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Author: Judy Henley Phillips

George Waggoner Revolutionary War Pension

George Waggoner Revolutionary War Pension

George WAGGONER S4384 West Tenn. #19039, $26.66/year issued 26 July 1833. 5 Sept 1832 Franklin County, George WAGGONER aged 72 states he was born in 1760 Bucks County, Pennsylvania, according to the record of his parents. He possesses no personal records of his birth. He was at the battle of Briar Creek but was employed as a wagoner. He volunteered in Orange County, N.C., and served five months under Capt. John YOUNG and Col. SANDERS. He received a written discharge…

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Thomas Wakefield Revolutionary War Pension

Thomas Wakefield Revolutionary War Pension

Thomas WAKEFIELD W.1107 West Tenn. #22528 $26.66/year Issued 28 June 1834. Jemima WAKEFIELD, widow Tenn. #2670 $26.66/year issued 27 Oct. 1853. 19 Sept. 1825 Franklin County. A copy of the marriage license bearing this date certifies that Thomas WAKEFIELD married Jemima GRIFFIN. 26 Nov. 1832 Franklin County Thomas WAKEFIELD aged 70 states he was a resident of Burke County, N.C. in December 1779 when he enlisted under Capt. FORD and marched to Charleston, S.C. After serving three months he was…

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Jarvis Willis Revolutionary War Pension

Jarvis Willis Revolutionary War Pension

Jarvis WILLIS S39128 West Tenn. #19270, $96/year issued 9 June 1824. 24 Nov. 1828 Franklin County, Jarvis WILLIS aged somewhat over 60 years states that he enlisted in February 1777 in Maryland under Capt. John DEAN and Col. RICHARDSON in the 2nd Continental Line. He was in the battle of Cuckold’s Town, Brandywine, Monmouth, Whitewash and Schuylkill, and was discharged February 1780 in Morristown New Jersey. A schedule of personal property is as follows: 1 mare and colt, 1 cow,…

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Belfield Wood Revolutionary War Pension

Belfield Wood Revolutionary War Pension

Belfield WOOD W4492 West Tenn. #22319, $70/year issued 25 Oct 1853. Nancy MILSAP, former widow Bounty Land Warrant 94052. Note: This soldier is listed as a Franklin county resident on an 1835 list. This may be an error, as there are no papers in the file form Franklin County,. Brief notes have been made for inclusion here. Belfield WOOD was born about 1753 in Orange County Va., and was raised there and in Chesterfield County, Va. He served as a…

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Morton Jones Revolutionary War Pension

Morton Jones Revolutionary War Pension

Morton JONES W7903 West Tenn. #7574 $45/year issued 3 May 1833. Frankey JONES widow Tenn. #3842, $45/year issued 2 Mar. 1843. 26 Nov. 1832 Franklin County Morton Jones aged 85 states he was born in Orange County, Va., 10 Aug. 1747. He entered the service in the fall of 1780 as a resident of Orange County, Being drafted for three months in the 4th Va., Militia under Capt. Jo. SPENCER and Lt. Garland BURLEY. He was stationed at Fredericksburg, Va.,…

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Benjamin Jones (R5764) Revolutionary War Pension

Benjamin Jones (R5764) Revolutionary War Pension

Benjamin JONES R5764, Susannah JONES, widow claim rejected. 21 July 1852 Grundy County, Tenn. Mrs. Susannah JONES, Widow of Benjamin Jones, states she is 86 years of age. Her husband served as a private and lieutenant in both North and South Carolina, as they lived near the border. Her served under George TAYLOR with the South Carolina Troops, and also under Col. ANERSON and Capt. John TWINER. He fought at the battle of Kings Mountain and Cowpens. They were married…

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Benjamin Jones (R5699) Revolutionary War Pension

Benjamin Jones (R5699) Revolutionary War Pension

Benjamin JONES R5699, Elizabeth JONES, widow, claim rejected 25 Feb. 1840 Coffee County, Tenn. Elizabeth JONES, aged 88, states she is the widow of Benjamin JONES who was a private among the first drafted men who went out from Orange County, Va. He was under Capt. TERRILL, who was later a Major, and Col. BARBOUR. On his first tour he went over the Blue Ridge to guard guns and ammunition and was gone for three months. He was home no…

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William Jackson Revolutionary War Pension

William Jackson Revolutionary War Pension

William JACKSON S4433 West Tenn. #13840 $43.66/year issued 26 June 1833 26 Nov. 1832 Franklin County William JACKSON aged 70 states he was born in the city of London near Tower Hill in 1762. He enlisted while living in Wilkes County, Ga., as an 18 month volunteer under Col. Archabald LYTLE, Captain SHARP, and Lt. Jesse STEAD at Salisbury, N.C. He was stationed at St. James Island and discharged in Dec. 1783 after peace was made on the island. After…

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Shadrach Holt Revolutionary War Pension

Shadrach Holt Revolutionary War Pension

Shadrach HOLT, R5185, West Tenn. #30765, $20/year issued 19 July 1836. Martha HOLT, widow claim rejected. 4 Nov. 1832 Bedford County, Tenn. Shadrach HOLT, aged 79 on the ninth of December, states that his parents gave his birth date as December 1753 in Culpepper County, Va. In the spring of 1779 he was a resident of Orange County, N.C. and was drafted. His family was indisposed and he hired a substitute. In June 1779 he was again drafted and as…

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