Editor, Will A. Vick

April 22, 1896

Hickory Grove

Rev. J.E. Givens preached a very interesting sermon at Hickory Grove last Sunday.

The Christian Endeavor Society of Bethlehem will have a social at Mr. A.J. Sparkman's next Saturday.

Mr.and Mrs. H.M. Moffit gave a musical entertainment Saturday night. Mr. Moffit and Mr. Blanks, members of the Gribble String Band of Pleasant Cove, gave some excellent music on violin and banjo.

Miss Lena Womack of Evanston is visiting Misses Ora and Jessie Davis.

Mr. Sam Hardcastle and his sister, Davie, visited the family of Mr. Tom Brown Saturday night.

John and Willy Bass have been visiting their uncle, Mr. Jessie Robinson at Prater.


J.D. Gunn and Chas. Blankenship went to Mt. Olive Sunday.

R. Marler of Wilson county was here today.

T.J. Jackson moved back to his farm near Drop last week.

H.K. Al_en and Wm. Wright were here part of last week.

T.P. and T.J. West, M.D. and A.E. Adcock, Thos. Jones and T.J. Lenma of Pinegar were here as witnesses in the Young - Adcock law suit Saturday.

E.L. Mooneyham is up again.

At the Democratic primary election to nominate candidates for constable and assessor, J.H. Johnson and Henry Turney were elected as candidates for constable and Jas. Lee and Levi Moore tied for assessor.

Hugh Sparkman and Charles Gribble, two young attorneys of this place, are attending Federal Court at Nashville.

Jno. Young, Dick Webb and R.C. Magness left for Nashville today.

S.M. Hudson, who has been sick for several days, is up again.

S.C. Robinson spent part of last week visiting his uncle, Jno. B. Robinson, at this place.


Written for The Herald

In the 18th district of Smith county, Tenn, [Grant] in what was once known as "Possom Hollow" lives clever people as can be found on the earth. Forty-nine years ago Wm. Oakley of Commerce and Louisa Gill of Grant were married and settled in this community where they have since lived. The 14th of April is mother's birthday. For years dear mother has been a leading spirit in this and surrounding communities. Her mission has been that of administering to the sick and suffering. No night has been too dark, no wintry blast too cold, no summer heat too scorching to prevent her absence from the bedside of her sick and suffering neighbors. Some weeks ago while she was attending the sick in an adjoining county her near neighbor women in convention at Mrs. Hat McEachern resolved to give mother a birthday dinner. There were present at that meeting, Mrs. Hat McEachern, Mrs. Clara McEachern, Mrs. Jesse Gill, Mrs. D.M. Apple, Mrs. Hattie Kilzer, Mrs. Arrilia Atwood, Mrs. Anderson Williams and Mrs. John Ogle. Here arrangements were effected in every detail to give mother a dinner on the sly. Accordingly on the morning of April 14th, at a set time the people came from North, South, East and West with loads of provisions, tables, chairs, and dishes. When mother saw them coming she was greatly excited and confused, but soon she raised a shout while Father cried like a baby. Mother was ordered to keep out of the dining room. The neighbors worked like bees till 12 o'clock when mother and father and all their children present were invited in to dine. As they entered they were surprised beyond measure to find three tables growing beneath the best dinner ever served in ancient "Possom Hollow". The substantial boiled hams and baked hens and sweet things too immumerable to mention were there in heaps and piles. The following persons were there to enjoy the feast of fat things: Mrs. Hat McEachern and husband; Mrs. Clara McEachern, husband and son, Vernon; Mrs. N.J. Rockey of Nashville; Mrs. Anderson Williams; Mrs. Arrilla Atwood and husband; Mrs. D.M.Apple and husband; Mrs. Jesse Gill, husband and daughters, Annie and Lallie; Mrs. Sarrah Gill; Mrs. John Ogle; Mrs. Lit Hall, husband and son; Mrs. Hattie Kilzer, husband and children; Mrs. Mollie Agee and son; Mrs. Lecie Saulman and two children; Mrs. Bessie Atwood, Hattonsville; Miss Bessie Rockey, Nashville; Miss Lucie Talley, Miss Lucile D. Oakley and John T. Oakley, Hendersons X Roads and Miss Hattie Saulmon of Brush Creek. During the day the following additional visitors put in their appearance: Misses Julia White, Hattie White, Nannie Butler Gill, Myrtle Smith of Iowa, Mattie Apple, Lula Apple, Tilda Apple, Zula Gill, Sofa Gill, Mary Atwood, Luanna Atwood, Tabba Atwood, Jennie Ogle, Hattie Lee Ogle, Daisie and Maud Ella, Gainesboro and Maggie Cundall of Flat Rock. Also Messers. Culum Apple, Dr. McKee, Chas. Smith, Jessie George, Stayley Meadow, Lannis Bass, Dowelltown; Albert Williams, DeKalb county; Hershal Manning, Turner Floyd, Turner Atwood, Mr. Dowel and Elrod of Gainsboro; Richard Macon, Horace Bell and Sherrif John Ogle.

