Editor, Will A. Vick

July 17, 1895


The many friends of Will Odom will be glad to learn his sickness is not so serious as first reported.

Esq. J. Mack Walker has been quite sick for several days.

Dr. A.B. Smith and family have returned from a visit to relatives in Nashville.

Ed Price of Rome is on town today.

Erwin Kenndey attended the ice cream supper at Grant Saturday night.

Miss Ida Eastes has returned home after an extended visit to relatives here.

Miss Lillie Witt visited at Grant last week.

George Cooper and family of Nashville are visiting Mrs. Rebecca Cooper of this place.

Mrs. E.T. Bowers and daughter, Fanny, of Nashville, spent a few days visiting relatives here last week.

Mr.[s] W.H. Petway returned to her home in Nashville Thursday.

Mrs. Andrew McClellan, Hassie Lucas, and Corille McClellan came over from Hall's Hill on a visit last week.

Dr. Ira W. King and family of Gallatin visited the family of Rev. Ira W. King last week.

J.T. High returned last week from an extended visit to relatives.

Liv Tubb went to Nashville last week.

Mrs. Mollie Shurer and Miss Daisy Odom are visiting at Commerce.

Cantrel Blackburn went to Smithville this week.

Mrs. M.N. Wood is visiting in Liberty.

New Middleton

John Bridges (col.) little infant child died Friday night.

Miss Bettie Neal of Watertown is visiting her brothers, Clarence and Luther Neal.

Mr. John White of Alexandria spent last night at W.A. Tramel's.

Miss Carrie Nichol of Elmwood was the guest of Miss Pearl Jones the past week.

Mr. Bransford of Lebanon was visiting his son, W.G. Bransford, of this place.

Mrs. Staggs and her two daughters and one son have been visiting her daughter, Mrs. D.E. Bradford.

R. Manning's little girl died Saturday with consumption and was buried Sunday at John Fuller's near Holmes Gap at the family graveyard.

"Mrs. B.A. High and Miss Bernice Odom are visiting friends here and at Gordonsville. Mrs. High is spending most of her time with her old friend, aunt Fannie Bowers of Gordonsville. Aunt Fannie died Sunday and will be buried today. She is the last one out of a large family."

"Clinton, the little son of Mr.&Mrs. Nick Duny is very sick. The doctors say that he has got a grain of popcorn in his windpipe."

Messrs. Robert Litchford and Robert Terry went to Rome Sunday and were accompanied back by Misses Carrie Hallum and Florence Gill, who has been visiting friends and relatives there for the past week.


Mears Bros. moved their art gallery to Smithville Friday.

Dr. Logan of Tullahoma was here last week doing some dental work.

W.H. Overall attended the institution of the K.P. Lodge at Watertown.

Atnip, Williams and Co. have been putting in good time here with their thresher.

Prof. Thos. Amonett had a fine mare to die from colic last week.

Simon Taylor flaged Berry Taylor's bottom field of corn Monday.

J.L. Tramel moved into his new dwelling Saturday.

C.H. Page's dwelling will be completed in the near future by carpenter Miles.

Prof. Henry Foutch of Alexandria will open up school at Cave Spring Monday.

T.S. Walls and family are visiting relatives on Dismal tonight.

Mr. W.R. Lewis, the well man, was here a day or two this week.

Mrs. J.F. Hendrixson is worse today and not expected to live but a short time.

John Self got seriously if not fatally burned Monday night. He started to throw a glass lamp outdoor, which he thought was about to explode-striking the door facing which broke the lamp and spilt the oil all over his body which at once ignited and burned his clothes off him.

Prof. J. Robert Curtis returned Monday night from Huntington Southern Normal University with his "sheepskin". He is now skilled in Astronomy.


The Bell Telephone Co. has put several phones at this place. Miss Clara Davis is operator at the Central office.

There will be a car of ice this evening for the Will Patton Creamery.

Rev. J.P. Gilliam arrived last week from a trip to Texas.

Mr.&Mrs. A.F. Thompson visited relatives at Laguardo last week.

M.F. Pickett and wife attended meeting at Hickman yesterday.

