Peter Turney’s 1st Regiment – Company I

Peter Turney’s 1st Regiment – Company I

Company I was formed at Winchester for a period of twelve months from men in Coffee County. It was enrolled in April 1861 and joined the Regiment shortly thereafter and mustered into Confederate service at Lynchburg, VA, on 8 May 1861. Its nickname was “The Tullahoma Guards” or “Cowan Guards” Another nickname said to be “Jo Lane Company.” The original organization was: Captain, Joseph HOLDER; 1st Ltn., James W. JACKSON; 2nd Ltn., Enoch G. STEWART; 3rd Ltn., Henry J. HAWKINS; 1st Sgt., Daniel Crawford KEITH; 2nd Sgt., Charles HOFMAN; 3rd Sgt, Edward A. JACKSON; Fourth Sergeant, Absolom F. WILLIAMS; 1st Cpl., Joseph M. HAWKINS; 2nd Cpl., George W. BOWERS; 3rd Cpl., Joseph M. HOLDER; 4th Cpl., Francis M. BOWERS.

Back to the About Peter Turney Regiment page.

ANDERSON, David L. Pvt. He was b. c1839, TN, s/o David ANDERSON and Nancy.~ *Residence Franklin County, dark complexion, blue eyes, 5’6″. Enrolled 8 Sep 61; wounded slightly at Second Manassas, VA, wounded slightly in arm at Chancellorsville, VA, wounded at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; captured at Greencastle on 5 July 63; on list of paroled prisoners at Camp Lee, near Richmond, VA, on 31 Aug 63; returned to regiment on 15 Nov 63; detailed as Provost Guard at Liberty, VA, 2 Apr 64; still absent as Provost Guard 30 Apr to 31 Aug 64; detail extended sixty days from 5 Oct 64; absent Sep & Oct 64; appears on list of duty for Provost Marshal at Liberty, VA, between 9 June and 31 Oct 64; captured at Petersburg, VA, 2 Apr 65; signed the oath of allegiance at Fort Delaware. Released 10 June 65. Applied for pension from Lincoln Co. after 1891, #8931.*

BAILEY, Alexander. Pvt. *Dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, 6’2″. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 in Company E at Lynchburg. aged 19; mustered in at Lynchburg, VA, 8 May 61; wounded at Shepherdstown, MD, 20 Sep 62; gun wad wound at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62; slightly wounded at Chancellorsville, VA; admitted to Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, VA, on 6 May with a gunshot wound of left hand; deserted 12 Aug 63; returned to his company 15 Oct 63 having been in arrest previously for desertion; transferred to Company I 29 Feb 64; wounded 5 May 64 and at hospital; absent without leave during 30 Apr to 31 Aug 64; absent Sep & Oct 64, disabled for field duty and was driving wagon; deserted 7 Dec 64 and arrived in Union lines; sent to City Point, VA, 7 Dec 64; took the oath 8 Dec 64 at Headquarters, Army of the Potomac and sent to Washington; transferred to Shawneetown, IL.*

BARNES, Byrd. Pvt. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, VA, aged 18.*

BARNES, Robert H. Pvt. *Occupation, clerk in store. Enlisted 20 Apr 61 at Cowan aged 17; wounded at Seven Pines, VA, 31 May 62, wounded slightly in head at Freder icksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62; absent on furlough Jan & Feb 63, time expired and con sidered a deserter; absent on furlough from 6 Jan 63 from wound received in battle; captured near Pelham, Tenn., 12 July 63 and forwarded for exchange to Nashville; received at Louisville, KY, 19 July 63; paroled at Fort Delaware 14 Sep 64; (card also shows R.H. Barnes being a Pvt in Company I, 4th Tenn Cavalry captured at Manchester, Tenn., 11 July 63.*

BLEDSOE, James T. Pvt. Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 24; discharged 19 June 62.*

BOWERS, Francis Marion. 4th Cpl. b. c1838, TN, s/o Samuel BOWERS and Elizabeth.~ *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; wounded in thigh at Second Manassas, VA; appears on list of Prisoners taken and paroled at Warrenton, VA, 29 Sept 62; captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; paroled at Fort Delaware, 30 Oct 64; exchanged at Point Lookout, MD, 31 Oct 64; captured in Hospital, Richmond, VA, 3 Apr 65 and admitted to Jackson Hospital, Richmond, VA, 10 Apr 65; turned over to Provost Marshal 29 Apr 65.*

BOWERS, George W. 2nd Cpl./Ltn. B. 23 Sept. 1836, TN, d. 21 July 1906, s/o Samuel and Mary BOWERS. He m. Martha J. WILLIAMS.~ *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 22; promoted to 2nd Ltn.; promoted 11 Aug 62. Wounded in the leg at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62, captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; paroled at Point Lookout, MD, and transferred to City Point, VA, 16 Mar 64 for exchange; captured at Weldon Railroad, Petersburg, VA, 19 Aug 64; arrived from City Point to Point Lookout, MD, 19 Aug 64. He applied for pension from Franklin Co. after 1891, #3109.*

BOWERS, J.H. Pvt. *Enrolled 1 Nov 62 at Winchester; admitted to General Hospital No. 3, Richmond, VA, 16 Dec 62; captured at the Wilderness, VA, 6 May 64; paroled at Point Lookout, MD, and transferred for exchange, 10 Feb 65. Applied for pension from Franklin Co. after 1891, #19064.*

BOWERS, John. Pvt. *Enrolled 1 Nov 62 at Winchester; wounded slightly in the leg at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62, present Mar 63 until Oct 63.*

BOWERS, Michael. Pvt. *Born Franklin County; aged 20 years, 5’11”, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer. Enrolled 7 Oct 61 at Cowan; shows as died at the Soldiers Home Hospital, Richmond, of measles on 25 May 62.*

BOYD, Joshua B. Pvt/Cpl. *Farmer, 5’11”, sallow complexion, blue eyes, dark hair. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 30; admitted to Chimborazo Hospi tal 3 May 62; died of typhoid fever, at Chimborazo Hospital, No. 3, Richmond, VA, 4 June 62.*

BRANNAN, Willis. Ex Company C which see for further information. Promoted from Junior 2nd Ltn. on 11 Aug 62, to rank from 27 June 62 replacing Ltn. G.W. Bowers, promoted.*

