Editor, Will A. Vick
December 11, 1895
New Middleton
J.G. & F.G. Bridges have moved into their new storehouse.
W.B. Denny has moved his blacksmith shop across on the other side of the bridge.
Charlie Jones and wife of Gordonsville were the guest of W.F. Barrett and wife Sunday.
Goodis Stevens is having him a new well built.
Willie Wilson of Rome passed through town Saturday enroute to Lancaster.
Charlie Neal shipped a carload of sheep last week.
Luther Neal and Robt. Cheek left for Atlanta last week for the Exposition and then will go to Florida.
James D. Thomas went to Lebanon Saturday.
Miss Daisie Flippen and sister of Hickman spent Saturday night with Misses Malton and Alma Bradford.
Miss Florence Gill is visiting her sister, Mrs. D.K. Reeves on Hogan's Creek.
Brit Litchfield of Commerce passed through town Sunday.
Howell Hallum of Rome was in town last week and he has rented the Bradford house.
Sam Thomas of Enoch has moved to his farm near this place.
Grig Hale of Rome was in town Sunday.
Mrs. George and Miss Hettie Goodpasture of Carthage were the guests of W.F. Barrett and family.
Morgan Wallace and family of this place left last week for Humphreys county, West Tennessee to see his father and mother.
Fate Gill spent a part of last week with his sister, Mrs. John Rawkins at Hartsville.
I understand that Joe Flippen is a candidate for constable next year.
Mrs. H.C. Givan is on the sick list this week.
J.B. West had a real bad spell last Friday but he is some better today.
Sam McMillin had a wood chopping last Wednesday.
G.R. West and wife spent Friday night with J.B. West.
Mrs. S.D. Fite gave the young people a singing Saturday.
Miss Mary Flippen returned home last week.
Old Uncle Mathew Parker died last Friday after a short spell of sickness. His remains were buried at the Robinson graveyard.
Neal Parker, who cut his foot with an ax some weeks ago is not doing any good.
Miss Josie Close is confined to her bed with sickness this week.
John Martin is improving slowly after several days sickness.
Lev Curtis is on the punny list this week.
Chas. Sellars is visiting at Lebanon this week.
Miss Nancy Hendrixson is on the sick list this week.
A.R. Myers has gone to Nashville this week to buy Christmas goods for W.B. Williams.
Mrs. Joe Jacobs is very sick with pithsic. [sic]
Isaac Burkett of Dowelltown is moving up in the Huggins settlement.
Frank Atwood of Brush Creek is visiting relatives here this week.
Our Neighbors
News Taken from Our County Exchanges
Geo. M. Whitson returned Thursday from Patterson, N.J. where he has been engaged in business for the past six or eight months. He will visit his father's family and other relatives for a few weeks.
Mr. R.H. Mason went to Franklin last Saturday, at which place he has purchased property.
It has been said by many that "Rufe" Fields is another "Bob" Taylor. This is a good recommendation.
Mrs. A.J. Myers returned last Friday from a visit of several months to relatives in Wisconsin.
R.M. Fields delivered his characteristic lecture on "The Country Editor" to a good-sized audience in the Opera House here Tuesday night.
At 6:15 o'clock last Tuesday morning, December 3rd, 1895, at her home in this place, Mrs. Jane B. Mead, wife of Mr. R. Mead and mother of Col. Jno. G. McGuire, breathed her life away surrounded by family and friends.
Mr. Jessie Hardin, a young man of eighteen summers, died Thursday and was buried Friday at the Cunningham graveyard.
A. Grissim moved Friday from Mrs. Mollie Bass to Calvin Jones.
Mrs. Jennie Phillips has been quite sick but is some better now.
George Edwards is on the sick list now.
T.W. Vantrease of Mahone is here today on business.
Mr. Bob Gribble and wife of Greenwood were visiting at Hardin Phillips yesterday.
T.M. Givan is the juryman from this (3rd) district at the special term of circuit court next Tuesday.
Mrs. Doc Bass is slowly improving.
W.A. Spurlock has enlarged his storehouse and now he carries a large line of goods.
Robt. Givan will tell you about the shake up he has received by being thrown from a horse.
R.J. Evans and C.Y. Givan will buy anything in the shape of a calf.
Willie Henley visited relatives near Alexandria last Sunday.
Billie Foutch, from "on the river", was to town today.
George Bradford, representing Bradford & Carson, was here this week.
Liv Tubb left this morning for a business trip to Nashville.
Born to Chas. L. Palmer and wife Sunday, a girl.
Mr. John D. Bone and Miss Mattie Bone leave this morning for an extended visit to relatives in Texas.
Miss Jimmie Bowers, formerly of this place, was married to Mr. Tom Vaughn of Nashville recently.
Rev G.L. Beale preached at the Methodist church Sunday.
Eld. J.B. Fletcher went to linwood Saturday.
A.P. Smith moved this week to the Cooper place on Locust street, John Goodner will move to the house Mr. Smith has occupied.
D.W. Dinges has returned home.
Dr. Brien Tubb had a severe chill last week.
John W. Botts has been sick for several days.
Hal Tubb returned from Nashville Thursday.
W.F. Johnson of New Middleton was in town Saturday on business.
Robt Lawrence of Brush Creek was in town today.
Mrs. James Allen died last Friday morning. She was the mother of Walter Allen who clerks for Hal Tubb. She was buried near Holmes Gap.
David Dinwiddie is clerking for Hal Tubb to assist him during the rush of holiday trade.
Clay Barry is sick with a slight attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. R.E. Lee is improving from her recent illness.
Eld. O.P Barry improves slowly from his recent spell of sickness.
C.H. Hall, an old resident of this country but now of Ala., is here now.
Elijah Yeargin is now a resident of Liberty and lives on the North Side.
Uncle Champ Wilson (col.) died at his home one mile north of town last Saturday night.
C.W.L. Hale has been confined to his room for a week with a sore leg.
Miss Nora Martin left yesterday for her home in Nashville, accompanied by Miss Virgil Overall.
D.D. Overall is in Nashville this week buying holiday goods.
Prof. N.L. Gold is a graduate National Normal University of Lebanon, Ohio and a teacher of 15 years.
By mutual consent, Prof. M.M. Summars has retired from the faculty here and is succeeded by Prof. N.L. Gold of Gordonsville.
C.L. Bright and S.L. Williams have gone to Nashville this week to buy holiday goods.
Presiding Elder T.B. Fisher will preach at the Methodist church here tomorrow (Thursday) night.
Lost-between Watertown and Smithville an express package containing the supreme court of about 500 pages in the case Robinson vs. Crowley. A reward of $2 will be paid for its return to Overall Bros.
At the regular meeting of the Knights of Pythias last Thursday night, [officers elected were]: W.J. Gothard, C.Y. Givan, T.M. Givan, J.M. Bradley, T.A. Carden, Will A. Vick, G.M. Bradley, W.H. Smithson, and J.L. Lamberson.
Mrs. J.W. Scott is very sick at her home on Dismal.
Aunt Lou Groom, a good old colored woman of this town, died last Sunday night.
E.E. Bass of Griffin Ga. has been visiting the old home folks for a week.
Robt. Bruce and Frank Turner of Gordonsville spent last night at W.L. Vick's. Frank is a son of Rev. J.F. Turner who used to teach school here. Frank is preparing for the university and his brother, Hugh, is reading law.
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