Cherokee War Muster Roll

Cherokee War Muster Roll

Transcribed by Judy Henley Phillips – 1984

This is a muster roll for Captain Benjamin Cherry’s Regiment, Lauderdale’s Battalion, Tennessee Mounted Infantry, Cherokee War (Spies). They were mustered in at Ross landing 31 Oct. 1837 for six months.
Benjamin CHERRY and most of these men were from the civil district nine area of Franklin County and communities of Alto, Decherd, Roark’s Cove. Some of the men lived in the part of Franklin that became Coffee and later Grundy.

t of these men were from the civil district nine area of Franklin County and communities of Alto, Decherd, Roark’s Cove. Some of the men lived in the part of Franklin that became Coffee and later Grundy.

The Cherokee Volume begins in 1836, p114, TSLA. There were several muster rolls for this company. Some names were difficult to read from one list, but were clearer on other lists. I have taken the best transcription from the several rolls. All of the men were present for roll call.

Some pension information taken from original pensions and from, “Indian Wars Pension Files 1892-1926,” by Virgil White. The index to the Indian Wars Pension files are in twelve volumes T318 at the National Archives. Request for pensions should indicate the title and the information provided in the index.

1 CHERRY, Benjamin Capt.
1 GIPSON, William 1st Ltn.
1 BRANNON, Williamson 2nd Ltn.
2 CARSON, James 2nd Ltn.
1 SARTAIN, George W.
2 LAXTON, Jesse
4 GILLIAM , Harris, wid Nancy, WA-1929 TN 11 Oct. 1892, FL War Srv TN Vols
1 MORRIS, John
2 WILLIAMS, Thos. Jefferson
3 BURROWS, Saml.
4 BELL, John H.T.
1 AUSTIN, John –
2 ANDERSON, Alfred P.-
3 ANDERSON, Samuel –
4 BOYCE, William C.-
5 BELL, Thomas A.-
6 BURRIS, William H.-
8 BRANNON, John B., SC-1769 TX 23 Sep 1892, Srv 1837-8
9 BOSTICK, John-
10 BURROWS, Anthony G.-
11 CHERRY, George W., SC-1780 TN 27 Aug. 1892 FL War Srv.
12 illegible-
13 CARSON, Terry?-
14 COTTON, Hiram-
15 COVY, Jesse-
16 COFFORTH, John B., wid Susan – WA-5785 OH 4 Sep 1894, Cherokee War Srv in Cherry’s Co. TN Vols
17 CARROLL, Isaac-
18 DYER, Abner-
19 DOIL/DYAL, John, wid Avie WC-6309 FL 15 July 1902, Seminole War Srv
20 DAVIS, John-
21 ELLIS, John, John I. ELLIS wid Harriett, WC-1346 TN 16 Aug. 1892 Cherokee War Srv
22 FERRELL, William-
23 FINNEY, Patton-
24 GWINN, Daniel, SC- 3046 MO 25 Jan. 1893 FL War Srv TN Vols.
25 GILLIAM, Allen-
26 GOODMAN, Madison-
27 GIPSON, Allen, Although he didn’t die until 1896, I have not found a pension for him or his widow, Minerva. He was a Private mustered in 31 Oct. 1837 at Ross Landing, Tenn for a period of 6 months. He was mustered out at Baton Rouge 8 May 1838. His horse was condemned on 24 Apr. I have placed a stone for his service in the Gillespie plot in the University Cem. at Sewanee, TN. He and his first wife, Anny LONG were the 2nd great-grandparents of Judy Henley Phillips and I think the 3rd great-grandparents of Charles A. Sherrill.
28 GIPSON, Frederick F., wid Sallie, WC-31 TX 27 Sep 1892, Creek War Srv in TN Vols. 2 Dec. 1892, Widow’s Pension #1461 of Sallie GIPSON, P.O. Overton, Rusk Co., TX – Soldier, Frederick F. GIPSON – Rank, Private in Capt. CHERRY’S Co., Mtd. Tenn. Vols. (FL Wars) … enlisted 31 Oct. 1837 dischared 10 May 1838 – Bounty Land Warrant No 4785 for 80 acres issued Oct. 1850. Married 10 May 1836 by Miniard GILLIAM … died 6 May 1892. Declaration of widow 17 Sept. 1892 Rusk Co., TX states she is 73, resident of Overton, Rusk Co., TX and the widow of Frederick F. GIPSON. Husband discharged at Tampa Bay, FL. Husband enlisted at 19 years of age, 5 foot 10 inches, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, farmer and born in Franklin Co., TN. Wits.: Charley GILLIAM; H.J. MCRAY. Martha and Charlie GILLIAM say they knew Frederick and Sallie GIPSON from childhood. Wits.: Nancy GIPSON; Fannie E. STRAIN. Affidavit: Martha GILLIAM, 88; Eliza ASHLEY, 67, say they were both present at the marriage of Frederick and Sallie. Wits.: Nancy GIPSON; W.M. BRADFORD. Charles GILLIAM, 80; H.J. MCRAY, 54 … Charles GILLIAM in the same company with Frederick … Signed 17 Sept. 1892. Frederick died 6 May 1892, age 73 … Sallie died 4 Aug.[sic] 1913. Fred was a witness that John Bird BRANNAN had served with him.
29 GAGE, William-
30 GREER, John W.-
31 GOWERS, Zachariah-
32 HILL, Thomas J.-
33 HUNTER, Obediah W.-