BRAZELTON, William G. Pvt. He was s/o Green BRAZELTON and Mary Ann SHARP. He m. Mary J. BRAZIER.~ *Farmer. Born 23 Oct 1841 in Franklin Co. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 in Company C at Winchester, aged 20; transferred to Company I on 1 June 61; detailed as wagoner; detailed as teamster in the Division train from Jan 63 until Dec 64; wounded at Petersburg, VA, shot in the left leg about 3 inches above the ankle; not able for service for about one year; sent to hospital at Lynchburg, VA, at the surrender the order for all to get away; he went to Rockbridge Co., VA, and remained there till the close of the war; did not take the oath. Applied for pension from Cowan, Franklin Co., 29 June 1903, #5135.*

BROOMET, Samuel. Pvt. *Born Jackson Co, AL, 5’10”, dark complexion, black eyes, black hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 26; discharged 9 Feb 62 at Camp Fisher near Dumfries, VA, by reason of pulmonary disease.*

BRUCE, John B. Pvt. Farmer. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 22; at Richmond hosp with rheumatism; wounded by gun shot in leg at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62; absent wounded Jan 63 until Apr 63, at hospital at Scottsville, VA; absent wounded & furloughed May 63, absent without leave Sep & Oct 64; deserted from 1 Nov 64; captured 19 Aug 63 at Cowan, Tenn., sent to Nashville then Louisville, KY, discharged at Camp Chase, OH, 1 Sep 63 and transferred to Rock Island, IL, 24 Jan 64.*

CARTER, Stephen. Pvt. B. 25 Dec. 1824, Winchester, TN, d. 25 Dec. 1892, s/o Nelson CARTER and Sidney Elizabeth STROTHER. He m. Mary Ann LENEHAN.~ *Enrolled 15 Oct 61 at Cowan; present to Dec 61; discharged 27 Apr 62.*

CHAMPION, Daniel. Pvt. *Born in Franklin County, 6’1″, sallow complexion, grey eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 20 Apr 61 at Cowan, aged 25; died on 16 July 62 at hospital, Richmond, VA from wounds received at Seven Pines, VA, 31 May 62.*

CLIFTON, Isaac A. Pvt. *Day laborer, residence Marion County, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes, 5’10”. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 26; wounded at Chancellorsville, VA, 3 May 63, admitted 30 Nov 63 to Chimborazo Hospital No. 4, Richmond, VA, with gunshot wound to face; deserted 15 Oct 64 and came through Union lines; sent to City Point, VA, 19 Oct 64; confined 23 Oct 64 at Military prison, Camp Hamilton, VA; released 12 Nov 64 and sent to Boston, Mass; took the oath at City Point, VA, 22 Oct 64. Applied for pension from Franklin Co. after 1891, #1318.*

COCHRAN, C.P. Pvt. *Enrolled 12 Mar 63 at Winchester; admitted to C.S.A. General Hospital, Farmville, VA, on 7 Apr 65 as nurse; ap pears on a list of prisoners of war paroled between 11 Apr and 21 Apr 65; appears on a roll of prisoners of war at U.S. Hospital, Farmville, VA, from 7 Apr to 15 June 65.*

COULSON, Isaac A. Pvt. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester aged 25; died at Gainesville, VA, 20 Aug 61 of typhoid fever; no further record.*

COWAN, William Montgomery. Pvt. Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winch ester, aged 24; discharged 12 June 61 at Harpers Ferry, VA.*

COWAN, William Moore. Pvt/2nd Ltn. Farmer. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; wounded severely in leg at Second Manassas, VA, 29 Aug 62; appears on a list of Prisoners taken and paroled at Warrenton, VA, 29 Sep 62; admitted 16 Oct 62 to Medical College, absent on wounded furlough Nov 62 until Feb 63; wounded slightly in arm at Chancellorsville, VA, 3 May 63; July 63 until Dec 63, signed the rolls commanding the company, the other officers being absent; paroled at Appomattox Court House, VA, 9 Apr 65.*

DAVIS, Frederick. Pvt. *Born Bristol, England, 5’8″, sallow complexion, yellow eyes, dark hair, miner, age 37. Enrolled 22 June 61 at Winchester, VA, present July to Dec 61; discharged on 27 July 62 by reason of being over-age and a non-conscript.*

DAVIS, James H. Pvt. B. 15 Aug. 1835, d. 5 Jan. 1900; m. Margaret D.~ *Born Virginia, 5’9″, sallow complexion, grey eyes, grey hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 40; detached as Colonel’s orderly 12 May 61; discharged 27 July 62 by reason of being overage and a non-conscript.*

DYER, John S. Pvt. *Resided Jefferson County, dark complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, 6′; aged 38; received from camp of instruction on 27 Aug 63; deserted 5 Sep 63; appears on a roll of deserters within the Department of West Virginia, 13 Oct 63, as having reported to 28th OH Vol Inf Rgt, USV, and sent north; also appears on a list of prisoners confined in Military prison in Wheeling, [West] VA, aged 37, 5’8″ farmer; dark complexion, dark hair, dark eyes, from Jefferson County and arrested by General Averell at Beverley on 10 Sep 63, released by order of General Kelly, 19 Sep 63.*

ELLIOTT, Levy P. Pvt/1st Sgt. *Resided Franklin County, dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5’9″. Enrolled 12 Mar 63 at Winchester; captured at the Plank Road during the Wilderness, VA, 6 May 64; exchanged 10 Feb 65; appears as present on a muster roll of a detachment of paroled and exchanged prisoners at Camp Lee, VA, near Richmond, VA, 17 Feb 65; captured 2 Apr 65 at Petersburg, VA; released from Fort Delaware after taking the oath on 10 June 65.*

FARRIS, Sanders. Pvt/Sgt. B. c1803, m. Clementine A. GILLESPIE.~ *Born Fluvanna County, VA, 5’11”, dark complexion, blue eyes, gray hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester in Company F aged 58; transferred to Company I same day; detailed as Quarter master Sergeant 1 May 61; transferred to Field & Staff; present until discharged general debility and age on 30 Nov 61 at Camp Fisher, VA.*

FOSTER, William T. Pvt. *Born in Franklin County, 5’5″, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer’s boy. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 18 years [actually 16]; admitted 5 June 62 to Chimborazo Hospital No. 4, Richmond, VA with fever; returned to duty 23 June 62; discharged 27 July 62, under age and therefore a non-conscript.*

GASKINS, Thomas M. Pvt. *Born Virginia, residence Cowan, carpenter, single, 5’6″, dark hair, light complexion, blue eyes. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 23; severely wounded in leg at Second Manasssas, 30 Aug 62; had been taken prisoner at Warrenton, VA, 29 Sept 62 and paroled; died 9 Oct 62 at Warrenton, VA, from wounds at Manassas.*

