Editor, Will A. Vick

November 13, 1895

New Middleton

Lattie Coward, formerly of this place, now of Kentucky, is visiting friends and relatives at this place.

Maj. John S. Gill who was very sick died Tuesday, Oct. 29th and was buried Wednesday at the Barnett Camp Ground near Rome.

The storehouse of W.B. Denny is near complete and will be ready for J.G. & F.B. Bridges to move to in.

Ayers & Reeves of Statesville were here last week and bought several miles.

Esq. Joe Baird, who had a tumor taken out of his side, is able to be out again.

K.C. Tery and J.D. Thomas left Saturday night for Bloomington.

Dr. S.A. Garth, the Dentist, is in town again for a few days.

Miss Carrie Hallum of this place is visiting friends and relatives at Rome this week.

Mrs. Edgar Thomas is on the sick list this week.

Dr. J.G. Bridges is in Nashville at the bedside of Mr. James Calhoun who is at the point of death.

John Smith of Watertown was here part of last week.

Robt.Thompson of Carthage is visiting his sister, Mrs. John Ballinger.

Miss Bertie Mores of Grant was the guest of Miss Zeleaka Gill last week.

Wyatt B. Denny bought 100 barrels of corn Friday.

Miss Millie Lamberson of Lancaster is visiting her sister, Mrs. B.N. Hicks.

Neal Bros. shipped a big lot of bran Saturday.

L. Furgerson visited home folks at Chestnut Mound Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Etta Bowers returned home Thursday.

Dr. J.G. Bridges returned home from Nashville Monday.

Jim Thomas made a flying trip to Hickman Saturday.

Sion Agee is having his house repaired.

Wyld Floyd of Commerce was here last week and did a lot of brick work.

Luther Neal went to Maggart Saturday.

Robt. Cooksy of Tuckers X Roads passed through town enroute to Jackson county with his sawmill.

Howel Hallum of Rome was visiting his uncle, Dr. L. Hallum of this place.

John Barrett had a mare die last week and Dr. J.L. Jones had a horse die.


Now under construction is a large two story house for Bryan & McAdoo. Mr. Bryan will rent to Tobe Thomas for furniture and stoves and Mr. McAdoo will occupy his in general merchandise.

Mr. T.S. Philips went to the Hermitage last Thursday, being telephoned that the child of Mr. A.S. Allen had died. Mr. Philips carried his hearse for the corpse. It was interred at Poplar Hill cemetery.

The remains of Mr. James Maxwell of Nashville arrived here on the train and was conveyed to Mahone by Messrs. Young & Waters, undertaker. Mr. Maxwell was a former resident of Mahone.

The infant child of Mr.&Mrs. Caesar Thomas died last Thursday and was buried at the Jones graveyard.

Mr. W.E. Hale is the cashier of the bank, now on the corner of Main and Depot streets.

Mr. G.J. Neal has traded 4th interest in the Roller Mill to Mr. Simpson for the saw mill.

Mr. S.S. Patton was married to a lady out about Murfreesboro last Thursday.

Forks of Pike

Prof C.M and J.W. Preston and T.P Bragg attended preaching at the Christian church at Alexandria.

C.C. Groom spent Saturday night with J.R. McMillen.

Miss Beulah Overall spent Friday night with Miss Bessie Ford.

E.S. Barry spent Friday night with C.C. Groom.

Mrs. J.B. Hayes is having chills now.

M.W. Robinson left for Huntington this morning where he will attend school.

Miss Mary Flippen left here for Carthage to be present at the Chrysanthemum show.

Mr. Ed Robinson and Miss Arah Campbell spent Sunday evening at Wm. Robinson's.

Miss Maggie Robinson of Milton visited home folks Friday, accompanied by Marvin Jennings.

Little Bonnie Bogle and Bee Rigsby are very sick this week.

Our Neighbors

News Taken From Our County Exchanges

Putnam County ---- The Press

Mr.&Mrs. J.R. G______an and Mr.&Mrs. E.E. Dorman left for Atlanta and southern cities.

L.P. Gillem, Jr. has purchased the interest of L.P. Gillem, Sr. in the mercantile firm of Gillem and will continue the business alone.

In the case of the United States vs. J.C. Davis and sons of this county, the jury of the Federal court at Nashville found them guilty of illegally removing liquor and burning their bonded warehouse.

E.H. Jared is very ill at his father's in Rock Spring Valley.

The livery firm of Wall Bros. has been dissolved, Wall retiring.

J. Arnold has had an elegant set of folding blinds put up in the Pythian Castle Hall.

Wayne Furgeson of Virginia, General Revenue Collector, spent last night in the city.

White County ---- The Expositor

John Pearson suffered a severe attack Sunday night.

Mrs. W.G. Smith went to Tompkinsville, Ky., Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs. John H. Eagle, who is sick with fever.

A.N. DeRossett, Trustee of Cumberland county spent Sunday night in Sparta enroute to a fishing trip.

Rev. N. Crain and Miss C.T. Roy of Monterey were married on Oct. 27, 1895 at 7 o'clock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Franfort of Monterey. They returned to their home near Doyle on the 28th.

Walter S. McClain of Cookeville was in Sparta Monday. He will commence the publication [of] a newspaper at Cookeville about the 15th inst.

There has lately been discovered on the farm of Thos. and G.W. Metcalf in the eleventh district, a mineral spring which is pronounced excellent chalybeate water.

