Editor, Will A. Vick
August 28, 1895
Silver Point Adds a Murder to Her List
-Cookeville Press
Cannon County NewsMr. John Rushing, who had gone to Roberson springs for his health was called home by the illness of his little grand-daughter, Margaret Rushing, who has since died.
Mr. Geo. St.John had a warrant served on Mr. Al Bates of Readyville, Tuesday which charge him of beating to death a horse belonging to St.John. Mr. Bates gave bond for his appearance.
A difficulty arose between Wm. Sewells [sic] and Willie West of Hills Creek Sunday night in which Sowells [sic] received four ugly wounds by a knife in the hands of West. The officers were sent for but none happened to be in town, no arrest has been made as Mr. West skipped. Both were under the influence of liquor at the time of the fight.
A Mr. Henry Runnels, living three miles southeast of town, said that a Bill Bivins of Rutherford county introduced himself as Mr. Beaty and wanted to employ the Runnel's daughter as a nurse for his wife. It was proven in court the Mrs Runnels had requested this be done to prevent the whereabouts of her daughter being known to some young men of their neighborhood.
Dry CreekGrant Bratten has been on the puny list for several days.
Joe Barrett and Miss Mary Jane Hale were united in wedlock, Squire Jas Braswell officiating.
Mrs. Wm. Hendrixson, Sr. is on the puny list at this writing.
Dr. J.A. Fuson has been on the puny list for several days.
Mr. George Ellege is sick at this writing.
Miss Helen Close is not improving very fast.
We had a little skirmish this week between Simeon Taylor and Shade Tramel in which Taylor pelted Tramel pretty severely on the head with his fist.
Saturday night Thomas Reynolds and one Fish became involved in a difficulty in which Reynolds was hit on the cheek bone with a rock.
News Taken From Our County Exchanges
Smith County ---- The Times
William Brown, one of the parties implicated in the robbery of R.H. Cleveland's store at Pleasant
Shade a few days ago was tried on Monday and Tuesday in Carthage before R.C. Williams, U.S. Commissioner,
for robbing the post office at that place of about $3 in money and 200 2 cent stamps. The prisoner was bound over
to answer at the Federal court.
Mr. John Dickson had a very fine milk cow break her neck by getting her head tangled in a rope.
The death of Mrs. W.M. Gunn occurred at the family residence on Sparta street in this place at 11 o'clock last Monday morning, after a short, but severe illness. The deceased was 30 years of age.
Mr.&Mrs. Ed Nunnely were called to the bed of Mrs. N's sister, Mrs. Maggie Hobbs, who is quite sick at her home at Sewannee, last Saturday. They returned Thursday, leaving Mrs. Hobbs some improved.
Mr. Wm. Ramsey is rapidly recovering from a severe spell of fever at the residence of his father, Mr. J.C. Ramsey, on Smithville street.
Putnam County ---- The PressW.W. Lester has purchased from T.L. Denny ten acres in the Southwestern suburbs.
Mrs. Sam Young of Buffalo Valley has returned after a several weeks visit to Denver, Colorado.
C.Y. Jared, formerly of Missouri, has been employed as principal of the Cookeville High school, Miss Lizzie Owen will have charge of the intermediate department and Miss Nora Lee the primary school.
White County ---- The ExpositerLicense have been issued for the marriage of Rising Robinson to Mrs. Cannon Smith, for Sunday.
Bud Price has moved into the jail and Col. Tom Price, who is in feeble health, has gone to his son John's.
Mrs. Gen. W.G. Smith is visiting her father, Wm. Templeton, who is quite ill at Quebeck. Mr. Templeton is 91 years of age.
James Tompkins, brother of Geo. Tompkins, was severely hurt at Tubb's Rolling Mill last Saturday night. He fell down the steps, but is improving fast.
Married at the home of the bride's parents, two miles north of town, Aug. 19, 1895, Joe Tallent to Miss Cora Smith, Esq. D.G. Brown performing the ceremony.
Rutherford County ---- The NewsNews was brought to town Monday morning by Presiding Elder H.C. White of a sensational killing during the progress of church services at a colored church near Cainsville, on the Wilson County line, last night. Mr. White had just announced his text when a sharp report rang out followed by a groan and the sound of a man falling heavily upon the ground. The congregation was panic stricken and rushed outdoors, and, to the horror of everyone, found Perry Harris, a young colored man, lying dead on the church steps with a bullet through his heart and the upper part of his body covered with blood. Two or three men who were on the outside say that Harris was approached by Will Cluck, a young negro man living in the neighborhood, and questioned as to whether he (Harris) had said he saw Cluck in a compromising position with a young colored woman of the community. Harris flatly retorted that he had, and without further demonstration Cluck drew a pistol and fired with fatal effect. Cluck walked off unmolested after committing the deed, and the congregation waited outside until a coroner's jury was summoned and passed on the death of Harris the verdict being that he came to his death from a pistol shot fired by Will Cluck. Cluck is still at large.
