Smithville, a village of about 1,000 inhabitants, is on the first bench of the Cumberland Mountains--the Highland Rim of Middle Tennessee.

It is at the terminus of the pike from Lebanon, 37 miles distant, 65 miles south of east of Nashville, 20 miles north of McMinnville, and 23 miles nearly west of Sparta.

About half a mile south of the town, on a beautiful campus, with a gentle slope in every direction, shaded by native forest trees, with an abundance of clear, cool, pure, freestone water, is a large, new, three-story brick building, known as Pu re Fountain College.


There are four churches in Smithville--Christian, Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist, with Sunday-schools and services in some of them every Sabbath.


We have a daily mail, but


Thus, having a high, healthy location, fine water, pure air and a moral community, the friends of education and humanity could not afford to have a saloon-even one-in our midst to tempt and ruin their own children and those of the neighbors and friend s, but the will devote all their energies that this College, reared in their midst, may be apure fountain, literary, social and moral--to all who come and test its virtues.


The building of Pure Fountain College was completed just in time to open school September 3, 1883. The Faculty was elected only a short time before, and a course of study had then to be arranged and text-books chosen. These facts prevented the prope r advertisement of its opening, and many who would otherwise have been among its students, entered other schools. The students were to be graded and accustomed to methods which they had never seen, and this was to be done by teachers who were strangers t o both Pupils and parents. Here are a few facts that tend to show how well this was done.

From the first day the institution has been a growing one, the enrollment for the nine school months being 226 students, a number surpassing that of many old and honored colleges.

Strangers visiting our town, say they begin to hear of Pure Fountain College when far away, and, upon getting into the vicinity of Smithville, find every one aglow with a zealous admiration of the school.

Many of those who have heretofore been teachers in the surrounding country, have been among its students, and they all give the one verdict, "Excellent."

Of the immense crowd that attended the final examinations, May 28, 29 and 30, many of whom were teachers and scholars fully competent to criticize, not one was found who did not think the school was without a superior.

The influence of the college on the public schools of the county is already being felt. Our County Superintendent, Dr. A. Avant, who has long been earnestly endeavoring to improve the public schools, has found in this institution what he considers a valuable aid in his work, and has inaugurated a system of public written examinations of candidates for schools, and issues certificates only to such as attain the required average, in all cases showing the actual scholarship of the holder in the s everal branches. This course must result in great good to the patrons and pupils of the public schools, for it secures for them the best teachers the County can command. while to really meritorious teachers it is equally beneficial. The superintendent m ust and will receive the hearty thanks of the people of the county.


We are in full accord with the advanced spirit of co-education. We can see no reason for excluding girls from that course of instruction that enables boys to fill the positions of honor and profit in the world; and we believe the true education of bo th sexes is best accomplished when aided by their mutual stimulus and sympathy. We therefore admit males and females, with the same opportunity for a much more thorough and practical course than they can enjoy in most schools where they are admitted.


We know no means of having a good school without good behavior. This will be required at all times, and the attendance of those unwilling to conform to the rules and requirements of the school is not desired. If any such should come, we will not tro uble ourselves with repeatedly correction them, but will dismiss them. Anything that would defeat the great objects of a good school--study, discipline, progress--can not be tolerated.

Hence young ladies of the School will not be permitted to receive the attentions of young men, either in person or by receiving or sending notes, letters, messages, or otherwise, and the same restrictions will be placed on the young men of the School. Continued loafing around town, or loitering at all after night, or leaving their premises after dark without permission, will not be allowed.

All pupils are expected to attend services at some of the churches each Sabbath. No school or community can afford to ignore or neglect with impunity the moral training of its youth.

To those who are willing to comply with these requirements, and work, we say: "Come, we will help you."


    First Second Third Fourth
Primary School   $1.50 $2.00 $2.50  
Grammar School   $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50
College Course         $5.00
Teachers' Course         $5.00
Instrumental Music         $4.00
Incidental Fee         $1.00

Tuition must be paid monthly in advance, or satisfactory arrangements made before entering.

Students will be charged from time of entering to close of term, and no deduction will be made except for protracted sickness.


If all interested in the cause of education will visit our school and see for themselves, they will do us a great favor. Our friends have called almost daily, but none too often.


Pupils may enter at any time, but thefirst day of the session is, by far, the BEST time.

Classes are then formed and work begins. Very few who begin later attain high rank in their glasses. Be on hand August 4th (first Monday), and start with us.

CALENDAR, 1884-85

Fall Term begins August 4 and ends December 19, 1884. Examination and Exposition, December 17, 18, 19, 1884. Spring Term begins January 12 and ends May 29, 1885. Examination and Exposition, May, 27, 28, 29, 1885.

For catalogues or further information address

T. B. KELLY, Dean,
Smithville, Tenn.

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