The good people seemed to enjoy themselves hugely. The afternoon was spent talking of the surprise and olden times. I have never seen anything so well enjoyed by both the honored mother and the honoring neighbors. The happiest thought of all that was said and done was expressed in these words: "This dinner is a token of our love and respect for your motherly care and kindness to your neighbors and community." When that thought was expressed how proud I was of mother. The diamonds which deck the crown of Queen Victoria shines but dimly to me when compared to the token of respect these kind neighbors have placed upon the closing career of her whom I delight to call mother. Before separating we all stood with bowed heads in prayer to our God thanking Him for the innumerable sings [things] he has showered our pathway and asking His help and guidance in the years to come. Mother was 67 that day and Father is 74. I am sure this happy occasion will be to them a "bright and shining spot to which their mind will oft times revert as they press onward toward the silent river where mortality ends and immortality begins.

The young people remained late at night and enjoyed themselves immensely as young people will and as they should. Thus passed away a day long to be remembered by all present Mother wishes me to say that she has no words to express her gratefullness to one and all. She simply says: "God bless you all my kind and good neighbors. May you all live long and happily on the earth and finally may we all meet in Heaven above." ---- John T. Oakley

The friends of our old townsman, Will T. Hale, will be glad to know that his new volume of poems, entitled "Showers and Sunshine" has just been issued from the press. --- No literary author in all southland stands higher today than this son of DeKalb county hills.


Hugh McClellan, son of Mr. S.W. McClellan of this place, was recently elected City Attorney of McKinney, Texas.

Liv Tubb is in Nashville this week buying goods.

John Goodner went to Nashville last week.

Miss Ella Jones and Mr. James Lauderdale will be married Wednesday at the Baptist Church, Rev. T.J. Eastes will officiate.

Mrs Medford and daughter, Maggie, left for their home in Franklin Thursday.

James Dinwiddie has purchased the Dinwiddie place on Main street and moved there last week.

Mrs. Swift has moved into the house with her son, Tom.

Charlie Wheeler and John Rutland placed 5000 young trout in Smith Fork last week.

Mr. P.L. Wood is quite sick.

Mrs. Patti McMillen has returned from a visit to her sister in St. Louis.

Miss Pearl Jones and Mrs. Neal were in town today.

Miss Daisy Odum visited relatives here last week.

I.M. Sanlin went to Nashville last week.

Our Neighbors
News Taken From Our County Exchanges

Rutherford County ---- The Murfreesboro News

After one of the closest fights ever seen here Robt. Bell of Jefferson was nominated for trustee in the Democratic convention last Saturday over Capt. F.M. Jackson and John T. Brown.

John F. Cason sold his fine horse, Favor, to a Nashville gentleman Monday for $1,000.

Wilson County ---- The Tribune

Gus Enloe of Nashville was up Saturday to see his sister who is very sick.

Wm. Grissim has bought Mrs. Jenkins home on Spring street for $3,000 cash.

Prof. Reed McDonald and wife of Nashville came up Friday and returned Monday.

William Cantrell of Guntersville, Ala. is in the city on a visit to his father, Judge Cantrell.

Bob Woollard came in Monday with three of the largest trout that have been seen in this country for years, the three weighing thirteen pounds. The largest weighed 5 1/4 pounds. Bob says he caught them in Green Briar Lake, but it is thought that John Trebing brought them from Nashville.

