Elisha and Nancy Purdom Bible

Elisha and Nancy Purdom Bible

Contributed by Bonnie Schwarz, 26 Sept.2003

Tennessee State Library and Archives. “Private Acts Passed in the year 1825”, Page 145, Chapter XCIV: An act for the relief of the heirs of Elisha Purdom, deceased.
Whereas, the said Elisha Purdom, deceased, acquired in his lifetime an equitable right to the Bell Tavern, in the town of Winchester, but the legal title to the lots of the ground on which said tavern stands, had been made to John Purdom and Nancy Purdom, administrators of his estate, since his death, and WHEREAS, the said Elisha Purdom died greatly in debt, for the payment whereof, his personal estate has been found to be altogether insufficient, and it being represented to this General Assembly, that it would conduce greatly to the advantage of the heirs of the said Elisha Purdom, deceased, that the said real estate be sold by the administrators, aforesaid, that the proceeds of said sale may be applied towards the payment of the debts from the said estate; Therefore; Section 1: Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That John Purdom and Nancy Purdom, administrators of the estate of Elisha Purdom, deceased, be, and they are authorised to make sale of the Bell Tavern in the town of Winchester, with the lots of land on which the same stands, together with all the appurtenances thereto belonging, on such terms as may be most expedient.
Section 2: Be it enacted that the said John Purdom and Nancy Purdom execute a deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers, conveying the said property to them in fee simple, and the said title when so made, shall be as good and effectual in law as though the said John Purdom and Nancy Purdom, had the entire interest in said property, both legal and equitable vested in them.

WM. Brady – Speaker of the House of Representatives R.C. Foster Speaker of the Senate Passed October 4, 1825.

Private Acts Passed in the Year 1826, Page 28, Chapter XXV:
An act, to amend an act passed on the 4th day of October, 1825, entitled “An Act for the Relief of the Heirs of Elisha Purdom, deceased”. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, that Nancy Purdom, the surviving administrix of the estate of Elisha Purdom, deceased, shall have the same power and authority to sell, dispose of, and convey the Bell tavern lots, and appurtenances, in the town of Winchester, and County of Franklin, as is conferred on John Purdom and Nancy Purdom, administrator and administrix, of the said Elisha Purdom, by the said act which this is intended to amend. Wm Brady, Speaker of the House of Representatives R.C. Foster Speaker of the Senate November 13, 1826.

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