Miss Della Beasley of Beasley's Bend on the Cumberland has been visiting friends and relatives at this place.

W.E. Hale, cashier of the bank, is off at Scottsville, Kentucky on banking business. A. Bryan is acting as cashier in his absence.

Temperance Hall

Little Minnie Mason happened to a very bad accident last week by getting her arm broken.

John Yeargin went to Smithville today.

Mrs. Terry is very low with sickness this week.

Prof. J.E. Drake and D.B. Wilson will teach the school here this fall.

Eli Lawrence's little boy got his arm broke by being thrown from a horse.

Mrs. P.B. Bluhm is visiting relatives at Bluhm's Mills.

Mrs. B.B. Taylor has been visiting Mrs. Hays here this week.

S.S. Robinson went to Smithville today.

Edgar Hayes will go to Smithville today.

Miss Daisy Driver is visiting J.M. Starnes and family.

Rastus Lawrence was in town this week.

Our Neighbors

News Taken From our County Exchanges

Warren County ---- New Era

Dr. A.H. Conkwright of Kentucky has arrived and will sped the summer here.

Mrs. R.S. Brainard, a sister of the late M.A. Doty, died at her home near Nicholson Springs last Thursday night at 10 o'clock.

Oliver M. Thurman, who had been in failing health for a long while and seriously ill for several weeks died at his home in this place on the 14th inst. in the 68th year of his life.

Rutherford County ---- The News

Mr. Walter Hancock, one of the promising young attorneys of Woodbury, was in this city last week on legal business.

A.L. Todd of Rucker, this county, and Miss Mumeola Wilson were married at the residence of Capt. S.H. Wilson, the bride's father, in Jackson, Tennessee at 9 o'clock last Wednesday morning. Prof. Todd has been a member of the faculty of the South-Western Baptist University for the past three years.

White County ---- The Expositor

J.R. Tubb has had his dam repaired and his corn mill overhauled and is again at work.

J.C. Holloman, Jr. of Texas visited his uncle, D.G. Brown at this place, this week.

Mrs. Pauline Mills of Cookeville and Mrs. Thos. McCarroll and daughter of Charleston, South Carolina are visiting the family of J.L. Quarles.

W.B. Little of Pleasant Hill was united in marriage on the 7th to Miss Loucinda Robinson of this county, at the residence of the bride's parents.

Putnam County ---- The Press

E.H. _____red has been ill for several days, but is improving.

Eld. Howard Sutton begins his meeting at the Christian church today.

What came near being a serious accident occurred Saturday afternoon at the residence of Dr. H.C. Martin. The servant was ironing in the dining room and had a hot fire burning, when the fireback exploded throwing the blazing wood and coals all over the room. A piece of the rock struck Miss Mattie Shore, who was standing near, on the back of her neck, burning her considerably. It required some effort to save the building from burning.

Wilson County ---- The Tribune

Esq. J.N. Haloway had the misfortune to lose by death a very fine mare last Monday.

Henry Cox stopped in New Middleton on his return from the mountains.

Bill Donnell and Bob Weir will act as committee of arrangements at the open air meeting.

Mrs. Louise Golladay, wife of Col. E.I. Golladay, died at Franklin, Tennessee Tuesday last, her remains will be brought to Lebanon today. Services will be held at the C.P. Church by Revs. J.M. Hubbert and J.D. Kirkpatrick, burial at Cedar Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Golladay was born in Princeton, Kentucky; she was the daughter of D.F.R. Fossitt, a minister of the C.P. Church and the first President of Cumberland University.

Warren County ---- The Standard

Mr. J.S.Rains, after visiting his sister here for several weeks, left last Monday for his home in Texas.

Mr. W.H. Magness and sister, Miss Ella, are spending a few weeks at Oliver Springs, East Tennessee.

Miss Ida Moser returned last Tuesday from Chicago, where she has been attending the Art Institute for the last six months.

"Mrs. Mary Gribble, wife of Sam Gribble, died at her home in this place at 4 o'clock Thursday morning, July 11th, 1895 and was buried at 10 o'clock Friday morning with a funeral service at grave by Rev. C.L. Dickey and Rev. W.H. Doss. She was in her sixty-fourth year and had been in rather bad health for about three years, though seriously ill for only a few weeks.