GOODWIN, John. Pvt. *Occupation stone mason; Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 30; detailed Oct 61 to Brigade Blacksmith striker.*

GREEN, Richard B. Pvt. *Re-enlisted 1 Nov 62 in Company I at Winchester; transferred 31 Jan 63 to Company F. Present to June 63; wounded at Gettysburg, PA; captured at Greencastle, PA, 6 July 63; forwarded to City Point, VA, for exchange 27 Feb 65; admitted 7 Apr 65 to CSA General Hosp, Farmville, with chronic diarrhoea; captured 7 Apr 65; paroled at Farmville between 11 and 21 Apr and died 30 Apr 65 at U.S. Hospital, Farmville, VA, 30 Apr 65, buried at Hospital Cemetery.*

GREER, Henry C. Pvt. *Born Franklin County, 5’10”, dark complexion, black eyes, black hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 25 [27 on discharge certificate]; discharged 28 Feb 62, reason not known.*

HAWKINS, Henry James/Jeems. Ltn./Capt. *Born 3 March 1833. Residence, Cowan, Franklin Co., light complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, 5’10”, merchant. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester as 3rd Ltn, aged 26; elected to Captain 27 Apr 62 on the death of Joseph HOLDER and succeeded as 3rd Ltn by Willis BRANNAN; absent Sept & Oct 62 on recruiting duty; captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; transferred to Point Lookout, MD, for exchange, 14 Mar 65; paroled 1 Apr 65; signed the oath 5 May 65 at Chattanooga. Died in 1901, aged 68, and buried in the family cemetery near Cowan.*NOTE: There were two Joseph HOLDERS in Co. I. One was Capt. Joseph Holder who did not died until 5 Oct. 1919, Franklin County and his nephew Joseph Mitchell Holder who didn’t die until 1 Sept. 1914, Texas. The above reference to the death of Joseph HOLDER is not understood.

HAWKINS, Joseph M. Cpl./Pvt. *Residence Franklin Co., fair complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, 5’8″, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester as 1st Cpl, aged 26; captured at Gettysburg, PA, 1 July 63; paroled and forwarded to City Point, VA, for exchange 27 Feb 65; admitted 4 Mar 65 to Chimborazo Hosp., Richmond, VA, with chronic diarrhoea; deserted 3 Apr 65; signed the oath 6 Apr 65 at Nashville.*

HAWKINS, Philip Brooks. Pvt. B. 20 May 1826, Franklin Co., TN, d. 20 Mar. 1899, s/o John Baxter HAWKINS and Jane MILLER.~ *Born Franklin Co., Clerk in store, 5′, light complexion, blue eyes, black hair. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; discharged at Camp Fisher, VA, 30 Jan 62, for disability. Applied for pension from Grundy Co. after 1891, #15586.*

HAWKINS, Squire John. Pvt/Sgt. B. 20 Apr. 1830, Franklin Co., TN, d. 14 Dec. 1873, s/o John Baxter HAWKINS and Jane MILLER. Farmer. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 30 years; elected 2nd Sgt 23 Aug 61; furloughed 30 Dec 61 for 30 days by order of Gen. WHITING.*

HAWKINS, Thomas K. Pvt/Cpl. *Residence, Franklin Co., light hair, light complexion, blue eyes, 5’10”, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 20; captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; sent to Fort Delaware, DE, July 63; signed the oath at Fort Delaware and released 4 May 65.*

HEAD, Jacob. Pvt. Day laborer. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; discharged 23 Oct 61 at Camp Fisher, VA with extreme prostration & fever.*

HILL, Hardy. Pvt. B. c1820, TN; m. Mary MORIL.~ *Enrolled 20 Sept 61 at Salem, Tenn., joined the regiment in Virginia; discharged at Camp Fisher, VA, on 17 Dec 61 with rheumatism.*

HILL, James. Pvt/Cpl. *Apprentice. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; wounded slightly in the head at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62; killed in action at the Wilderness, VA, 5 May 64.*

HILL, John. Pvt. Farmer. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 50; discharged 23 Oct 61 at Camp Fisher, VA with rheumatism.*

HINES, Maxwell P. Pvt. *Residence, Franklin Co., farmer. Enrolled 22 June 61 at Winchester, aged 18 years; captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; sent 13 July 63 to General Hospital, Chester, PA, paroled; admitted 24 Sept 63 to Episcopal Church Hosp, Williamsburg, VA, with gunshot wound of left thigh; absent Mar & Apr 64, disabled for field duty; admitted 28 June 64 to Ocmulgee Hosp, Macon, GA, transferred 5 July 64; retired from service.*

HOFMAN, Charles. Sgt. *Miner. Enrolled as 2nd Sgt 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 38; elected 1st Sgt 23 Aug 61; furloughed for 30 days from Dec 61.*

HOLDER, Joseph. Capt. b. 3 Dec. 1816, TN, s/o Joseph HOLDER, Sr. and Nancy ?TRAIMAN. He m. Susan WILLIAMS.~ *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 as Captain at Lynchburg; aged 44; term expired 27 Apr 62 and not re-elected, succeeded by Henry J. HAWKINS.* NOTE: Capt. Joseph HOLDER didn’t die until 5 Oct. 1919.

HOLDER, Joseph M. Cpl./Pvt. Farmer. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 22 as 3rd Cpl; absent May & June 63, sick at hospital; deserted from 27 Aug 63.* ~ Joseph Mitchell HOLDER was born 09 Aug 1838 at Franklin Co., TN, d. 1 Sept. 1914, Hood or Erath Co., TX. He wrote a letter to the Dallas News Simi-Weekly, July 16, 1913:

