Editor, Will A. Vick

July 31, 1895


W.H. Overall went to Carthage Tuesday.

Rev. M. Curtis is fixing to build him a new dwelling.

Little Bill Corley has been hustling trading this week.

Mrs. J.T. Hill is on the sick list at present.

Smith Bros. are putting up J.R. Tramel a new barn.

Mr. George Measle, an insurance agent, was among us Tuesday.

Steven Vanderpool and familiy and Miss Belie Curtis are visiting in Smith county at this writing.

There is a small law suit pending here before Esq. J.R. Tramel.

H.L. Overall and Dr. Henry Curtis are out buying hogs this week.

Mrs. Elizabeth Williams of Dowelltown returned Monday after a short visit here to her daughter, Mrs. Alice Tramel.

Prof. Thos. Amonett, W.H. Overall, Prof. Henry Foutch, your scribe and others represented Capling at the Holmes Creek foot washing Sunday.

Mr. John W. Jacobs and wife of Hollandsworth, on a return from a visit to relatives here had the misfortune to have their buggy come uncoupled while in a fast speed. (Both fell out, slight scratches.)

Circuit Court ---- July Term

Below will be found some of the cases disposed of during Circuit Court of DeKalb county with special Judge Rob't Cantrell the first week and J.S. Gribble, Chancellor of the 8th Chancery Division, acting in the absence of Judge Smallman, who is sick.

CP-Carrying Pistol ---- Gam-Gaming ---- PD-Public Drunkness ---- A&B-Assault & Battery

State vs.:

Wm. Blankenship CP sent to work house
H. Maynard CP mistrial
J.D. Dyer Gam not guilty
Ike Hayes Giving liquor to minor not guilty
Ruf Carver   nollied on all cost
Oscar Herron & Fayette Vickers Gam not guilty
Samp Williams selling pistole $50 fine, sent to work house
Dan Jonas Gam not guilty
Ira W. King selling liquor continued
Wm. Corley CP guilty
Harve Ratley CP fined $15
John Bethel CP nollied
Sam Bing Assault with intent to murder convicted A &B, off at $20
Jas. Johnson CP guilty
R.E. Gilbert PD guilty
Jno. Malone CP continued
Pete McGiffy selling liquor con't by State
Dock Rigsby CP nollied on all costs
J.R. Cantrell obstructing public road con't by State
Dow Dyer CP, 3 cases guilty as to one
Henry Johnson (col.) CP nol. on all costs
Tom Merritt CP fined $5 and costs
Dock Allen PD guilty-new trial
Jas. Parsley CP con't by defendant
Ike Dunham CP fined 1 cent & costs
Jas. Miller A&B con't by State
Adam Hodge Assault with Pistol ignored by Grand Jury
Everette Trapp   continued
Ernest Luck CP con't by defendant
Jas. Anderson CP con't by defendant
Jas. Lewis disturbing school con't by defendant
Jas. Shields PD nollied on all costs
Eugene Fletcher PD nollied on all costs
W.H. Hayes CP & PD nollied on all costs
H. Calhoun selling liquor nollied
E.W. Potter ? ?
C.P. Palmer Gam nollied on $2.50 & costs
Sherman Crowder CP nollied on all costs
Charles & Nancy Bridges obstructing public road not guilty
Everette Trapp selling & giving liquor to minor not guilty
C.J. Dyer & L.G. Palmer Gam not guilty
Doss Tisdale CP mistrial
L.J. Potter selling liquor, 3 cases nollied
Jas. Ethridge arson ?
Jo & Wm. Wade larceny recognized to next term
A. Johnson larceny 18 mos. in penitentiary
A. Foutch Attempt to kill 12 mos. in penitentiary
Tom Bradford stabbing continued
Harve Dunn murder admitted to bail
Sam Odom Attempt to murder continued
Zed Mullinax arson continued
H. Johnson, et als larceny continued
Helen Parsley larceny continued
Jas. Johnson larceny ignored by Grand Jury
H. Johnson, Jas. Parsley, et als ? continued
H. & Carroll Johnson larceny continued
Carrol Johnson & Jas. Parsley larceny continued
Jas Parsley, et als larceny continued
Pleas & Carroll Johnson larceny continued
John Redmon assault to kill ignored
Tom Merritt felonious assault dismissed
Less Mitchell felonious assault dismissed
C.D. Mullinax larceny continued
Hershel Braswell larceny nollied & required to give bond for his appearance as a state witness in all the cases vs. H. Johnson, et als, also the same as to Harve Robinson and Monroe Snow.

Clerk's Sale of the I.B. David Land

Under order of the County Court of Wilson county pronounced at the July Term, 1895, in the case of H.C. David, etals against Victoria F. Paty, etals, I will at the late residence of I.B. David, dec'd., Wednesday-August 14, 1895, sell to the highest bidder …situated in the 14th Civil District of Wilson county, Tennessee …said tract contains 144 1/2 acres…will be sold in lots as follows to wit:

One lot of 65 1/4 acres, the Homestead and dower of the widow and will be sold subject to the life interest of the widow, as one lot. The second lot contains 40 acres on which is a small residence now occupied by J.H. Fite, Esq. The third lot contains 39 1/4 acres. This farm is situated one mile West of Cottage Home on a good turnpike leading from Forks of Pike to Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Cherry Valley

Jim Tramel is right sick with fever.