34 HENLEY, John, wid Susannah, WC-2322 TN 6 Sep 1892, FL War Srv TN Vols. 27 July 1892 Indian Wars Widow Pension, Certificate #2322 and pension #744 of Susannah HENLEY widow of John HENLEY, began and was dropped in Feb. 1908 because of her death. 19 Aug. 1892, Mrs. Susannah HENLEY aged 70 resident of Alto, FCT and the widow of John HENLEY private in Benj. CHERRY’S Tenn. Batt. Mtd. Vol. spies in the war with the Seminoles, Florida War. 1837. Says that her husband enlisted at Hawkerville, FCT on the 9th of Sept. 1837 … that I was married under my name of Susannah SEUTER [SUITOR] to my said husband, by Esq. Thomas MEADOWS on the 9th day of Apr. 1843 at Crow Creek, FCT and lived with her husband until his death 27 Jan. 1876, when he died at Sewanee, TN. He was discharged at Memphis, Tenn Spring 1838 … she is 70 years of age and was born the 18th July 1822 at Jackson Co., AL. Certificate of Commission of D.S. LONG Esqr. this day forwarded to Pension office with declaration of Mrs. Amanda ROSE widow of Claiborne C. ROSE of Capt. JACOWAYS Co., AL Mtd. Vols. this Sept. 2, 1892. /S/ John A. LAWING Claim Agent. State of Tenn., FC: I William E. TAYLOR, Clerk of the County Court of FCT, hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy taken from Marriage Record Book, Page 51 in my office: “John HANLEY to Susan SEUTER – I certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimoney between the within named parties Thos. MEADOWS, J.P.” I further certify that the date of issuance and date of return of the license is not recorded, but the marriage record just preceding and immediately following the record of marriage of John HANLEY to Susan SEUTER is dated January 17th 1843, and June 14th 1843 respectively, and it appears that the license was issued and return made of the marriage of John HANLEY to Susan SEUTER between the two last named dates. Witness my hand and official seal. This August 24th 1892. W.E. TAYLOR, Clk. By Dick TAYLOR, D.C. 10 Mar. 1893, Alto, FCT – Mrs. Susannah HENLEY aged 70. General Affidavit: “I am the widow of John HENLEY the above named soldier. In reply to letter of Pension Office under date of Feb. 23, 1893. I have to State that I was married to said Soldier on the 9th of April 1843. Neither he nor I had ever been previously married. I herewith attach to this affidavit a specimen of his writing which is taken from the family Bible, and the record made by him in his own hand writing. David GIPSON, I think, purchased the Bounty Land warrants from Mr. HENLEY, but I do not know the name of the attorney who obtained land warrant for Mr. HENLEY. Mr. HENLEY obtained a Land Warrant before we were married, and he probably obtained one since we married, but I do not know who procured it. Some of the members of Captain CHERRY’S Company that soldiered with Mr. HENLEY were George CHERRY and William CHERRY, and I think they messed together, and Mr. HENLEY had a brother Thomas HENLEY, who belonged to same Company. Thomas HENLEY is dead. I think the CHERRYS reside somewhere in Coffee Co., Tenn. and William HILL who has testified for me … Mr. HENLEY was 66 years of age when he died. /S/ Susannah HENLEY.”[These are the 2nd great- grandparents of Judy Henley Phillips and I believe 3rd great-grandparents of Charles A. SHERRILL.. I have placed a stone in the Henley Cemetery in Roark’s Cove showing John’s service in this war.]