I am an old confederate soldier and have come to tell you all some of my experience in life. I enlisted in the First Tennessee Regiment. It was commanded by Pete Turney, best known by the soldiers as “Old Pete”. I was in Company I, my captain was my uncle Joe Holder. We enlisted at Cowan Station and left Winchester on the 1st of May 1861 for Lynchburg, VA. We were kept there several weeks before we drew arms. Our first guns were improved muskets. Our first brigade commanders were Gen. Bell and Gen. Archer, Stonewall Jacksons Division, Lee’s Corp. I was in many hot places, Bull Rull (second battle of Manassas) Fredericksville and Chancellorsville. At the time my health began to fail and I was assigned to Richmond to help defend the dity against raids. It would take a big book to tell my ups and downs. At one time I was nine weeks without a change of clothing, as I had put my other cloths on my brother, who was shot in the arm at Manassas. Being in bad health, I got leave of absence and was at home at the time of surrender. After the surrender I made a trip to Mississippi where I married Miss Sallie Gregory. She was the daughter of Alfred Gregory. I was then 30 years old. This was in 1866, and we lived in Stawamble Co. until 1877, when we came to Texas and rented land in Big Valley, Parker County and from there we moved to Erath Co. on Kickapoo Creek where I bought a home. Then hard times began sure enough. My horses died and for three years I worked oxen. I had to clear my land, as ther was not a foot of land in cultivation. We built a little log house without any floors. Then my wife took sick and lay at deaths door for 40 days. But the nieghbors were kind and helped up in many ways. We were about 9 years paying for the homestead. After that I bought 337 acres and settled two of my children on part of it. We had some hard times and lived most of the time on bread and butter and milk. I had to use much economy to keep from being involved in debt. Four of our married children live on the home place, and the rest near by. I lost one son after he was grown and four died in infancy. I feel like my many hard trials are numbered in the past. I am 78 years old and on account of bad health my life is still full of worry. I haven’t seend a well day since my exposure of the war. I came near losing my eyes soon after the war and was away from home four months, under the care of an acculist at Union City, Tenn. My afflictions have kept me in hard circumstances. In 1867 at Moorsville, MS., I was made a Master Mason. I have nine brothers-in-law, all Master Masons. My mother is still living. She lives in the old home in Franklin Co., TN. Her youngest son cares for her. If she lives until September she will be 95 years old. She has three children living, and four dead. She has 29 grandchildren, 111 great grandchildren alive. We are having some hot weather now and if the drought continues, I believe the Government will have to give aid. It hasn’t rained since April. I am fond of reading all letters, especially those of the old veterans. Have read with interest the letters on the coming campaign, and will say with all good feeling that I am a natural bornh Anti. and hope my country will always have liberty and freedom for which I have helped fight. I have the greatest respect for law and order, and think we should not pass laws that can not be at least partly enforced. If any of the old boys see this I would be glad to hear from them. With best wishes to the good old news and all its readers, I will close my letter. J.M. Holder, Lipan, Hood Co. Texas. Submitted to this page by: Traci Parsons-Holder .

HOLDER, William W. Pvt. *Enrolled 7 Oct 61 at Cowan, Tenn; wounded slightly in arm at Second Manassas, VA, 29 Aug 62; furloughed home and absent to Feb 63; discharged 10 Apr 63.*

HOLLAND, James K. Pvt. *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 22; captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; died in prison at Fort Delaware, 22 Nov 63 of erysipelas. Buried Ferry shore opposite Port at the Finn’s Point (Salem), N.J. National Cemetery.*

HOLLAND, Richard L. Pvt. *Born in Franklin Co, blue eyes, light hair, 5’7″, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 24 [death certificate shows 31]; wounded in thigh at Second Manassas, 30 Aug 62; died 14 Sep 62 at Manassas, VA, from wound received.*

HOWELL, Sydney F. Pvt. b. c1833, TN, s/o Gabriel HOWELL.~ *Born Franklin Co., 5’11”, sallow complexion, dark eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 35; killed in action at Seven Pines, VA, 31 May 62.*

JACKSON, Edward A. Sgt. *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 40 as 3rd Sgt; discharged 22 June 62, presumed over-age.*

JACKSON, James A. 1st Ltn. *Miner. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 38; term expired 27 Apr 62 and not re-elected; succeeded by Thomas P. KEITH.*

JACKSON, Samuel K. Pvt. *Born in Franklin Co., 5’6″, light complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 35; died 8 June 62 at Richmond from wounds received in action, presumed at Seven Pines, VA, 31 May 62.*

JACKSON, Samuel M. Pvt./Sgt. *Residence Winchester, Franklin County, dark complexion, dark hair, dark eyes, 5’8″, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 23; admitted 8 Apr 62 to General Hosp No 18, Richmond, VA, with Rubeala [German measles]; wounded at Chancellorsville, VA, 3 May 63 in the leg, deserted from 1 Nov 64; signed oath at Tullahoma on 4 Feb 65 as having deserted 10 June 63.*

JOHNSON, John. Pvt. Enrolled 5 Oct 61 at Salem or Cowan, present to Nov & Dec 61.*

KEITH, Daniel Crawford. He was b. 13 Jan. 1834, Franklin Co.; m. Susan BLEDSOE. He was s/o James Porter KEITH and Elizabeth Miller BROOKS.~ 1st Sgt. *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 27; died at Camp Jones, VA, 8 Aug 61 of pneumonia.* James C. KEITH is the great grandson of this patriot. He has been told that Daniel was bur. in the Winchester, VA Civil War cem., but he did not find a grave marker.

KEITH, Thomas P. 1st Ltn. Presumed to have enlisted between Dec 61 and Apr 62; killed 27 June 62 at Gaines Mill, VA, and succeeded by George W. BOWERS.*

KELLEY, John. Pvt. *Born in Switzerland, blacksmith. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 27; detailed 17 Aug 61 as Brigade blacksmith; present to Nov & Dec 61; paid from 27 Apr to 30 June 62 on 29 July 62. As John Kelly in Co E, 1st Tenn – deserter 17 Jan 63 [however, this John Kelly was in Capt. Harsch’s company which makes in Maney’s First Tenn]; file also shows Pvt John Kelly of Co E, 1st Tenn, died at Hosp No 13, Richmond, VA, on 22 July 63 – could be same one.*

KIETH, James P. Jr. Pvt. Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 22; present to Nov & Dec 61.*

KIETH, William M. Pvt. *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 39; discharged at Winchester, VA, 27 June 61.*

LENEHAN, Daniel. Pvt. *Born 17 Oct 1839 in Winchester. Residence Franklin Co., dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5’10 1/2″. Enlisted at Cowan and enrolled 1 Aug 61 at Camp Jones, VA, aged 22; captured at Falling Waters, 13 July 63; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C., 23 July 63; sent to Point Lookout, MD, 8 Aug 63; admitted 23 Jan 64 to U.S.A. Small Pox Hosp, Point Lookout, MD, paroled and transferred for exchange 18 Feb 65; appears on a list of paroled and exchanged prisoners at Camp Lee, near Richmond, VA, dated 27 Feb 65; deserted 20 Mar 65; signed the oath at Nashville, 6 Apr 65. Three brothers were also in the same company, John, Joseph and William, only one of whom returned alive – although Joseph believed to have returned. Another brother served in the 44th Tennessee. He applied for pension from Davidson Co. after 1891, #14684.*