Last Thursday evening at 2:30, Mr. D.O. Phillips, accompanied by W.S. Phillips, J.P. Hays, Miss Ellen Phillips, Wily Patton, Miss Ada Phillips, J.D. Phillips, Miss Hattie Jones, Edgar Phillips, Miss Davie Phillips, B.H. Phillips, Miss Bestie Neal, and George Neal and wife, drove to Lebanon where he was married to Miss Mollie Simmons. Rev. J.P. Gillam officiating, after which they drove back, accompanied by several others to the home of the groom's father, Eld. Dave Phillips, where a bountiful feast awaited the coming of the bride and groom.


Esq. J.M. Walker, who died Saturday morning at 1 o'clock, was buried Sunday evening by the Odd Fellows and Knight of Pythias with impressive ceremonies. The funeral took place from the Baptist church, being conducted by Eld. J.M. Stewart.

Missie Cragwell (col.) was found yesterday unconscious in Simpson & Dinges lot where she had gone after the cows. She was carried to the home of Reubin Phillips where she is receiving medical attention.

Mr. B.F. Bell and others deserve the thanks of the school patrons for the nice walk made in front of the Masonic building.

A telephone message to the family of Mr. C.A. Bailiff announced the death of Mr. Burrell Driver at Gallatin Sunday.

Mrs. Robert Reeves, after a lingering illness, died at her home near town last week.

Mr. R.A. Lawrence and family of Brush Creek spent Sunday in town.

Robert Patterson, Esq. left for Nashville Monday.

Mr. J.F. Roy, cashier of the Bank of Alexandria, left for _____ Monday.

Miss Cordelia Rowland returned home from Lancaster Monday.

John B. Robinson, Esq. of Smithville was in town Saturday.

Carden Snoddy of Rome is visiting at Mr. James H. Snoddy's.

Cap't. R.V. Wright came up from Nashville yesterday and left for Sulphur Springs this morning.

J.H. Shaver and Hatton Kennedy spent Sunday at Grant.

Will Odom is at his father's near Commerce is improving slowly.

Mrs. Ed Reece and Mrs. Georgie Wade are at J.T. High's, Locust street.

William R. Cooper, wife and son, Ed, are visiting Mr. Isaac Cooper near town.

George Cooper left Saturday for home.

C.H. Rhodes of Milton is working in the Times office.

Dave and Bob Crutchfield of Nashville spent Sunday in town.

Mrs. L.E. Simpson and Miss Carrie Simpson are visiting in Rutherford county this week.

Dave Dinwiddie and James Fletcher smashed a bicycle wheel this week.

Frank Roy is out after being laid up two days from a bicycle accident.

Will Floyd of Commerce is clerking for R.E. Lee.

Dr. Brien Tubb and family have returned home from Smithville.

Mr.&Mrs. John Palmer and Mrs. Preston left this morning for Lafayette, Macon county to visit Mr. Bill Seay.

Miss Cornie Brown returned home yesterday from Beulah, Wilson county where she has been visiting relatives.

John Rutland, B.F. Bell, and R.A. Lawrence will leave today for Caney Fork on a fishing expedition.

Manson Payne, constable of the 11th district, arrested a crazy negro girl.

Our Neighbors

News Taken From Our County Exchanges

Rutherford County ---- The News

L.M. Hubbard, late of Wards Seminary, Nashville has bought the Campbell place, about four miles from town on the Salem pike and will convert it to a military Academy. The building will be remodeled and otherwise improved. Free transportation to the city will be furnished to the pupils.

William Turner, who was killed by electricity at the electric light station, was buried last Thursday night in Evergreen Cemetery. The pall bearers preceded the hearse on bicycles while following the hearse came a procession of the dead young man's friends leading their bicycles.

Prof. W.R. Webb of Bell Buckle will discuss the financial question at Smyrna Friday night, July 26th. He will divide time with Hon. A.B. Enloe of Jackson.

The authorities at Washington awarded Mr. John D. Fletcher a patent for a pneumatic harness saddle.

Mrs. Catharine Williams, widow of the late Chelsey Williams, died at her home in Eagleville last Thursday.

White County ---- The Expositor

Campbell Morgan came up from Cookville Sunday to hunt two boys who had run away from their home.

Mrs. E.W. Potter and daughter, Miss Hattie of Smithville are visiting relatives here.

The old courthouse is little but a memory, as the workmen have almost leveled it to the ground…

Mrs. H.J. Cardwell departed this life at his home in Warren county, Tenn., July 13, 1895, after a protracted illness of about six months. He was born near Cumberland Gap, Claiborne county, Tenn. in the year 1835.

