Editor, Will A. Vick

June 6, 1894

Round Top

Anna Mae Fite, daughter of Chas. B. Fite, has been right sick, but is thought to be some better.

Rufe Smith had the misfortune to lose a fine mare one day last week.

J.E. Woods is a hustler, he hauled two logs to a saw mill in one day.

J.M. Walden got his hand badly hurt while shoeing a young horse.


Elder Lun Kidwell of Smithville fainted while preaching at the Christian church. He is quite sick.

Mrs. W.H. Petway of Nashville is visiting relatives here.

Mrs. O.P. Hill and son, Miller Schurer Hill, of Beech Grove are visiting relatives at this place.

T.B. Compton has returned home from a business trip.

Miss Mattie Walker has had some excellent crayon portraits made of her father and mother. She is an agent for this kind of work.

Ira W. King, Jr. has returned from a visit to Gallatin.

Miss Daisy McKnight of Readyville is visiting friends near this place.

Miss Lena Tubb has returned from Nashville where she has been attending Dr. Princes College for Young Ladies.

Prof. J.L. Boone and family are visiting relatives near town.

Rob't. L. Lee went to Smithville this afternoon on business.

W.T. Jones of Sykes was in town today.

Born to W.B. Si____n and wife last week, a boy.

Mrs. Martha Cobb has been sick several days.

R.M. Bone and family went to Liberty Sunday.

Miss Laura Reece and sister, Mrs. Mary McCollough, have moved on Church street.

John Rutland is on the road to recovery.

Mrs. Matt Wood has been quite sick for several days, but is better today.

Mrs. J.A. Donnell and Miss Mattie Bone went to Liberty Sunday.

Tribute of Respect

Sunday School resolution on the death of J.E. Robinson, S.S. Supt.----from Temperance Hall, May 21, 1894----signed by: N.W. Mason, P.E. Williams, Ira Rose, and Daisy Driver.

Resolutions of Respect

Eagle Lodge No. 93-- resolutions on the death of W.T. Gossett which occurred May 8, 1894-from Liberty, May 25, 1894 signed by T.A. Carden and T.J. Jackson.

Henderson X Roads

The spring term of the Fall Creek College closed last week. The four graduates were; Virgil Patton, Miss Bessie Alexander, B.H. Clemmons and Merida Beadle. The graduating address was given by Charlie Oakley, after which Prof. Pat ton presented diplomas.

Lillard Thompson and Sam P. Davis, candidates for Attorney General, spoke at the College.

Misses Willie and Beulah Grooms of Cottage Home are visiting Misses Lillie and Lucy Oakley.

Rev. T.J. Oakley left for Warren Co. today, where he will preach the funeral of the Grandfather and Grandmother of Prof. J.W. White. The deceased couple was Brother Pope and wife.

Eld. A.J. Brandon will fill the pulpit at Fall Creek Sunday.

Eddie Clemmons has returned from Texas badly afflicted with rheumatism.

District Conference

The Lebanon District Conference will be held at Smithville, June 21-24. Rev. T.L. Donnell will preach the opening sermon. Devotional exercises conducted by T.A. Carden; Reports by layman-R.P. McClain, Geo L. Beale, John F. Henry, Josep h Webster, W.T. Haggard and Frazier Cochran, music by J.T. Currey, P.E.

Land Sale-in Circuit Court

Aaron Braswell vs. Martha Rhody, et al
To sell the remainder interest of M.J. Rhody, a tract of land, 130 acres on Dry Creek, in the 4th district, DeKalb.


Marshall Donnell is some better this morning.

Miss Lena Odom has been very sick for several days.

C.C. Odom is on a visit in Warren county.

Rev. Lija Mears preached at the Christian church Sunday.

Mrs. Sarah M. Bradford left for her home in Louisville after a several weeks visit to friends and relatives.

Letter from Bud Taylor in Bois, Texas

J.L. Hollandsworth
The announcement came at 8 a.m. last Saturday that J.L. Hollandsworth had died. He was buried by the Masonic fraternity and his funeral was preached by Elder T.J. Eastes. His wife who survives him is an invalid, not being able to walk a s tep.

Cottage Home

W. Truitt, J.W. Hayes, W.C. (Will) Jennings, Esq. and Walter Edwards went to the lower Smith Fork fishing last week.

Henry Barrett's crib caught fire Friday night. John A. Fuson sustained a painful injury by sticking a nail in his barefoot while trying to put out the fire.

W.L. Sellars and family visited relatives at Auburn Sunday.

Mrs. J.H. Davis is on an extended visit to relatives in Nashville.

Miss Lou Sellars of Forks of Pike was here on a visit last week.


W.A. Huggins lost a good mule last night.

Mrs. M.C. Vick is on the sick last this week.

J.W. Overall has gone to Bloomington Springs for health.

Dr. W.H. Robinson has been on the puny list for a few days.

W.H. Huggins and nearly his entire family have been on the sick list for several days.

Rev. T.A. Carden's baby is very sick with whooping cough.

Mrs. Elizabeth Turner has been sick for a few days.

Mrs. A.L. Foster(NOTE: This was my Great Grandmother) died at home last Sunday in Smithville. She had been an invalid for long time.

F.M. Irwin, the photographer, is confined to his room with a slight case of sickness.

Mrs. Seals and her daughter, Miss Fannie of Arkansas, have been visiting friends and relatives here this past week.

Jo Evans, a son of M.A. Evans, was taken sick Friday and died suddenly this morning. He was a splendid young man.

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