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Category: Research Aids

James Lewis Revolutionary War Pension

James Lewis Revolutionary War Pension

James LEWIS W303 West Tenn. #26925 $97.50/year. Mary LEWIS widow Tenn. #2008, $97.50/year issued 17 Sept. 1853. Bounty Land Warrant 3067-160-55 2 June 1834, Franklin County. James LEWIS aged 78 states he was born 6 April 1756 in Virginia. before independence was declared he joined an independent company commanded by Capt. Nicholas LEWIS. A short time after this Lord DUNMORE, the Governor of Virginia, removed some powder from the public magazine in Williamsburg and put it on boars a public…

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Thomas Kennerly Revolutionary War Pension

Thomas Kennerly Revolutionary War Pension

Thomas KENNERLY S1843, West Tenn. #7173, $20/year issued 8 Mar. 1833 31 Aug. 1832 Thomas KENNERLY aged 82 states he was born 24 Oct. 1750 in Culpeper County, Va. He has a t home a copy of his father’s family record. A resident of Augusta County, Va., he was drafted in the winter of 1780 for three months, under Col. Hugh ROSE and Gabriel PENN. They marched across the Blue Ridge and arrived at Guilford after the battle. His memory…

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Daniel McElduff Revolutionary War Pension

Daniel McElduff Revolutionary War Pension

1933 Inquiry of Mr. W.C. KENNAMER of Yonkers N.Y. (great-grandson) Daniel MCELDUFF. These papers were found in the file of Daniel MCDUFF long after the numbering system was used, and thus having no identifying numbers. 11 June 1820 The pension papers of Daniel MCELDUFF, Lieutenant is the Army of the U.S., is increased from $13.33 to $15.11 per month by the law of 24 April 1818. The pension payment is to be transferred Georgia agency to the West Tenn. agency….

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Isaac Street Revolutionary War Pension

Isaac Street Revolutionary War Pension

Isaac STREET West Tenn. W11537 West Tenn. #22037 $30/year, issued 27 Sept. 1833. Rhoda STREET, widow, Tenn. #393 issued 23 June 1847. 5 Sept. 1832 Franklin County, Isaac STREET aged about 69 states that he was born 12 March 1764, But the record of his age is in the possession of his brother in Virginia. He was raised in Powhattan, County, Va., and lived there when drafted each time. He was first drafted by Capt. Thomas HARRIS at the town…

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Burwell Thompson Revolutionary War Pension

Burwell Thompson Revolutionary War Pension

Burwell THOMPSON S3801 West Tenn. #19038 $80/ year issued 26 July 1833 27 Nov. 1832 Franklin County, Burwell THOMPSON aged 73 stated he was born 4 April 1759 in Granville County, N.C., according to the record of his father which now is in his own possession. His brother William THOMPSON was drafted in Granville County in 1776 and affiant substituted, serving as a private in Capt. PARSON’s company under Col. William MOORE and Gen. Thomas PARSONS. They marched against the…

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Stephen Thompson Revolutionary War Pension

Stephen Thompson Revolutionary War Pension

Stephen THOMPSON, S1595 Stephen THOMPSON was born Oct. 1764 Granville South Carolina [sic N.C.?] was one of ten children. Father was George THOMPSON who lost his life in the service of his country. Soldier lived in Spartinburg, South Carolina at time of enlistment. After the Revolutionary War he moved to Madison County, Kentucky 15 years, then moved to Franklin County, TN for 10 years where he applied for a pension 12 April 1833. In 1836 his address was in care…

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William Thompson Revolutionary War Pension

William Thompson Revolutionary War Pension

William THOMPSON S6217 West Tenn. #19113 $285/year issued 2 Aug. 1833. 27 Nov. 1832 Franklin County, Capt. William THOMPSON aged 79 states he was born in Dobbs County, N.C., in 1753 or 1754 but has no record of his age. He volunteered in the early part of the war in the Dobbs County militia under Col. Richard CASWELL. He was a Dobbs County resident. A British Man of War ship was blockading the inlet of Cape Fear, about 40 miles…

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Joshua Townsend Revolutionary War Pension

Joshua Townsend Revolutionary War Pension

Joshua TOWNSEND S1730 West Tenn. #22034 $20/year issued 27 Sept. 1833 . 7 Nov. 1832 Franklin County, Joshua TOWNSON, aged 70 next March 5, states he was born in Lunenburg County, Va., in 1762. From there he moved to Henry County, now called Franklin County, Va. In 1778 he moved to Montgomery County, Va., where he enlisted for two months under Capt. John DAVIS and Lt. John SWANSON of Franklin County. He was stationed at Parris Fort on New River….

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George Uselton Revolutionary War Pension

George Uselton Revolutionary War Pension

George USELTON (USSELTON) W1100 West Tenn. #7606 $33.33/year. Margaret USELTON, widow Tenn. #3245 $33.33 Issued 22 Jan. 1849. Bounty Land Warrant 26220-160-55. 21 Aug. 1832 Rutherford County, Tenn. George USSELTON aged 71 states he was born 10 Aug. 1762 in Kent County, Maryland. He sold his Bible more than 40 years ago and has no record of his age. He entered the service in Aug. or Sept. 1777, he believes. A part of the British fleet sailed up the Chesapeake…

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George Waggoner Revolutionary War Pension

George Waggoner Revolutionary War Pension

George WAGGONER S4384 West Tenn. #19039, $26.66/year issued 26 July 1833. 5 Sept 1832 Franklin County, George WAGGONER aged 72 states he was born in 1760 Bucks County, Pennsylvania, according to the record of his parents. He possesses no personal records of his birth. He was at the battle of Briar Creek but was employed as a wagoner. He volunteered in Orange County, N.C., and served five months under Capt. John YOUNG and Col. SANDERS. He received a written discharge…

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