Franklin County-Related Private Acts of Tennessee Legislature 1951-2022

Franklin County-Related Private Acts of Tennessee Legislature 1951-2022

The Tennessee legislature, known as the General Assembly, passes necessary laws specific to individuals, localities, or counties as needed. These are known as “Private Acts.”

The following list was extracted from the Tennessee Private Acts Index 1951-2022 available at the Tennessee Secretary of State’s Web site. Click here to view all available Private Acts for the period.

Year Act Title
1951 369 Repeal Priv. Acts 1939, Ch. 56, so as to provide for filling vacancies in the office of County Judge
1951 370 Filling vacancies in the office of County Judge in certain counties
1951 533 Fix the salaries of Circuit Court Clerks in certain counties and provide for the payment of same.
1953 228 Fix salaries of Tax Assessors in certain counties.
1953 508 Fix the salary of the Clerk or Secretary to the County Judge in certain counties.
1955 240 Short term notes, $50,000
1955 292 Define election terms for County Highway Commissioners
1955 343 Change the county line between Coffee and Franklin Counties
1957 235 Fix the compensation of justices of the peace attending Quarterly County Court in certain counties.
1957 295 Fix the compensation of tax assessors in certain counties
1957 308 Fix the salary of the Clerk or Secretary to the County Judge in certain counties.
1959 033 Fix the salary of the Secretary of the County Judges
1959 115 Fix the compensation of justices of the peace attending Quarterly County Court in certain counties.
1959 303 Provide an increase in the salaries of the Tax Assessors in certain counties.
1961 077 Fix the compensation of the County Highway Commission.
1961 078 Change the term of office for the Highway Superintendent.
1961 156 Fix the compensation and the mileage of the Members of the Board of Education and the Superintendent.
1963 107 Fix the compensation of the County Board of Education.
1963 108 Require transfer of real estate be recorded with Tax Assessor
1963 201 Create non‐profit hospital district, Franklin County Hospital Board of Trustees
1963 207 Provide for the compensation of Tax Assessors in certain counties
1963 222 Provide for clerical help for tax assessors in certain counties.
1963 251 Fix the salary of the clerk or secretary for the County Judge
1965 086 Change the line between counties of Franklin and Moore
1965 146 Require the issuance of a building permit to be filed with the county Tax Assessor.
1965 273 Fix the salary of the Superintendent of Roads
1967 007 Fix the compensation for County Attorney
1967 008 Provide for the appointment of a clerk for the assessor of property.
1967 014 Litigation tax
1967 338 Amend, building permit requried
1967 348 Clerk or Secretary of County Judge, compensation
1967 349 Create Hospital District
1969 106 Relative method election Board of Education
1969 160 Provide the Sheriff of Franklin County, TN, Two Dollars (2.00) per day for keeping prisoners
1970 281 Per Diem for J.P.’s
1970 282 Provide for the appointment of an additional deputy assessor of property in Franklin County and to provide for this duties and compensation
1970 283 Provide the Sheriff of Franklin County, TN One Dollar and seventy‐five cents ($1.75) per day for keeping prisoners
1970 284 Relative salaries
1971 011 Franklin County Board of Education
1971 012 Road Law of Franklin County
1972 290 Franklin County General Hospital District
1973 014 Repeal Priv. Acts 1970, Ch. 281, to provide for the per diem and mileage allowances for justices of the peace.
1973 046 Repeal Priv. Acts 1951, Ch. 527, Regulation of pyrotechnics in certain counties
1973 051 Fix the per diem and mileage allowance for justices of the peace
1974 249 Provide per diem and mileage allowances for members of committees of the quarterly county court
1974 336 Compensation of members of the Board of Education
1975 021 Requiring the issuance of building permits by the Franklin County tax assessor
1975 132 Road law, amend
1975 133 Amend Board of Education Act
1979 024 Bidding procedures of Franklin County Highway Department
1979 041 Franklin County General Hospital District
1979 152 Franklin County Hospital and Board of Trustees
1980 265 Providing for the appointment of an additional Deputy Assessor of Property
1980 266 Empowering the Clerk and Master of Chancery Court to employ a clerk or stenographer
1980 267 Compensation of the chairman and members of the Highway Commission
1980 268 Creating the office of County Attorney
1980 269 Providing for compensation of members of the Board of Education
1980 272 The appointment of two clerks for the office of Assessor of Property
1980 273 Compensation of the clerk of secretary of the County Judge
1981 013 Power of the Board of Trustees of the Franklin County Hospital and Nursing Home to borrow certain funds for certain purposes and to incur indebtedness to a limited amount
1981 073 Boundaries of the hospital district in Franklin County
1982 302 Transfer the jurisdiction over certain matters to the General Sessions Court of Franklin County
1983 003 To health care facilities in Franklin County
1983 028 Litigation taxes for the courts of Franklin County, TN
1988 219 Authorize Franklin County to levy a privilege tax on the occupancy of hotels and motels, to regulate collection of the tax, and to provide for the application of the tax revenue
1989 032 Privilege tax on the occupancy of hotels and motels in Franklin County
1991 016 County attorney of Franklin County
1992 233 Use of proceeds of the litigation tax
1994 115 Purchasing in Franklin County
1994 163 Franklin County Board of Education
1999 008 Duties of Clerk for the Juvenile Court
2000 104 Establish school districts within Franklin County, provide for the number, election, terms, duties and compensation of the members of the Franklin County Board of Education, and to provide a method for filling vacancies on the Board.
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