Editor, Will A. Vick

November 22, 1893


J.A. Gothard of Smithville was here Wednesday to defend Jim Taylor in a lawsuit.

Elbert Taylor of Hicks, we are glad to say, hasn't suffered but very little from that terrible disease, "Epilepsy".

Esq. E.C. Walker has been dangerously ill, but is better now.

C.C. Spencer buried his baby Sunday-whooping cough.

Pole Woodside and wife and little boy, Marvin of Liberty, have been visiting at W.H. Jones.

A shrewd little boy of John Hayes of Temperance Hall was here selling books.

Esq. J.T. Self moved Thursday to his farm near here and Jas. Jacobs will occupy the Self house.

Mrs. Eliza Pullin is on the sick list at present.

A.C. Barry, wife and little boy, Fantly, are visiting relatives at Forks of Pike.

Letter from New Hope, Texas, from Wm. O.

Mentions seeing Sam Lewis who bought a farm in Dallas county and Geo. Lewis-also Elick Hallin who lives near Rose Hill and will move to Garlind soon.


R.V. Goodner, representing the Chattanooga Pants Factory, was here Wednesday.

Prof. E.W. Brown, our efficient sup't of schools, was in town today.

Miss Hattie Blackburn has returned after several weeks in Nashville.

James A. Donnell and Miss Annnie Lou Donnell left Saturday for Nashville. Miss Etta Donnell left for Auburn, Kentucky where she expects to make her future home with her sister, Mrs. Dollard, of that place.

Jo Knowles left for his home in Nashville Saturday after a visit to his daughters at this place. His grandson, Jo Preston Smith, is about well again.

Bob Cooper is making his first trip this week as a peddler.

The happiest grocery merchant in Nashville is Miller Schurer-he has Jim Evans for a clerk at his store and a nine pound book-keeper at home

J.T. High has returned from a visit of several weeks at Quebic, White county. His wife is expected home in a few days.

Three of Smithville's beautiful young girls are visiting friends at this place, Misses Nora and Willie Lee and Miss Lizzie Fletcher.

Miss Ellie McMillen of Statesville spent Friday in town with her uncle, Dr. Sam McMillen on Main Street.

Dr. A.J. Edwards will move to the Bell House on the Carthage pike.

Thompson Wright has been quite sick at Brush Creek, but is thought to be getting well.

W.J. Lee, Flem Smith, and Mrs. Gur Johnson visited the family of A.B. Smith.

Miss Ella Vantrease is visiting Miss Cecil Barry on west Locust street.

Miss Lallie Smith, daughter of Mrs. Sallie Smith of Watertown, died Monday night of consumption.


Wayne Cates got badly hurt last Friday when his team ran away.

J.E. Hollis and Miss Martha Saflal were married last week. The groom is 56 and the bride 50.

Mrs. George Perryman was buried at Curlee's burying ground the 25th.

The oldest son of W.D. Cates died November 2nd. Oscar was 15 years old and was a cripple nearly all his life.

There is a singing class at Cateston Music hall conduted by C.T. Cates.

Miss Mary Lance of Readyville is attending the Normal.

Will Home of Nashville is visiting and hunting near this place.

Misses Sue Youree and Electra Laughlin of Cripple Creek are attending the Cateston Singing Normal this week.

Miss Alma Bradon of this place is visiting her uncle, Tom Todd, at Murfreesboro.

John Roberts and wife of St. Louis, Missouri, are visiting his parents this week.


Bob Bradley (Pardner) will leave for the Lone Star State next week

Wm. Truitt of Auburn was in town Saturday on legal business.

W.R. Bennett will go to Nashville to remain several weeks.

Prof. James Parker will move from Dismal Creek to Helton this week.

Henry Smith of the Cottage Home neighborhood was in town Saturday.

J.C. Allen of the Smithville country was here on business.

Rufe Gleason and Charlie Bratten went to Smithville Sunday on their bicycles.

Miss Vera Robinson of Dowelltown is visiting Miss Ara Cambell this week.

W.G. Evans is very much better this week.

W.H. Allen and Bob Casky hauled a load, 64 bu., of corn to town.

Rev. T.A. Carden returned from Temperance Hall Monday.

E.J. Evans of Smithville has plenty of good brick for sale.

Dr. J.R. Hudson, J.W. Overall and E.C. Bratten of this place will attend a K of P banquet.

People in the Cottage Home and Round Top country will find it to their interest to call on Dulaney Jennings for honest goods at reasonable prices.

Mr. & Mrs. James Perser, Misses Neal and Florence Bass of McMinnville spent Saturday and Sunday with the family of A. Daugherty.

Authorized Agents

The following are authorized to solicit and receive subscriptions for The Herald.
James Jones-Alexandria L.A. Phillips, Cherry Valley
W.B. Foster-Smithville J.F. Johnson-Statesville
D.Driver-Temperance Hall Daisy McAdoo-Simmon's Bluff
R.H. Odom-Auburn Wm. Medling-Milton
Journal Bryan-Watertown J.G. Gilbert-Jones Mills
Lillie Oakley-Watertown J.E. Moore-McKinney, Texas
T.E. Bell-Lascassas L.L. Melton-Gassaway
W.A. Haley-Goodlettsville J.R. Tramel-Capling
Miss Nolia Davis--Hollandsworth  

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