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Category: Public Records

Samuel Reynolds Revolutionary War Pension

Samuel Reynolds Revolutionary War Pension

Samuel REYNOLDS W1080 West Tenn. #22032, $40/year issued 27 Sept. 1833 Mary REYNOLDS, widow, Tenn. #5928 $40/year issued 7 June 1852 26 Nov.1832 Samuel REYNOLDS, aged about 75, was born in South Carolina and has no record of his birth. He was drafted in Spartanburg Dist. , S.C., for two months and served under Capt. Benjamin Kilghore. He served three other terms under the following officers: Capt. NESBIT, Col. William Fair, Lt. Cliff (?) CASEY and Maj. John FORD and…

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Larkin Reagan Revolutionary War Pension

Larkin Reagan Revolutionary War Pension

Larkin REAGAN S4058 West Tenn., #19039 $80.00/year, issued 26 July 1833. 29 May 1792 Orange County North Carolina William LYTLE swears that Larkin REAGAN was a soldier in the nine months service from this state under the Continental Establishment and that a muster roll now in his possession shows that REAGAN served the greatest part of that time in LYTLE’S own company. 14 Aug. 1792 Hillsboro, N.C. Certificate that Larkin RAGAN has had an account settled at Warrenton for $104…

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William Rawlins Revolutionary War Pension

William Rawlins Revolutionary War Pension

William RAWLINS S1713 West Tenn. #22076 $20.78/year issued 1 Oct. 1833. 14 Dec. 1832 Bedford County, Tenn. Mrs. Jamima LIGHT, aged 58 next 28 Nov., states she was born in Louisa County Va., and raised in Caroline County, Va. She has heard her uncles Walter and John BRAME state that William RAWLINS served with them in the Revolutionary War Rev. Melchizedick BRAME, aged 60 next 20 April stated he was born and raised in Caroline County, Va. He heard his…

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Jeremiah Smith Revolutionary War Pension

Jeremiah Smith Revolutionary War Pension

SMITH Jeremiah R9794 Margaret SMITH, widow, James SMITH, son (claim rejected for fraud.) Undated flyleaf from Bible. Jeremiah SMITH was born March 8, 1752 and married Margaret COLWELL March 31, 1771. Jeremiah SMITH this Bible bought in Charltown June 3, 1788(?) and paid fore dollars(?). 19 Jan. 1838 North Carolina, Secretary of States writes that his records show that Jeremiah SMITH enlisted in Capt. ALLEN’S 2nd regiment in 1777 and was discharged Jan. 30, 1780. Another Jeremiah SMITH enlistment is…

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Charles Pearson / Pierson Revolutionary War Pension

Charles Pearson / Pierson Revolutionary War Pension

Charles PEARSON R8244, Tenn. #21324 rejected 3 June 1830 and Charles PIERSON S3695 West Tenn. #13724 $60.00/year issued 6 June 1833 Note: These are two separate files, but relate to the same man. This apparently is an error in the pension office. 28 Feb. 1827 Charles PEARSON (also PIERSON) states he is 70 years of age. He enlisted at Northhampton Court House, North Carolina in 1776 under Capt. Hardin PACE (?) and Col. Edwin EDMISTON(?) in the Continental Line. He…

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John Perkins Revolutionary War Pension

John Perkins Revolutionary War Pension

John PERKINS, alias Thomas CARSON. W2640 West Tenn., #26837 $50.00/year Issued 12 June 1834. Frances PERKINS, widow Tenn. # 2899, $50.00/year issued 16 Nov. 1853. Bounty Land warrant 86132-160-55. 30 Aug. 1832 Franklin County, John PERKINS, aged 67, states he was born 11 May 1865 in Halifax County, Va., and entered the service as a resident of that county in April 1781. He served first under Capt. James TURNER as a private in the militia, participating in the siege of…

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Daniel O’Rear Revolutionary War Pension

Daniel O’Rear Revolutionary War Pension

Daniel O’REAR S31892 Georgia #26571, $33.88/year issued 19 March 1834 4 March 1834 Daniel O’REAR aged 75, states he was born in Faquier County, Va., about 1758 or 1759, according to information received from his parents. He has no record of his age. He volunteered for three months in Faquier County and served under Capt. William BLACKWELL (?), Lieut. Peter CONWAY and Col. Patrick HENRY, who was called General. They Marched 16 miles below Williamsburg and had an engagement with…

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Abraham Nelson Revolutionary War Pension

Abraham Nelson Revolutionary War Pension

ABRAHAM NELSON, Pvt., NC Line, #W.865, widow Jennett. Abstracted by Mary Lu Johnson 27 July 1999. (Abraham and his wife Jennett both died in Franklin Co. Pages torn from the family bible were microfilmed as part of the NARA pension). NOTE: This pension was not in SHERRILL’S book. Family Bible: John Nelson was b December (torn) 1790 Sarah Nelson was born Febuary ?th 1793 George Nelson was born Febuary ?7th 1795 Elisabeath Nelson was born July 5th 1797 Nancy Nelson…

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John Nelson Revolutionary War Pension

John Nelson Revolutionary War Pension

John NELSON W53, West Tenn. #19522 $80/year issued 17 Sept. 1833 Lucy NELSON, widow Tenn. #77110 and #9984 $80/year issued 29 April 1846. 1 Oct. 1832 Warren County, Tenn. John NELSON aged 73 years last July, resident of Warren County on the Barren Fork of Duck River, stated he was born in Cumberland County, N.C., and presents a record of his age. He enlisted as a captain of a company under Col. James THORNTON in April 1778. He recruited 120…

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Patrick McElyea Revolutionary War Pension

Patrick McElyea Revolutionary War Pension

Patrick MCELYEA S2789 West Tenn. #31327 $20/year issued 18 Jan. 1838. 7 Oct. 1834 Jackson County Ala. Patrick MCELYEA aged 83 states he was born in York County, Pa., in 1751. He had a Bible record bit it was lost when his house burned. He enlisted on 10 of Jan. 1776 as a volunteer private under Capt. John MOORE (nad?) Col. William MOORE. At that time he was a resident of Caswell County, N.C. While serving he marched around the…

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