Harmon Little, trustee, has received the tax books for 1895 and is ready to receive taxes.

Frank Gist and wife of Texas have returned to Tennessee and will make their home in White county.

A.E. Rhea and wife and Mrs. Little of Bon Air are down on a visit to see Mrs. Patsy England.

Cannon County ---- The Courier

Mrs. Wm. Lafevers is very sick this week.

Lige Mullican of Texas is visiting his uncle, H.L. Preston.

The swindlers, J.D. Vance and Geo. Bucy, who so successfully have been passing bogus school warrants for the last few years, have not been caught yet.

W.H. Cummings arrived from Chattanooga Wednesday to be with his sick sister, Mrs. Wm. Lefevers.

T.B. Mears left Monday for Atlanta, Ga. to see the exposition.

Phillips & Jarman of Lavergne bought several mules here Monday.

George Stroud of McMinnville buying mules.

Rutherford County ---- The News

Miss Lizzie Henry fell and sprained her ankle last Friday morning.

The trial of West Woodruff, col., for the murder of Mr. Sam Elam has been continued until today.

Mrs. W.M. Kelly attempted to commit suicide by taking an overdose of morphine last Thursday. She was finally restored after working all day and all night with her.

Chas. McUin last Friday dismissed his appeal to the Supreme Court from the verdict of the jury giving him ten years in the penitentiary for murdering John Burnett and accompanied by Sheriff Smotherman, he boarded the train for Nashville to serve out his term.

Kama Marlin died at the home of his sister, Mrs. H.R. Adams, on Tuesday, Oct. 29. He was seventeen years old. Services by Rev. E.M. Harrell, his remains were interred in the family graveyard.

William Wells, while at work at Haynes' cotton gin last Friday afternoon, had his hand caught by the small gin saws and his arm drawn down in the gin until his shoulder stopped further progress. Amputation may be necessary.

Wilson County ---- The Democrat

Harry Grannis and Tom Ferrell are improving.

Hugh, the little son of Mr.and Mrs. Magness Bass died at the home of his parents near Shop Springs on Friday, Oct. 23rd.

Owing to the serious illness of his wife, Rev. P.A. Sowell, was unable to come here and by consent of the Bishop and exchange was effected and Rev. T.B. Fisher will occupy the district parsonage [here].

Chapman - Taylor

Last Wednesday evening a quiet wedding occurred at Dowelltown in which Mr. Sampson Chapman was groom and Miss Maggie Taylor [was] bride.


S.W. Watson of this place is no better.

R. Ballenger is improving his residence.

Old aunt Sally Holley, aged 63 years, died on the 4th inst. after a short illness of consumption and pneumonia fever.

Cherry Valley

T.R. Patton has actually moved into his new house Saturday which has been completed since July.

Mrs. Thos. Young spent Sunday with Mrs. H.A. Phillips.

Jack Phillips was over at the widow's Sunday.

Mrs. Thos. Young and son, Charles, made a visit to relatives at Gallatin.

J.D. Phillips will be out among his friends again in a few days.


Rev. G.L. Beale filled regular appointment at the Methodist church Sunday.

Mr. James H. Snoddy has returned from a several days stay in Wilson county.

Esq. John W. Botts little boy was kicked by a horse Sunday (in the head). The little fellow is not seriously injured.

Maud Gleason of Liberty is at Mr. J.T. High's.

Charlie Bailiff has accepted a position with I.T. Allen of Hartsville.

Mrs. Crutchfield and Miss Hattie Rutland left for Nashville last week.

Mrs. Mary McCollough has returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Nashville.

Mr.&Mrs. C.W.L. Hale of Liberty attended services at the Christian church Sunday.

Pearl, the little girl of Albert Allen, died last week.

Miss Beulah Lawrence of Brush Creek has been quite sick for several days.

Mrs. Bertie Barbee of this place is getting well.

Jo Sneed has the framing up for his now house on Main street.

Mrs. I.T. Allen of Hartsville is visiting her parents, Mr.&Mrs. H.H. Jones.

Frank, the little son of H.D. Foust, Jr., is very sick and not expected to live.

Edgar Marler of Linwood was in town today.

Miss Etta Bowers is visiting relatives near Alexandria.

Mrs. George Measle is improving.

Bro. Dave Warford is moving this week to the farm he recently purchased on the Liberty pike.

F.L. Bailiff has returned from Phillipi.


Maud Dougherty is right sick this week.

J.W. Crook is improving after a long illness.

Nice dried peaches-halves-at 6 cents at R.B. West's.

Robt Smartt of Brush Creek is visiting relatives here this week.

Mrs. B. Vandergriff moved to her old home near Dowelltown yesterday.

Dave Willis was in town yesterday. He has made and sold 1,200 gallons of molasses this year.

The Givan and Preston lawsuit has been compromised, the plaintiffs paying the defendant $1250 and taking possession of the land Jan. 1, 1897.

H.L. Craddock and Matt Bratten, two of our most promising young men, left yesterday morning for Huntingdon to attend school.

T.D. Hill moved into Liberty yesterday.

H.A. Bratten wants to buy a good harness and saddle horse not over 4 years old.

Mrs. Hattie Gwynne arrived from Texas last week and is now at her father's, W.H. Woodside.

Rev. T.A. Carden and Will A. Vick went to Gordonsville to attend the district stewards meeting.

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