White County ---- The Expositor

The house of the farm of J.L. Dibrell, above town, was destroyed by fire Monday. It was occupied by Dick Williams, who rented the farm. All of his goods were destroyed, also about $30 worth of grain, etc. belonging to R.P. Officer.

Last Saturday, Dr. Breeding, assisted by Drs. J.L. Pope, R.L. Ray and Robinson, amputated an arm of Price Barlow at Monterey. Patient was 70 years of age and emaciated from a tuburcular elbow. He was doing well at last reports.

W.V. Walker, an 11 year old boy who is afflicted with white swelling, a son of David Walker of the 11th district, raised and marketed $26.38 worth of turkeys the present season and has a supply left.

J.M. Overton was in Sparta Tuesday.

David Officer, a leading citizen of the county, was exonerated from violating the revenue laws Monday.

The infant child of Scott Paul died Sunday and was buried Monday morning at the family burial ground.

Cannon County ---- The Herald

L.C. Bryson, who has been sick for some time, is able to be up again.

Wash Hoover of the second district has a yearling calf which has all the symptoms of hydrophobia.

The firm name of J.M. Summers has changed to J.M. Summers & Co., Brewer & Ramsey being the Co.

R.C. Stewart, W.C. Covington and Walter Hancock of this place and Josh Barton of Readyville attended the stock sale at Watertown.

Mrs. Melissa Escue, widow of the late Chas. Escue, died at her home in town yesterday.

Smith County ---- The Times

R.C. Williams, clerk of the circuit court of Smith county and United States commissioner, who was reported last week as confined to his room with prostrations consequent upon his attack upon C.W. Garrett recently, died at his home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, surrounded by his immediate family, sister and friends.

Anna Lee and Joseph, the two youngest children of W.E Myer and wife, are sick with the measles.

W.W. Lester and family have removed to Hartsville where Gregory & Lester have put in a large stock of buggies and wagons.

Judge J.N. Adams and Esq. G.L. White and B. Neal, the committee appointed by the Wilson County Court to build a jail, have returned from their tour of inspection.

Dr. A.H. Williams of Hendersonville, Sumner county, was shot from ambush last Friday night about 8 o'clock by some unknown parties. He died in a few minutes. He was a prominent physician and a substantial citizen. Every effort to catch the assassin was immediately made.

We learn as we go to press that L.B. Flippen of Carthage will be a candidate for the vacant circuit court clerkship at the August election.

Forks of Pike

Misses Alice and Martha Robinson spent Sunday with relatives at Dowelltown.

Mrs.Chas. Robinson and children have returned to their home at Milton Wednesday, after several days visit with relatives here and at New Middletown. Miss Lelia Robinson accompanied them home and will spend several weeks over theirs.

John Taylor and family are visiting Mr. Rigsby and family near Woodbury.

Mr.and Mrs. Jim Starks of Liberty spent Sunday with Mrs. S.D. Fite.

W.C. Groom and wife spent Sunday night with relatives in Dowelltown.

Mr ____ and Miss Beulah Groom were in our midst Sunday.

H.C. Givan and family spent Thursday with relatives at Watertown.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Barry, Sewell and Misses Nannie and Lizzie Barry visited relatives at Dowelltown.

Mrs. Billie Huggins gave a quilting to the young folks last Saturday.

Sam Vanatta and wife spent Friday with relatives at Watertown.

T.P. Bragg attended the stock sale at Watertown last week.


Ezra Smith of Watertown spent Sunday and Monday in Liberty.

Mrs. R.W. Yeargin of Alexandria has been visiting here for a week or more.

Charley Anderson (col) died last Friday after a lingering illness of several months.

T.D. Bass and family of Watertown visited relatives below Dowelltown last week.

J.L. Lamberson got home from Nashville last Saturday where he had been engaged as juryman in the famous Spurr trial for three weeks.

J.W. Overall is in Nashville this week attending the republican convention which elects delegates to the National convention and presidential electors.

Lizzie Lawrence, daughter of Uncle Wade Sims (col) came in from Mississippi last week. She will likely make this her home since the death of her husband.

Mrs. T.G. Bratten has been on the sick list for a few days but she is better now.

Wm. Oakley and son of lower Smith Fork were here on business last Saturday.

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