LENEHAN, John. Pvt. *Born Franklin Co., 5’8″, light complexion, grey eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 27 Apr 62 at Yorktown, VA, aged 24; killed at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62.*

LENEHAN, Joseph. Pvt./Sgt. F*armer. Residence Franklin Co., dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5’10”. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 19; wounded and captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; transferred to provost marshal and Genl Hosp, Chester, PA, 14 July 63; sent to City Point, VA, 17 Sept 63; present on a detachment of paroled and exchanged prisoners at Camp Lee, near Richmond, VA, dated 25 Sept 63; captured at Petersburg, VA, 2 Apr 65; sent from City Point, VA, to Fort Delaware, DE, where he signed the oath and released 10 June 65.*

LENEHAN, William. Pvt. *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 22; died at Camp Fisher, VA, 24 Nov 61 of pneumonia.*

LINTON, Charles J. Pvt. *Born in Somersetshire Co., England, 5’10”, light complexion, grey eyes, light hair, miner. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 33 [also shows as 46]; discharged 24 July 62 for being a non-conscript, over-age.*

LOONEY, John B. Pvt. *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 18; discharged 1 Oct 61 at Camp Fisher, VA.*

LOONEY, Michael E. Pvt. *Born in Jackson Co., AL, 5’4″, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 19; discharged 10 Aug 61 at Camp Jones, VA for general debility.*

MALONE, Stephen J. Pvt. *Miner. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; discharged 23 Oct 61 at Camp Fisher, VA due to extended prostration from tyhpoid fever.*

MANN, John Turner. Pvt. b. 26 Jan. 1834, Franklin Co., s/o Matthew Robinson MANN and Elizabeth M. TURNER. He m. Emma.~ *Enrolled Co I on 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 28 [? – completed a “Declaration of Recruit” certificate to say that he was eighteen years of age and that his guardian, William C. SULLY, also certified he was eighteen years of age – had enlisted at Memphis on 1 June 61 by Captain Walker, CSA, so may not be the same John T. Mann. Born in Abbeville, AL, and was at that stage a cabin boy. Transferred to Company C before muster in date of 8 May 61; transferred to Co F from 1 June 61. Present sick in camp July & Aug 61; surrendered at Augusta, Ga., 18 May 65.*

MATHEWS, Lent Sherod. Pvt./Sgt. B. 12 Aug. 1839, Franklin Co., TN, d. 8 Sept. 1891; m. (1) Mary Jane STEWART; m. (2) Elizabeth A. STEWART. He was a s/o Jeremiah MATTHEWS and Jane WILLIAMS.~ *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 23; wounded at Gaines Mill, VA, 27 June 62 and furloughed home; still absent Sept & Oct 62.*

McKINNEY, Francis M. Pvt. *Born Franklin Co., 5’5″, sallow complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer, not married. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 22; wounded at Gaines Mill, VA, 27 June 62; died 5 July 62 at hosp, Richmond, VA, from wounds.*

MILLER, Isaac T. Pvt./Sgt. *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; paroled and forwarded to City Point, VA, for exchange, 27 Feb 65. He lived at Milledgeville, GA after the war and was known to be alive in 1896 … said to be the youngest Confederate then living as had enlisted at age 16.*

MILLER, John Hawkins. Pvt. B. 28 Dec. 1834, Franklin Co., TN, d. 14 Mar. 1918, s/o Samuel S. MILLER and Elizabeth MONTGOMERY.~ *Born Franklin Co., 5’4″, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 28; discharged 20 Aug 61 at Camp Jones with epilepsy.*

MOORE, Anderson. Pvt. *Residence, Hawkins Co., Tenn., 5’10”, dark complexion, dark eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled from camp of instruction 27 Aug 63, aged 42, east Tennessee conscript; deserted 5 Sept 63; confined 1 Oct 63 in military prison at Wheeling, West VA, released 2 Oct 63 when sent north.*

MOORE, William G. Pvt/1st Sgt. *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 19 [shows aged 22 at enlistment]; wounded at Shepherdstown, VA, 20 Sept 62, with slight contusion on both thighs; killed at Chancellorsville, VA, 3 May 63.*

MULLIKIN, Samuel G. Pvt. *Born Marion Co., AL, 6′, sallow complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; killed at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62.*

MULLINS, Joshua. Pvt. *Received from camp of instruction 27 Aug 63; deserted 15 Sept 63; captured 5 Nov 63 in Cincinnati, OH, sent to McLean Barracks, Cincinnati, where he was released the same day.*

NELMS, Abraham B. Pvt. *Enlisted 12 July 63 at Knoxville, TN; received entire loss of hearing as a result of rubeola occuring July 63 whilst on line of duty; had chronic hepatitis; admitted 5 May 64 to CSA Genl Hosp, Farmville, VA, with pneumonia; paroled by Lieut Col T.L. BARKER, 36th Mass Inf at Farmville, VA, between 11 and 21 Apr 65.*

NICHOLS, Matthew R. Pvt. *Day laborer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 20; wounded at Gaines Mill, VA, 27 June 62; deserted 27 Nov 63; captured at Mine Run, VA, 30 Nov 63, sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C., on 5 Dec 63; admitted 25 Feb 64 to Kalorama USA Genl Hosp, Washington, D.C., from Capitol Prison with fever and died 3 Mar 64.*

NORMAN, Argyle. Pvt. B. c1834, TN, s/o Daniel T. and Frances NORMAN. He m. Rebecca.~ *Born Franklin Co., 5′ 8″, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, age 25; discharged 23 Aug 61 at Camp Jones, VA, near Manassas Junction, by reason of disability.*

NORMAN, Daniel C. Pvt. B. c1832, TN, s/o Daniel T. and Frances NORMAN. Farmer. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 23; died at Camp Fisher, VA, 24 Nov 61 of pneumonia.*

O’CONNELL, Dennis. Pvt. *Born Clare County, Ireland, 5’6″, sallow complexion, gray eyes, dark hair, day laborer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 45; discharged 27 July 62 by reason of being a non-conscript, over-age.*

