8, MARY 3. $1852 … the sd Negro woman PENDER is and has bin for some time past in ill health. I do however hereby warrant her to be a slave for life her 3 children above named I also warrant slaves for life…. Signed 30 Oct. 1840 Joseph P. MORRISON Admr. Wits.: Richd. SHARP Jr.; Mark HUTCHINGS. Reg’d. 6 Nov. 1840.

Ibid. p209 (BS) – John FITZPATRICK, Admr. of estate of Alexander YOUNG, dec’d. to A.F. GOFF for $496 a certain negro boy named BILL a slave for life … about 21 years old. Reg’d. 9 Nov. 1840.

Ibid. p217,218 (DT) Benj. DECHARD trustee. Four negros. Indenture made 10 Sept. 1840. 1 negor woman HANNAH and her 3 children DUBLIN AMANDA & ELLEN … Reg’d. 17 Nov. 1840

Ibid. p224 (Marriage Contract) Whereas a marriage is shortly intended to be had and sol. between Evan R. MCDANIEL and Eunice ROBBINS, both of FC and Eunice being possessed of one negro slave boy named STEPHEN aged about 9, beds and furn. and other property as her own. Wits.: Joseph M. BICKLEY; James ROBBINS. Reg’d. 25 Nov. 1840.

Ibid. p228, 229 (BS) I, William B. WAGNER as admr. of Solomon WAGNER dec’d. having given notice to sell on the 8th Dec. 1840 at the late residence of decedent the slaves belonging to the estate … Peter S. DECHERD purchased the negro Girl ASIA for $400 and the negro boy BILL or WILLIAM for $300. ASIA of yellow complexion and about 10 years old, WILLIAM about 6 years old. Wits.: M.S. EMBRY; Wm. H. STREET. Reg’d. 9 Dec. 1840.

Ibid. p234, 235 (Bill of Sale) – Robert MALONE to Elisha MEREDITH for NANCY a slave … $130. Signed 21 Dec. 1840 Robert MALONE. Reg’d. 22 Dec. 1840.

Ibid. p240 (BS) – Robert RAGAN to James DAVIDSON for a Girl Slave named KITTY for $250. Test: Allen LOKEY; Isaac TURMAN. Reg’d. 30 Dec. 1840.


Apr. 1840, p185 – It appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court from the Oaths of William HENLY and Alexander LONG – that Henry HUNT a dark mullato of the age of 22 years about 5 feet 10 inches high, was born free. It is therefore Ordered by the Court that the said Henry HUNT be and is hereby considered free, and entitled to all the priviledges of a free man of color and that the clerk give him a copy of this order with the County Seal and his certificate thereto.

May 1840, p191 – Jury of Inquest regarding Malinda DUNCAN. She was found to possess the folowing property to wit: JENNY a negro woman aged about 30 having 5 children to wit: HENRY, ALEXANDER, HEZEKIAH, MADISON & RICHARD estimated worth $800 – also a negro woman CAZZY, worth $200 … Signed: W. ESTILL, J. HANDLY, Isaac T. HINES, Jos. HUDDLESTON Sr., Wm. DUNCAN, Danl. CHAMPION, Wm. CHAMPION, O.H.P.B. DUNCAN, John W. DUNCAN, Geo. WEST; J.S. COWLING, James ESTILL.

Oct. 1840, p215 – Ordered that George GILLASPIE Ser. be released from paying double tax on 250 acres of land, one negro man and one negro woman and one small negro Girl all amounting to $2000.

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