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COWAN, John W. – (d. 1911)

COWAN, John W. – (d. 1911)

Title: Fayette Countian Dead Monroe PARKER, tyler of the Masonic Temple, received a message yesterday morning stating that his father-in-law, John W. COWAN, of Somerville, was dead.  Mr. PARKER and his family left on the afternoon train for Somerville to attend the funeral. – Commercial Appeal  Mr. COWAN referred to has lived for many years in the vicinity of In<…>, in the second district of Fayette county.  He is a brother of M.P. COWAN and D.F. COWAN of Laconia.  Source: Fayette…

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CHRISTIAN, Robert N. – (b. 1842)

CHRISTIAN, Robert N. – (b. 1842)

Robert N. CHRISTIAN was born in Mississippi August 31, 1842, and is the son of Robert N. and Caroline (Suther) CHRISTIAN, natives of North Carolina.  Our subject received a fair education and was engaged in steamboating until the breaking out of the war.  At that time he entered the Confederate service as a private in the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Regiment and was afterward transferred to the Thirty-fourth Mississippi Regiment, where he remained till the close of the war. …

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CHAMBERS, Daniel G. – (b. 1835)

CHAMBERS, Daniel G. – (b. 1835)

Elder Daniel G. CHAMBERS, a well known minister of the Primitive Baptist Church, engaged in farming in Fayette County, was born in Robertson County, Tenn., January 5, 1835, and is a son of Gools B. and Rebecca (Gordon) CHAMBERS.  The father was born in Halifax County, Va., August 11, 1802, being of English descent, and died in Fayette County, Tenn., June 21, 1881.  The mother was born in Robertson County, Tenn., April 13, 1805, and was of Scotch-Irish descents and…

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CHAMBERS, Marcus (b. 1833)

CHAMBERS, Marcus (b. 1833)

Marcus L. CHAMBERS, farmer and merchant of Chambersville, Fayette County, was born in Robertson County, Tenn., February 28, 1833, and is a son of Dr. Gools B. and Rebecca (Gordon) CHAMBERS, natives of Halifax County, Va., and Robertson County, Tenn.  The father was born in 1802 and died in Fayette County in 1881.  The mother was born in 1805 and died in Fayette County in 1878.  They were married in Robertson County, Tenn., in 1823 and in 1836 moved to Fayette…

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PICKENS, John G. – (d. 1872)

PICKENS, John G. – (d. 1872)

Died, on the 30th of November, at his residence in Fayette county, Tennessee, John G. PICKENS, in the 28th year of his age. The deceased was for many years a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and died in the full triumph of living faith. (Note – there is a longer resolution as part of this article). Source: Memphis Daily Appeal, January 1, 1872

PULLIAM, Amelia – (d. 1859)

PULLIAM, Amelia – (d. 1859)

DIED – Also, at the residence of her husband, in Fayette county, Tenn., on the 29th ult., Mrs. Amelia, wife of Mr. John N. PULLIAM, aged about sixty-one year. Weekly Standard (Raleigh), February 23, 1859

PULLIAM, John M. – (d. 1859)

PULLIAM, John M. – (d. 1859)

DIED — On the 27th ult., in Lagrange, Tenn., John M. PULLIAM Jr.,son of Dr. J. J. PULLIAM and Lucy F. PULLIAM, aged two years and three months. Weekly Standard (Raleigh), February 23, 1859

CARNES, Stephen G.

CARNES, Stephen G.

Stephen G. CARNES, a farmer of Fayette County, was born in Hardeman County, Tenn., August 3, 1829, and with two sisters constitutes the surviving members of a family of two sons and four daughters born to David B. and Mary (Gracy) CARNES, natives of North Carolina; both came to Tennessee when young and married in Hardeman County, where they farmed until the father died in 1842; the mother died in the same county in 1875.  The father, previous to this…

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CANNON, William J.

CANNON, William J.

Dr. William J. CANNON, one of the pioneer practicing physicians of Fayette County, and one of its most influential and enterprising citizens, was born August 7, 1827, in Raleigh, N.C., and is of a family of three sons and three daughters, born to Robert and Ann T. (Hill) CANNON, who were natives of Pitt and Franklin Counties, N.C. Our subject and two sisters alone surviving.  The parents moved to Raleigh, N.C., soon after their marriage in Franklin County, and the…

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