ORTON, James L. Pvt. *Residence Washington Co., dark complexion, dark hair, gray eyes, 6’3″. East Tennessee conscript. Enrolled 6 Nov 62 at Knoxville, Tenn., received from camp of instruction 27 Aug 63; admitted 7 July 64 to Chimborazo Hosp No 5, Richmond with chronic diarrhoea; surrendered 11 May 65 at Jonesboro, Tenn; took the oath at Nashville, 22 May 65.*

PEARSON, William J. Pvt. Day laborer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 18; present to Nov & Dec 61.*

PERKINS, J. B. Pvt. *Residence Knoxville, Campbell Co., Tenn, light complexion, dark hair, 5’10’, blue eyes, aged 22 in 63. East Tennessee conscript, received from camp of instruction 27 Aug 63; deserted 5 Sept 63; arrested at Harrisburg, PA 18 Sept 63, admits to being a deserter from the CS Army and has nothing to show excepting the papers accompanying him. Sent north to Fort Mifflin, PA, 21 Sept 63; and took the oath at Fort Mifflin, PA, 1 Jan 64. Discharged for the purpose of working for Government, by order of Genl Cadwalader.*

POLLARD, Isaac N. Pvt. *Enrolled at Knoxville; received from camp of in struction 27 Aug 63, east Tennessee conscript; present until deserted 2 Mar 64.*

ROGERS, Robert W. Pvt. *Born Franklin Co., dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, 5’9″, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 18 [20 on muster roll]; admitted to Institute Hospital, Richmond, VA, with gunshot wound from Gaines Mill, VA, 27 June 62; died 14 July 62.*

ROGERS, William R. Pvt. *Residence, Franklin Co., dark complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5’4″, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 19; deserted 15 Oct 64; received by Provost Marshal, 9th Corps; sent to City Point, VA, where he took the oath; transportation furnished to Nashville via Cincinnati, OH. Applied for pension from Franklin Co. after 1891, #16422.*

ROSS, Andrew B. Pvt. *Residence, Clay Co., MO, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5’6″, no family, store clerk. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; present to Nov & Dec 61; present Sept & Oct 62 until Nov & Dec 62 when detailed as wagoner; present Jan & Feb 63 until wounded in right side at Chancellorsville, VA, 3 May 63; did not leave regiment and present until captured at Gettysburg, PA, 1 July 63; sent from Fort McHenry, MD, to Fort Delaware, DE, where he arrived 6 July 63; paroled and forwarded to City Point, VA, for exchange 27 Feb 65; deserted 3 Apr 65 and subscribed to the oath 6 Apr 65 at Nashville.*

SANDERS, J.M., Pvt., Shot in head at Battle of Fredricksburg.[Newspaper list]~

SARGENT, Campbell M. b. c1835, TN, s/o James and eliza SARGENT. He m. Elizabeth Ann JACKSON. Pvt. *Born Franklin Co., 5’8″, sallow complexion, dark eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 24; killed at Seven Pines, VA, 31 May 62.*

SELLS, John H. Pvt. *Born Franklin Co., 6′, sallow complexion, dark eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 22; wounded at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62, severe wound of the face by minie ball; furloughed and died at hospital in Richmond from wound, 19 Jan 63 of erysipelas.*

SHAVERS, William R. Pvt. Day laborer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 20; discharged 7 Aug 61 at Camp Jones, VA, mania.*

SHOOK, Oliver Street. Pvt. He was b. c1832, Franklin Co. He was s/o Abraham SHOOK and Martha KEITH. He m. Elizabeth Rosa HARALSON; went to TX.~ *Lawyer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 25; discharged 11 Feb 63 for disability.*

SKIDMORE, Andrew Jackson. Pvt. He was b. 2 Nov 1839, Franklin Co., d. 14 Dec. 1932; m. (1) Sarah jane SELLS; m. (2) Emaline TERRY. He was s/o William S. SKIDMORE and Sarah KEITH. ~ *He was 5’8″, sallow complexion, grey eyes, dark hair, schoolteacher. Enrolled 7 Oct 61 at Cowan, aged 22; discharged by reason of disability on 4 Aug 62. He applied for pension from Franklin Co. after 1891, #14546.*

SPARKS, Thomas S. Pvt. *Born Virginia, aged 18, 5’9″, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer. Died at Genl Hosp, Mt Jackson, VA, 23 Nov 62, of typhoid fever. Also shows died 1 Nov 62 while on his way to join the Regiment. Cemetery records show he was buried at Mt. Jackson Cemetery on 23 Nov 63.*

SPARKS, William H. Pvt. *Born Madison Co., VA; 5’7″, sallow complexion, black eyes, black hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 23; discharged 20 Aug 61 at Camp Jones, VA, with debility; re-enrolled 25 May 63 at Fayetteville, Tenn., discharged 23 Sept 63 with disability; enrolled 3 May 64 at Camp Lee, VA, assigned to same company 23 May 64; admitted Hosp, Richmond, with chronic bronchitis; paroled at Charlottesville, VA, 19 May 65.*

STALLCUP, Joseph. Pvt. *Enrolled 8 Sept 61 at Cowan, joined the regiment in the field; admitted 22 Nov 61 to Genl Hosp No 18, Richmond, VA; returned to duty 4 Dec 61; served as teamster, 1 – 16 June 62.*

STEWART, Enoch G. 2nd Ltn. B. c1828, Franklin Co., TN, s/o anthony STEWART and Mary DONAHUE. He m. Nancy Agnes HOLDER.~ *Residence, Winchester, trader. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester as 2nd Ltn, aged 34; admitted 8 Apr 62 at Genl Hosp No 18, Richmond, VA, with rubela; term expired 27 Apr 62; succeeded as 2nd Ltn. by George W. BOWERS.*

STEWART, Isaac Gonce. Pvt.b. c1836, Marion Co., TN, s/o Anthony STEWART and Margaret GONCE.~ *Residence, Franklin Co., dark complexion, black hair, blue eyes, 5’7″. Enrolled 7 Oct 61 at joined regiment in the field; returned to Regiment 1 Nov 62 after being absent waiting on wounded; admitted 16 Dec 62 to Hosp, Richmond, with contusion of left hip by a shell [presumed wounded at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62], captured at Falling Waters, 13 July 63; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C., on 18 July 63; released on oath 13 Dec 63 at Washington, DC, and sent north 20 Dec 63. Applied for pension from Franklin Co.after 1891, #6767.*

STEWART, William T. Pvt. *Born Franklin Co., 5’11”, sallow complexion, grey eyes, dark hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 23; admitted 18 May 62 to Chimborazo Hosp No 3, Richmond, VA, with rubela; discharged 6 Aug 62 by reason of disability.*