Mrs. Green Cantrell died quite suddenly Tuesday night, July 23, 1895, at residence of her husband, three miles from Sparta.

Sunday, July 21, 1895, Wm. C. Cantrell, son of Green Cantrell, and Miss Ollie Carter were united in marriage, Rev. I.N. Keathley officiating.

Saturday last, Wm. Oaks and Miss Jennie Fraser, daughter of H.L. Fraser, County Register, were united in marriage, Esq. Breeding officiating.

Wilson County ---- The Tribune

Tuesday morning as Master Richards Sanders and Edgar White were driving out to J.C. Sanders, one of the cart wheels came off…Neither were seriously hurt.

"News of a serious affray between Capt. C.H. Burton of Mr. Juliet and a negro hand working about a thresher on Capt. Burton's place last Friday. The latter was struck on the head with an ax by the negro and very badly hurt. Full particulars have not been received.

Tuesday night while Ernest Robinson and Church McFarland were racing on their wheels the latter got a fall which bruised him up considerably.

A disgraceful rock fight occurred Sunday afternoon in Louie Johns laundry shop between Dick Jennings, White and Tom Harris, colored. Both were arrested and fined.

The two Hardy Hearns went to Nashville Saturday to meet Dr. Hearn of Woodbury on his return from Texas where he has been very sick.

Dr. Cowan went up to Monterey to see Hon. N.G. Robertson's baby, the little fellow being quite sick.

Frank Rose fell from the back end of Hannah's livery stable Tuesday morning cutting his head very badly.

Cannon County ---- The Courier

We learn with regret that L.L. Covington is sick with fever at Viola.

Dr. H.M. Hearn and family, after a sojourn of several months in Texas, have returned to Woodbury permanently.

Mr. Fuston of Mountain Creek, Warren county, father of Hemp Fuston and Mrs. Elijah Mears of this place, died Monday evening of fever. Mrs. Mears and her daughter, Miss Mollie, have left this evening.

A most distressing accident occurred to Miss Angie Eagleton. She had been walking in her flower garden, lost her balance and fell…not serious injuries.


Hon. B.M. Webb is quite sick. Dr. Parker and Dr. Wilson are his attendants.

T.M. Hooper's new brick store is being pushed under the supervision of C.C. Murphy of McMinnville.

Our streets are being worked this week by Dick Eaton and the boys of the town.

Several of the KP's went to the funeral of Esq. Mack Walker, who died at his home in Alexandria Saturday.

E.W. Potter went to Sparta Sunday to see his wife who is on a visit to her son's, Bob Potter.

Hugh Sparkman went to Short Mountain Sunday to visit friends.

Prof. W.S. Renick, who had charge of Pure Fountain school up till the spring of 1891, but who has been out west is in our midst this week.

J.T. (Tal) Allen, Dept. Circuit Court Clerk, left for Houston, Texas last Wednesday to accept a clerkship in a hotel.

Last Wednesday occurred the marriage of Mr. Wright of Rutherford county to Miss Jodie Dearman of this place, at Sulphur Springs, W.T. Dozier officiating.


The youngest child of Mr. W.D. Cates is very sick at this writing.

Misses Sue Youree and Electra Laughlin are visiting friends at Cateston this week.

Mrs. Belle Humphreys of west Tennessee will spend the summer at her father's, Mr. J.M. Roberts.

Temperance Hall

Mr. Jerd Watson, who has been quite sick for several months from blood poison died last Tuesday night at his home at Exum and was buried Thursday at the Watson graveyard, Caney Fork.

Charley Anthony, skipped last Thursday night. He left about 11 o'clock in the night and never told anyone where he was going.

Mr. Albert Chatman passed here last week enroute to Buffalo Valley to fish.

Prof. S.S. Robinson has had his dwelling moved over on the Smithville and Lancaster road.

Dr. T. Potter was in our midst this week.

James Turner visited Cove Hollow Sunday school last Sunday.

Joel Carr, our clever drummer, was in town today.


Mrs. Dr. W.H. Wilkes is on the sick list this week.

J.W. Overall has been on the puny list.

Miss Lillie Witt of Lebanon is visiting relatives here this week.

Mrs. J.N. Woodside and her baby are both on the sick list.

Bob Turner shopped a carload of fat hogs Monday, paying 4 1/2 a lb.

J.L. Hale, a good farmer of the 18th district, was here on business Monday.

Eld. Pruitt of Nashville is holding a series of meetings at the Academy.

Miss Belle Wheeler of Alexandria is visiting relatives and friends here this week.

J.M. Starnes, Chairman of the People's Party in this county, was here Saturday and Monday. His son was here also Monday.

Mrs. Oliver of Gordonsville has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Overall, she was accompanied by her grandson, Oliver Stanton.

Smith -- Whaley

This evening at 3 o'clock, Mr. W.C. Smith will be married to Miss Nannie Whaley at the residence of the bride's parents and Esq. T.G. Bratten will officiate. The groom is one of Liberty's most popular young men and the bride is the very amiable daughter of Mr.&Mrs. E.M. Whaley.

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