Smith County ---- The Times

Miss Hale of Texas, who was visiting R.C. Williams and family and taken sick while in Carthage, has recovered and gone to Nashville where she will attend school this fall.

J.H. Robertson of Woodbury, who has been connected with The Record in Carthage for sometime, went to Lebanon last Sunday where he will take a position on The Tribune. J.S. Sanders will assume charge [of] The Record's mechanical work.

While J.M. Fisher and wife were on their way to Red Boiling Springs last Wednesday, their vehicle broke down between Defeated and Difficult, injuring Mr. Fisher somewhat.

L.C. Alexander lost a very fine stallion last week at Dixon Springs, a large bay, "Downer" by name, and his get are well-known throughout. W.A. Jordan recently lost an aged jennet and two colts and a Jersey cow.

Last night thieves entered the hotel here and took from the clothing of S.A. Garth, dentist, $15 in money and a watch worth $10. They visited Frank Fleming, the drummer and a Mr. Helton, securing about $2 from them.

Cherry Valley

John Williams visited his home near Lascassas Saturday, returning Monday.

Rev. J.P. Gilliam reached home Friday from Texas.

T.R. Patton's new house was completed last week. He will not move into it until fall.

C.C. Young drove his span to Henderson's X Roads Sunday evening on business.

B.H. Phillips was trying to "get young" Sunday evening.

W.P. Bass had a good mare killed Friday night by some low-down scoundrel.

Joe Beard (col.) died last week. He lost his mind about two years ago and was confined in a close cell until his death, as he was considered dangerous.

Tom Berry, who was kept in the Asylum three months last year, is getting off again and will have to be dealt with again as he is giving considerable trouble in these parts.


Mrs. J.E. Groom is very sick.

Percy Whaley went to Woodbury Sunday.

Sam Brown has moved his sawmill to Dry Creek.

R.G. Davis and his sons spent last night at C.W.L. Hale's.

John Davis is dangerously sick at his home in Hanner's Branch.

Joe Rutland, that popular hardware knight of the grip, is here today.

Author Jones of Nashville is visiting at T.G. Bratten's this week.

Miss Nannie Taylor is visiting home folks on Snow's Hill this week.

Mansfield Williams went to Nashville Monday to buy a stock of coffins.

James Woodsides of Nashville has been visiting relatives here for a few days.

Mrs. Horace Evans was taken very sick yesterday, but she is better today.

Wm. Huggins was overcome with heat Monday and has been laid up since.

Rev. T.A. Carden is out on Bro. Baker's work holding a protracted meeting.

Mrs. Thomas, mother-in-law of Nix Cathcart, died at her home near Gordonsville Sunday.

E.L. Jennings, a good farmer of the Statesville country, was here yesterday on business.

Mrs. J.B. Fletcher and Mrs. R.F. Jones of Alexandria were visiting friends here yesterday.

Miss Delia Barger and Forest Squires spent last week visiting relatives in Wilson county.

Will A. Vick threshed 650 bushels of Winter Oats and didn't get done at that.

Att'y Gen'l Sutton passed through town this morning enroute home to attend his wife who is very sick.

Ever since Monday the court has been engaged trying Ambrose Foutch for shooting Wilson Gragson. The lawyers are arguing the case today and the jury will be charged at 3 o'clock this evening.

Mrs. Dr. Redman and two of John Bryan's little boys of Wilson county have been visiting the family of Dr. Robinson for the past week.

T.G. Bratten has some bees that have made 48 pounds of honey besides filling the brood chamber this season. They are May swarms too, at that.

Mrs. W.P. Smith died at the home of her son in Dowelltown last Friday night. She had been in feeble health for some time, but the end was hardly looked for so soon. She was a good woman and lived to see her children all grown.

Last Sunday, Mon Dodd drove down to T.G. Bratten's in company with Miss Ella Bratten. Mr. Dodd talked for half an hour about crops, wheat thresher, etc. and finally drew some papers from his pocket, which he passed over to the Esquire. They were explanatory and in a few words it was Mr.&Mrs. R.M. Dodd.

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