STOWE, E.F. Pvt. *Captured at Antietam, MD, 18 Sept 62, transferred from Fort McHenry, MD, to Fortress Monroes, VA, for exchange 27 Oct 62.*

SUTTON, John. Pvt. Farmer. *Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; died 29 May 61 of measles at Richmond, VA.*

SWIGER, G.W. Pvt. *Assigned to this regiment by Genl Walker without date of conscription; admitted 17 May 64 to Receiving Hosp, Richomond, VA, with chronic diarrhoea; transferred 19 May 64 to Lynchburg; died 6 Mar 65.*

VAUGHN, Henry. Pvt. Enrolled 5 Oct 61; admitted 22 Nov 61 to Genl Hosp No 18, Richmond, VA; returned to duty 4 Dec 61; discharged 10 Dec 61 at Camp Fisher, VA, with epilepsy.*

WADE, Farley B. Jr. Pvt/Cpl. b. c1838, Franklin Co., TN; m. Sally VAUGHN.~ *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 19; promotions; present to Nov & Dec 64.*

WALLS, James W. Pvt. *Born Franklin Co., 5’10”, fair complexion, gray eyes, brown hair, farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 33 [shows 28 on first muster roll]; wounded at Gaines Mill, VA, 27 June 62; furloughed to Chattanooga, Tenn, for thirty days and then home and discharged 22 Oct 62 at Tunnell Hill Genl Hosp, Chattanooga.*

WALTON, James. Pvt. *Born Georgia, 5’8″, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, laborer. Enrolled 5 Oct 61, aged 22; discharged 22 Jan 62 at Camp Fisher, VA, for disability.*

WIGBEY, J.C. Pvt. *Enrolled 15 Mar 64 at Hancock Co., east Tennessee conscript; transferred 24 June 64 to Chimborazo Hosp No 4, Richmond, VA with bronchitis; sick at hospital until Nov & Dec 64.*

WILLIAMS, Absalom Flint. Sgt./Pvt. B. c1838, Franklin Co., TN; s/o Madison WILLIAMS and Elizabeth HOLLAND. He m. (1) Martha An HOLDER; (2) Ann STEWART.~ Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21 as 4th Sgt.; wounded at Gaines Mill, VA, 27 June 62; furloughed home; returned and wounded slightly in leg at Fredericksburg, VA, 13 Dec 62; sent to Institute hospital, Richmond, VA, with gun shot wound; present until wounded in arm at Chancellorsville, VA, 3 May 63; transferred 5 May 64 to Eufaula, AL; absent until 18 Aug 64 when retired as totally disqualified. Applied for pension from Shelby Co. after 1891, #7893.*

WILLIAMS, C.C. Pvt. *Enrolled 10 Aug 64 at Fayetteville, AL; admitted 29 Oct 64 to Chimborazo Hosp No 4, Richmond, VA, with typhoid fever; furloughed 20 Jan 65 at Chimborazo for 60 days, convalescing from typhoid fever; admitted 21 Mar 65 to CSA Genl Hosp Farmville, VA, with diarrhoea; paroled at Farmville, VA, Apr 65. He was a member of the S.L. Freeman Camp, United Confederate Veterans at Tracy City and died 24 May 1902.*

WILLIAMS, J.R. Pvt. *Residence Decherd Station, dark complexion, dark hair, gray eyes, 5’6″. Captured 2 Apr 65 at Petersburg, VA, sent to Fort Monroe and admitted to Hosp 4 Apr 65 with gunshot wound to left thigh; transferred to Newport News, VA, 6 June 65 where he subscribed to the oath 26 June 65.*

WRIGHT, Thomas B., Pvt. He was in Co. I when shot in the hand at Battle of Fredricksburg. Also in K.~

YOUNG, Abraham. Pvt. b. c1840, Franklin Co., TN, s/o George YOUNG and Ana Catharine GROSS.~ Enrolled 1 Nov 62 at Winchester; discharged 10 Jan 63 for disability. Abraham, the 9th child of George YOUNG and Ana Catharine GROSS was b. 11 Aug. 1842; m. 28 Oct. 1869, Melvina HUGHES. They had five children. He enlisted 1 Nov. 1862, age 20, at Winchester, TN in Co. I, 1st Reg’t. TN Inf. by Capt. H.J. HAWKINS. On 10 Jan. 1863, he was discharged for a disability. He lived in Lynchburg, TN.

YOUNG, George W., Pvt. ~b. 10 Aug. 1836, Franklin Co., TN, d. 30 Dec. 1916. He was a s/o George YOUNG and Ana Catharine GROSS. He m. 15 May 1873, Tabitha BRUCE. They had seven children. George W. enlisted 27 Apr. 1861, age 24, at Cowan, Tennessee. He was mustered into service 8 May 1861 at Lynchburg, VA by Major H.L. CLAY. He joined Capt. Joseph HOLDER’S Co. (Jo Lane Co.), 1st Reg’t TN Inf., later named Co. I, 1st Turney’s Reg’t. TN Inf. On George’s mustered cards, his occupation is listed as a blacksmith. He received medical attention from several different hospitals. He was captured 1 July 1863 during the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg. On 5 July 1863, his name appears on a record of Prisoners of War at Fort McHenry, MD and he was sent to Fort Delaware, DE. He was paroled and forwarded to City Point, VA for exchange. His pension record says he was a paroled prisoner of war, did not take oath, is married and has 4 children with him at the time, Wife 52, Children, girl 19, Boy 17, Boy 15, Boy 12; trying to farm a little, has 40 acres, valued at $400, $150 personal prop., doesn’t use a bit of intoxicants, resident of TN all his life, he was attacked with Rheumatism on JACKSON’S march to Manassas in 1862.

A descendant of this family is John K. Young, 7611 Michael Lane, Newburgh, IN 47630. E-Mail: jkyoung [at] evansville [dot] net. He sent some additional information on this family:George and Ana Catharine YOUNG had 14 children. We have information confirming that seven sons and a son- in-law fought in the Civil War.