35 HARGISS, John, John T. HARGIS, SC-2768 TN 30 Aug. 1892, Cherokee War Srv TN Vols

36 HILL, William, SC-1732 TN 5 Sep 1892, FL War Srv TN Vols. Franklin Co., TN Pension Claim of William HILL of Capt. CHERRY’S Co. of Tenn. Battalion Mounted Vol Spies on this 23 Aug. 1892 … William HILL 76, resident of Alto, FCT. I belonged to Capt. Benj. CHERRY’S Company Tenn. Mounted Vols in Florida War 1837. I cannot remember what has been done with my discharge paper, but I am under the impression that it is on file with my claim for land warrants. I received two Land Warrants, but I do not remember the number of the claim. I have no papers in my possession to which I can refer. Nearly all of my old comrades have passed away very few now living. There is James P. LEE of Winchester, Tenn. who knew me in service, and William PARKS who was a member of my Company and now resides near Pelham, in Grundy County, Tenn. I will try and get the affidavits of these two to testify in my case. I am in feeble health and would respectfully ask early action in my case. /S/ William (his x mark) HILL. Wits.: W.L. JONES; John TURNER. Affidavit of James P. LEE, aged 86 resident of Winchester in FCT on 23 Aug. 1892. I am well acquainted with William HILL of Alto, FCT, have known him since 1837, and know him to be the man he represents himself to be as a late private in Capt. Benjamin CHERRY’S Co., Tenn. Batt. Mounted Vol. Spies. I was a private in Capt. Sanders FARIS’S Company of the same Battalion under Major LAUDERDALE. I was well and intimatley acquainted with the applicant William HILL while in service and since. He is now present and I know him to be the same man I soldiered with as before stated. We all went from this county together. CHERRY’S Comp. was made up in the uper part of FCT near Pelham in Grundy County, Tenn. and Sanders FARIS’S Company was made up around Winchester, Tenn. but all went out together under Major LAUDERDALE. We all enlisted in the Fall of 1837 and I think mustered in about 6 Nov. 1837 and we were discharged at Memphis, Tenn. in the Spring of 1838. I am no kin to William HILL, only an old friend and comrade and testify for him because I know him. /S/ James P. (his x mark) LEE. Wits. Sammie E. DENSON; Alice LEE. 17 Sept. 1892 William L. PARKS aged 72, resident of Pelham, Coffee Co., TN: I am well and personally acquainted with William HILL of Alto, FCT. I have known him ever since we soldiered together in 1837. We belonged to same Comp. and we have, you might say, resided in the same neighborhood ever since, but a few miles apart. I living in Grundy Co., Tenn. near FC line and he living in FC, near the Grundy Co. line. I know him to be the man that he represents himself to be, no doubt about it. We enlisted in same Comp., and went through the campaign together, and have lived near each other since. There is but three of us that I have knowledge of in my neighborhood that belonged to Ben. CHERRY’S Comp. Tenn. Mtd. Spies, and they are William HILL, the applicant, George W. SUMMERS, and myself, the rest have passed away. There is one or two more residing in remote part of this county. The Company was made up in this county, in my neighborhood near the line of Grundy and Franklin County and William HILL and I enlisted together, Soldiered together and returned to same neighborhood. /S/ W.L. PARKS. Henry UMBAUGH and David L. OAKLEY wit. another affidavit of William HILL on 25 Feb. 1893. HILL was then 77. A letter written with L.M. BAIRD’S General Merchandise letterhead on 7 Mar. 1894, Alto, Tenn. to Mr. William RULE U.S. Pension Agt., Knoxville, Tenn. Dear Sir, On Saturday the third of Feby at 10 oclock William HILL who has bin drawing a pension for Services rendered in the Indian war died. That was the day before his Voucher was to be Executed. I have bin appointed his administrator & having no experance in buisness of this kind write you to know how to proceed in the case, please answer as soon as convinient. /S/ A.J. HILL, Administrator.