Peoples' Party Resolutions Adopted at their Bright Hill Meeting
Forks of Pike
Prof. N.E. Groom commenced school on Sycamore today.
H.C. Givan bought the I.B. David farm near Prosperity.
N.G. Maddux, the noted collar manufacturer of Mechanicsville, spent Friday night with T.P. Bragg.
Hendersons X RoadsMrs. James H. David [sic] of Statesville is visiting her son, Dr. Davis.[sic]
Joe Oakley and family of Washington, D.C. are spending the week with their cousin in Watertown.
Born to Dr. Davis and wife, a boy.
Chambersville, TexasIra and Rush Lee are very low with fever at this writing.
T.B. Williams is all smiles this week as Miss Inace Meade has returned from Lebanon, Texas.
P. Robinson is with the writer today.
Geo. Close has a great deal of business at Lois Ganey's of late.
Prof T.M. Hinsley is teaching a penmenship class at Franklin.
Mr. Dug Cantrell is under the weather, he asked Miss Minnie to marry him and she said no.
AlexandriaLiv Tubb has moved his carpets, window shades, mattings and so forth to the Goodner corner having made an exchange of rooms with Goodner & Son at the bank.
Messrs. Dave and Bob Crutchfield of Nashville spent Sunday in town.
Next Saturday there will be a sale of the lands of W.B. Grandstaff, dec'd. by James Walker.
Jordan Vanatta has purchased the farm of Billie Turner near Brush Creek.
C.D. Baird is teaching the Watertown band.
Tom Davis of Brush Creek and Miss Estella Eaton of New Hope were married yesterday.
Miss Effie Jones of New Hope is visiting Miss Ada Bridges in town.
The sale of personal property of J.M. Walker, dec'd. will take place today.
Mrs. J.L. Dinwiddie visited relatives in Smithville last week.
Miss Myrtle Bowers left for her home in Nashville last Tuesday.
Esq. R.C. Nesmith was in town last week.
Rob Roy and Dib Dinges left for Bellbuckle last Monday.
J.H. Shaver went to Grant Sunday.
Elmo Hill and Charlie Ragland were in town today.
Mrs. S.W. McClellan and Miss Elsie Davis returned from Hall's Hill last week.
James Corley was in town today.
T.W. and Jack Goodner left for Nashville this morning.
Mrs. C.R. Groomes and D. Bethel left for their home in Saint Louis, Tuesday.
Enoch Rollins and Miss Cornie Brown and Florence Rollins attended the Rome fair.
Mr. Claud Doss (very faint) and wife attended the fair at Rome.
Miss McDonald is visiting Miss Carrie Simpson.
Esq. John Yeargin was in town today.
LibertyE.C.Bratten visited Smithville Sunday.
Seed Rye for sale by J.R. Corley, Dowelltown, Tenn.
Alfred Williams visited relatives on Smithfork Sunday.
Rufus Gleason and Chas. Wood were upon their wheels Sunday.
Mrs. Lucinda Evans on Dry Creek in on the sick list this week.
Tom Starks stuck a nail in his foot yesterday and is not able to work today.
Mrs. A. Key, daughter and Mr. Halowell returned to Murfreesboro Friday morning.
The little child of Mr&Mrs. Thomas Chapman, Jr. living above Dowelltown, is very sick.
Oscar Whaley presented our force with a nice lot of peaches. Many thanks.
Dry Poplar ceiling and weatherboarding and Oak fencing lumber for sale by T.H. Grooms, Gassaway.
J.D. Colvert finished roofing the new store of Vick & Bright yesterday. He put on 30 squares in 2 1/2 days.
Roe Malone's team ran away on Snow's Hill Saturday throwing him out and bruising him considerably.
T.H. Groom and Ben Odom, two successful farmers of the Sycamore country, were in town this morning.
W.H. Allen and Caskey Bros. brought a load of fodder to town Monday containing 1000 bales.
Howard Hudson is here today on business.
Mrs. M.A. Hollondsworth is not as well as she has been.
Joe Evans returned to Franklin Monday where he will attend school this fall.
Mr.&Mrs. S.W. McClellan of Alexandria visited at C.W.L. Hale's.
Frank Gaither, living on the Sellars farm on Sycamore, died last Friday.
Mrs. J.F. Woodward and two sons of McMinnville visited relatives at this place.
Mrs. Dr. Duggin of Dowelltown has recovered sufficiently to be carried to her brother's, Sam Odom near Auburn.
Miss Angie Eagleton died at her home in Woodbury, Sunday the 18th. She once lived here and has a number of friends left who will regret the sad announcement.
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