John, the oldest son was b. 3 Nov. 1826. He and Clemenzia FRANCIS m. 27 Aug. 1848 and had seven children. John enl. 1 Aug. 1863 in Co. K 12th Reg’t. MS Cav. in Mooresville, MS; commanding officer, Capt. LYLES. John was captured near Marietta, GA 17 June 1864. His name appears on a report of Conf. prisoners captured by the Union’s 2nd Div. 23rd Army Corps. He was sent to Camp Morton, IN near Indianapolis. He was paroled at Camp Morton, IN and forwarded to City Point, VA, via Baltimore, MD for exchange. His name appears on a register dated 12 Mar. 1865 of receiving at Wayside Hosp. (Gen. Hosp.) No. 9, Richmond, VA. He was sent to Howards Grove, Gen. Hosp., Richmond on 13 Mar. 1865. His muster cards shows he d. 18 Mar. 1865. John was the only brother that did not return from the war. No burial site has been located.

Henry, the 2nd son, b. 1 May 1828, d. 23 Apr. 1901. He m. 14 Jan. 1862, Elizabeth SPIKES. They had six children. We have no military records on Henry and don’t know if he served. Martin, the 3rd son, b. 27 Feb. 1830, d. 2 Nov. 1893. He m. 10 Dec. 1861, Manervia J. SEALS. They had six children. Records show that Martin served in Co. D, 25th Reg’t. TN Inf. Margaret, the 4th child, b. 19 Oct. 1831, d. 10 Jan. 1897. They had two children. William D., the 5th child, b. 10 May 1834, d. 28 Apr. 1900. He m. 4 Jan. 1858, Martha J. WISEMAN. They had six children. No military info available. George W., the 6th child, see above. See Isaac below.

YOUNG, Isaac. Pvt.~ *Farmer. Enrolled 29 Apr 61 at Winchester, aged 21; detailed to wait on wounded at Manassas; taken prisoner and paroled at Warrenton, VA, 29 Sept 62; wounded in right arm at Chancellorsville, VA, 3 May 63, placed on retired list; detailed for light duty and ordered to report at Farmville; paroled at Farmville, Apr 65.* Isaac, the 7th child of George YOUNG and Ana Catharine GROSS was b. 18 July 1838, d. 26 July 1893. He m. Mary Susan HOLDER on 25 Sept. 1867. They had four children. Isaac enlisted 27 Apr. 1861, age 22 at Cowan, TN. He was mustered into service 8 May 1861, Lynchburg, VA by Major H.L. CLAY. He joined Joseph HOLDER’S Co. (Jo Lane Co.) 1st Reg’t TN Inf. later known as Co. I, 1st Turney’s Reg’t. TN Inf. He appears on a Register containing a record of cases examined by the Board of Surgeons at Gen. Hosp., Farmville, VA on 29 July 1864. The remarks are as follows: Applications to be retired granted by Gen. LEE. Gun shot wound of right arm resulting in Anchilosis of arm and wasting of muscles. Isaac also appears on a register of Gen. Hospital, Farmville, VA under the heading Retired from service by Medical Exam. Board. Dated 28 Aug. 1864. Remarks: Certificate of Retirement granted and we recommend that he be detained as Ward Master and to report for duty at this post, the board finding unfit for the duties of a soldier in the field service due to injuries rec’d. in the line of duty. Retirement date listed as 7 Aug. 1864. The foll. letter was written for the benefit of Mary S. YOUNG to the TN Board of Pen. Exam., filed 15 Aug. 1906, Franklin Co., TN. This is to certify that Isaac YOUNG, the husband of Mary S. YOUNG No. 737, of Co. I, 1st TN Reg. was wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville, shot through the right arm near the elbow, and had a lame arm as long as he lived, and after his arm got healed, he was still not able for active service, and was assigned the wardenship of the hosp. at Farmville, VA. I came by there and saw him the 1st of Apr., 1865, as I returned from prison. He stayed with two comrades from this county and nursed them until they both died and were buried. Then he returned home arriving the 5th day of July, 1865. Signed G.W. YOUNG.

Mary Elizabeth, the 8th child, b. 26 Apr. 1840; m. Joseph HUDDLESON on 31 Aug. 1876. No military records on Joseph.

YOUNG, J. Pvt. *Admitted 8 May 63 to Receiving Hosp, Richmond, VA; admitted 10 Oct 63 to Wayside Hosp, Farmville, wounded, transferred 2 Nov 63.*

YOUNG, James P. Pvt.*Residence, Franklin Co., light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5’9″. Enrolled 1 Nov 62 at Winchester; captured at Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 63; to Fort Delaware, DE, 7 July 63; signed the oath and released 10 June 65. Applied for pension from Grundy Co.after 1891, #3998.*~ James P. was the 10th child of George YOUNG and Ana C. GROSS. He was b. 1 Oct. 1844, d. 22 May 1913. He m. May 1871, Nancy J. PAYNE. they had three children. He enl. under Capt. H.J. HAWKINS at the age of 18. He was wounded during the Battle of Gettysburg when a shell exploded near his head. He appears on a record of Prisoners of War at Fort McHenry, MD and confined there on 6 July 1863. He then appears on a register of Prisoners of War at Fort DE and received from Fort McHenry on 7 July 1863. He was released from Fort Delaware on 10 June 1865. James P. and George W. were prisoners at Fort Delaware during most of their war service. James and Nancy made their home near Tracy City, TN. Dallas, the twin brother of James P. was b. 1 Oct. 1844, d. 15 May 1862; bur. Goshen Cem.. He did not serve in the war.

Wilson, the 12th child, was b. 19 Feb. 1846, d. Mar. 1913. He m. 11 Feb. 1874, Sarah CRABTREE. They had two children. Records show he served in Co. C, 4th Reg’t TN Cav.

Catherine Ann, the 13th child, b. 10 Aug. 1849, d. 19 Mar. 1922. She m. 2 Feb. 1871, Anthony STEWART. They had five children. Anthony was a member of Co. C., 18th AL Inf. He and Catherine are bur. at Goshen. Daniel, the 14th child, b. 10 Mar. 1851, d. 29 Jan. 1930. He was too young to serve. He m. 25 Dec. 1885, Sarah Elizabeth VAUGHAN. They had four children. Daniel and Sarah bur. at Goshen. This information was gathered from Muster Cards, Pension applications, and Cemetery Records, from the TSLA, MS Archives and the National Archives.

YOUNG, John. Pvt. *Residence, Franklin Co., 6′, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer. Enrolled 8 Sept 61 at Cowan, Tenn., joined the company in Virginia; admitted 5 Nov 61 to CSA Genl Hosp, Charlottesville, VA, with cough after measles [bronchitis]; returned to duty 27 Nov 61; died at Richmond, VA, on 15 July 62 of disease.*


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