37 HOWARD, David-
38 HAYES, William-

39 HARGISS, Abram, wid Louisa, SC-87 MO 27 Aug. 1892, WC-5619 MO 23 May 1900, FL War Srv TN Mtd. Vols

40 JONES, Benjamin F.-
41 KEENY, James-
42 KING, George-
43 KING, Wily-
44 LAXON, Charles-
45 LACKY, Abley-
46 LAXON, James-
47 LAMBERT, Westly-
48 MCDANIEL, Elijah-
49 MCFARLAND, William-
50 MILIAM, Wily [MILAM]-
51 MORRIS, Wilson-
52 MCKELVY, Copeland-
53 MILIAM, Coleman [MILAM]-
54 MILIAM, Thomas F. [MILAM]-
55 MILIAM, Ashford [MILAM]-
56 MOORE, Caleb-
57 MATLOCK, James M.-
58 MORRIS, John-
59 MARSHALL, Daniel-
60 MCKELVY, Jesse-
61 MORRIS, William F.-
62 NEVILL, Thomas E.-
63 OWEN, Benjamin W.-
64 ODEAR, Charles-
65 PRINCE, Nathan-
66 PATTERSON, Jackson-
67 PACK, William-

69 ROSE, George W., wid Polly SC-3354 TX 28 Dec. 1893 – WC-4903 TX 2 Aug. 1895 FL War Srv Cherry’s TN Mtd. Vols

70 SMITH, Jefferson [name marked out]-

71 WILLIAMS, Thomas T. [name marked out], Thomas J. WILLIAMS SC-2468 FL 12 Nov. 1892, FL War Srv FL Vols

72 ROARK, John-
73 ROBERTS, Sidney-
74 ROSE, Thos. G.-
75 ROLLINS, Benjamin-
76 ROBERTS, George-
77 SARTAIN, James R.-
78 SARTAIN, Lovel D.-
79 SIMS, William-
80 SANDERS, Thomas-
81 STITH, Alexander-
82 STAFFORD, Joseph-

83 SOMERS/SUMMERS, George W., Wid Catharine SC-1050 TN 24 Oct. 1892, WC-5618 TN 25 May 1900, FL War Srv TN Vols

84 SMITH, Hiram R., Wid Mary WC-3231 AL 2 Feb. 1893 FL War Srv TN Vols

85 STAMPS, James W.-
86 SOMERS/SUMMERS, Anderson-
87 S[illegible], Daniel-
88 SIMS, Elisha H.-

89 SPAIN, William, Wid Nancy WA-5398 AR 26 Mar. 1894 FL War Srv TN Vols

90 SUTHERLAND, Westly W.-
91 SMITH, Elias-
92 SMITH, James W.-
93 THOMAS, Jonathan-
94 THOMPSON, Wm. N.-
95 TODD, Benjamin-
96 VIBERT, Peter-

97 WILEY, Peter, John J. WILEY alias Peter WILEY, wid Ibey alias Isabella, WC-1115 KY 14 Oct. 1892, FL War Srv Cherry’s TN Vols

98 WALKER, John W.-
99 WILLIAMS, John L.-
100 WILLIAMS, Leroy P.-
101 YOUNG, Mordicai-

Another list as previous, but continues with: (enlisted 6 Oct. 1837)

GILLIAM, Charles, SC-3047 TX 7 Sept 1892, FL War Srv TN Vols

GILLIAM, Braddock-
KIRBEY?, Isaac-
GIBSON, Armon-
GILLIAM, Johnson H.-
LYNCH, James-
AILOR, John-
ROARK, Geo.?-
GOWN, John-
MILLER, John P.-

Not on these rolls: Beverly B. OWEN, wid Jane WC-3732 AR 3 Sept. 1892 FL War Srv TN Vols [He was in Coffee Co., TN early and married into the GIPSON family of Franklin County]

Not on these rolls, but believe of FC: Wm. CROWNOVER wid Rachel WA-6737 TN 11 May 1896 Srv in TN and AL Vols, BLW#52295-120-55.

Not on these rolls, but lived in the part of FC that became Coffee: Josiah GUNN, wid Juda, WC- 3405 TN 9 May 1894, FL War Srv AL Vols

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