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Category: Public Records

Benjamin Jones (R5699) Revolutionary War Pension

Benjamin Jones (R5699) Revolutionary War Pension

Benjamin JONES R5699, Elizabeth JONES, widow, claim rejected 25 Feb. 1840 Coffee County, Tenn. Elizabeth JONES, aged 88, states she is the widow of Benjamin JONES who was a private among the first drafted men who went out from Orange County, Va. He was under Capt. TERRILL, who was later a Major, and Col. BARBOUR. On his first tour he went over the Blue Ridge to guard guns and ammunition and was gone for three months. He was home no…

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William Jackson Revolutionary War Pension

William Jackson Revolutionary War Pension

William JACKSON S4433 West Tenn. #13840 $43.66/year issued 26 June 1833 26 Nov. 1832 Franklin County William JACKSON aged 70 states he was born in the city of London near Tower Hill in 1762. He enlisted while living in Wilkes County, Ga., as an 18 month volunteer under Col. Archabald LYTLE, Captain SHARP, and Lt. Jesse STEAD at Salisbury, N.C. He was stationed at St. James Island and discharged in Dec. 1783 after peace was made on the island. After…

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Shadrach Holt Revolutionary War Pension

Shadrach Holt Revolutionary War Pension

Shadrach HOLT, R5185, West Tenn. #30765, $20/year issued 19 July 1836. Martha HOLT, widow claim rejected. 4 Nov. 1832 Bedford County, Tenn. Shadrach HOLT, aged 79 on the ninth of December, states that his parents gave his birth date as December 1753 in Culpepper County, Va. In the spring of 1779 he was a resident of Orange County, N.C. and was drafted. His family was indisposed and he hired a substitute. In June 1779 he was again drafted and as…

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Gideon Hoge Revolutionary War Pension

Gideon Hoge Revolutionary War Pension

Gideon HOGE, S38846, West Tenn. #17390, $96/year issued 5 June 1820 7 Jan. 1819 Franklin County. Gideon HOGE states he enlisted in Tazwell County, N.C., under Capt. PEARL (afterwards replaced by Capt. Tilman DIXON) and Col. Henry DIXON (who was killed and succeeded by Col. John ARMSTRONG). He enlisted for 12 months but served more than 15 months, serving beyond the evacuation of Charleston by the British. He left North Carolina 73 years ago and knows of no one by…

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James Harvey Revolutionary War Pension

James Harvey Revolutionary War Pension

James HARVEY R4714. Nancy HARVEY, widow. 10 Feb. 1859 Marshall County, Tenn. Nancy HARVEY aged 87 states she was born in Rockingham County, Va., 23 Dec 1771. Her husband John HARVEY served in 1780 and 1781 from Rockingham County, Va. He never applied for or drew a pension. They married in Franklin County, Tenn., by a justice of the peace John Camden about 1 Aug. 1822. John HARVEY died in Franklin County on the 13 April 1833. Her name before…

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Thomas Harrison Revolutionary War Pension

Thomas Harrison Revolutionary War Pension

Thomas HARRISON, W360, West Tenn. #19489, $30/year issued 13 Sept. 1833. Nancy HARRISON, widow Tenn. #6261 $30/year issued 2 June 1854. 19 Sept. 1832 Franklin County. Richard HARRISON states that Thomas HARRISON served three tours as a soldier in the Revolution, and that he served one of those tours together with him. Sworn before J.P.’s John JONES and John SANDERS. 7 March 1833 Franklin County, Thomas HARRISON states he was born about 1760 in Maryland, according to the family records…

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Tennessee Genealogical Society Journals On-line

Tennessee Genealogical Society Journals On-line

The Tennessee Genealogical Society’s quarterly publication is  known as Ansearchin’ News.  Digitized versions are viewable on-line for free from 1954 through ten years ago.  More-recent issues are available on-line to TGS members at the Web site. The publications are loaded with transcribed and abstracted records from across the state. You may search by keyword (unreliable) or browse issues. You may also download issues for your personal use. Click here to read more.  

Land Grants on Elk River in Tennessee 1783-1831

Land Grants on Elk River in Tennessee 1783-1831

Land Grant Genealogy 5 by Jack Masters covers Bedford, Coffee, Franklin, Giles, Grundy, Lincoln, Marshall & Moore Counties in Southern Middle Tennessee. This book features North Carolina and Tennessee Land Grants on the Elk River in Southern middle Tennessee. 1438 transcribed Land Grants cover the period 1783 – 1831. All grants are placed on modern topographical maps for ease in location. Includes all name and place index with 123 map pages. Click here to read a detailed description. [Note: TNGenWeb…

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Microfilmed Franklin County Records at TN State Library & Archives

Microfilmed Franklin County Records at TN State Library & Archives

This is a crucial document for anyone researching Franklin County, because it contains a descriptive inventory of microfilm created by the Tennessee State Library & Archives or the Genealogical Society of Utah (LDS/FamilySearch). Become familiar with this document to determine what records are available for the time period in which your ancestors lived in Franklin County. Records from the County include the various courts, the Register of Deeds, the School Board, the Trustee.  Municipal records cover the cities of Cowan,…

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Tennessee Colored Pension Applications for CSA Service

Tennessee Colored Pension Applications for CSA Service

The purpose of this Web site is to provide the names of African-Americans, mostly former slaves, who applied for pensions in Tennessee claiming to have served with the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. The names were compiled by John V. Brogden using sources at the Tennessee State Library and Archives in Nashville, Tennessee. Additional research has been done by the Webmaster, Willie L. Robinson. This information is provided with the hope that it will be helpful…

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