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Author: TNGenWeb

World War I Gold Star Veterans from Franklin County

World War I Gold Star Veterans from Franklin County

Approximately 4,000 Tennessee soldiers and sailors died during World War I.  The state legislature tasked the Tennessee Historical Commission to “collect, compile, index, and arrange all data …relating to the part that Tennessee has played in the great world war.”  More than 1,000 of those records are permanently archived at the Tennessee State Library & Archives in Nashville. [Source:] Following is a list of Gold Star veterans’ records at TSLA.  Each individual’s file has been digitized and is available…

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Franklin County 1840 Census of Military Pensioners

Franklin County 1840 Census of Military Pensioners

Submitted by Jessica Bonner Pensioner Age Residence Head-of-Household Handley Samuel 89 John Handley Breedon Enoch 82 Enoch Breedon Wakefield Thomas 76 Thos Wakefield Berk Elihu 75 Alexander Donaldson McElyea Patrick 91 Archer Hatchet Erwin Richard 30 Richard Erwin Calwell William 78 William Calwell Ragan Larkin 93 Larkin Ragan Wilson Mrs. Ann 40 Mrs. Ann Wilson Jackson William 78 William Jackson Calwell William 78 William Cowan Hill Jonas 76 Jonas Hill Reynolds Jacob 47 Jacob Reynolds Reynolds Samuel 84 Samuel Reynolds…

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Historical Sites of Franklin County

Historical Sites of Franklin County

The Old Jail Museum was built in 1897. It not only preserves features and equipment of the historic jail, but it displays many artifacts of the frontier, Civil War, and other historic periods. The sturdy brick jail house served as the county jail for more than 75 years. It is located at 400 First Ave., N.E. just off the Court House Square. It is open mid-March through mid-December. Call (615) 967-0524 or 967-0850. Tims Ford State Park is an outstanding…

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Brief History of Franklin County

Brief History of Franklin County

The area that became Franklin County was included in the Dearborn Treaty on 7 January 1806 at Washington City. It was proclaimed by the President, 23 May 1807. By this treaty the Cherokees ceded to the United States an extensive tract, lying in Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. All of the counties in the area came into being about the same time as a result of the Indian cessions. By an Act of the Legislature, Franklin County, Tennessee was created from…

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